Featuring actors, directors, designers and artists who recently left us. They spent their lives dedicated to the arts, and all found success in some form.
Get Libby Appel’s new Chekhov translations in “Five Chekhov Plays” – used in our upcoming September session!
In preparation for our Chekhov session in The Rehearsal Room this September, you can get your own copy of Libby Appel’s new translations, co-produced with Allison Horsley. BUY NOW As Libby shares: I discovered Anton Chekhov’s plays at age 16 when an English teacher in my junior year of high school assigned us THE CHERRY […]
RadioPublic paying podcasters (like WAJ) when you listen!
The podcast is now being supported (meaning PAID) when listeners hear the show using RadioPublic! At no extra cost to you, and with a link that works almost anywhere (plus they have their own app), you can check out the show and support the work behind it. It’s free, easy-to-use, and helps listeners like you […]