For today’s episode, we’re bringing you the second half of the Repertory workshop featuring Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.
As I mentioned last episode, this was an immense project: we had a company of 6 actors (half professional and half younger and/or newer) who met twice a week for 7 weeks to work on 4 different scenes! Everyone played at least two characters and they worked with two different directors. What continues to be really amazing about all these workshops is that even the pro’s get to work on parts they might not have otherwise – it’s truly a win-win for everyone! And if you listened to part one of Repertory, you’ll hear these actors playing all new characters today!
Last time we heard two scenes directed by Brendon Fox from Act 1 and 2, and today we have Act 3, Scene 1 and Act 3, Scene 4, both directed by Elizabeth Swain.
In the fist scene: Viola (as Cesario), is on her way to see Olivia, and encounters first the Fool Feste and then Sir Toby and Sir Andrew. Olivia, meeting Cesario, sends the others away and declares her love.
Then in our second scene – Malvolio, who (according to the mischievous letter he received) is dressed with yellow stockings and is smiling grotesquely, appears before an astonished Olivia. Thinking him insane, Olivia puts him in the care of Sir Toby, who decides to treat him as a madman by having him bound and put in a dark room. Toby also decides to deliver Sir Andrew’s challenge to Cesario in person in order to force the two of them into a duel. Terrified, they prepare to fight.
As I mentioned last time, this group all did such exceptional work – it’s so much fun to see how each of them explored so many different characters and imbued them all with such personality – not only the characters, but made them each their own. You can really hear the actors having so much fun with this.
Join us in The Rehearsal Room!

And if all this sounds like something YOU would like to do, we have just opened enrollment for our next online workshop for February 2022 in the Rehearsal Room: a Comedy of Manners scene with our director from part one of Repertory, Brendon Fox.
As an actor you can work with him, dramaturg Philippa Kelly, and voice coach Ursula Meyer, along with professional actors on a scene from Hannah Cowley’s play The Belle’s Stratagem. Or join us in the virtual audience to watch all the work live or on replay. We have limited spots for actors and registration to be IN the scene closes Sunday, January 23rd.
We continue rolling out these episodes from the past 12+ months of workshops we’ve been doing, including Hamlet, King Lear, Troilus and Cressida, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, and King John and more. You get some of the popular plays and the lesser-known ones too. If you’ve missed any presentations thus far, click here to find them all.
Our director Elizabeth Swain is back after directing scenes from As You Like It and Richard III in The Rehearsal Room, which you’ll find on the podcast and on YouTube. Liz is an actor and director who has taught at CalArts and is Professor Emerita at Marymount Manhattan College, and studied at Shakespeare’s Globe in London.
These presentations are available on the podcast and YouTube, and you can find both below. While there is a video component, since so much emphasis is on the text, I believe it’s still an excellent experience with the audio version.
As with Part One, there’s lots of fantastic discussion and you are in for even more first-rate work. I’m very grateful to Liz and Brendon for bringing up this idea in the first place and being willing to take this ride. I’m so glad we did!
Enjoy the audio version of the Repertory presentation of Twelfth Night, Part Two:
Total Running Time: 1:45:56
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Or watch the presentation!
Twelfth Night, Part Two
DIRECTOR: Elizabeth Swain
DRAMATURGS: Gideon Rappaport (Q&A episode) and Philippa Kelly
VOICE COACHES: Ursula Meyer(Q&A episode) and Scott Ferrara(Q&A episode)
Act 3, Sc 1:
- FESTE – Garrett Botts
- VIOLA – Sara Mountjoy-Pepka
- OLIVIA – Michele Schultz
- SIR TOBY – Jamal Douglas
- SIR ANDREW – Janet Greaves
Act 3, Sc 4:
- VIOLA – Michele Schultz
- OLIVIA – Sara Mountjoy-Pepka
- MARIA – Erika Rolfsrud
- MALVOLIO and SIR ANDREW – Janet Greaves
- SIR TOBY – Jamal Douglas
- FABIAN – Garrett Botts
Liz Gideon Philippa Ursula Scott
Janet Erika Jamal Sara Garrett Michele
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