We have another special episode today from the vault of scene presentations!
From our June 2020 workshop, it’s the final session of Act 1, scene 1 and Act 4, scene 4 from Shakespeare’s Richard III.
It’s already been over a year since we started these programs, and it’s so much fun to go back and watch how it all started.
What’s very cool to see is that the nucleus of the workshops has remained the same—pretty early on w all discovered something really worked with this format and we kept it going!
I do have a plan to share more of these presentations; I just have hours and hours of amazing footage that I’m excited to share with all of you.
And as part of this rollout, I’m planning to release all of these on both the podcast and YouTube, and you can find both below. While there is a video component, since so much emphasis is on the text, I believe it’s still an excellent experience with the audio version.
Enjoy the audio version of our very first presentation: Richard III 1.1 and 4.4
Total Running Time: 1:35:32
- Stream by clicking here.
- Download as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as/save link as”.
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Or watch the presentation!
Richard III – Act 1, Scene 1
DRAMATURG: Gideon Rappaport (Q&A episode)
- DIRECTOR and CLARENCE: Geoffrey Wade (episode)
- RICHARD: Tony Amendola (episode)
- BRACKENBURY: Russell Clements
Richard III – Act 4, Scene 4
- DIRECTOR: Gigi Bermingham (episode)
- MARGARET: Anne Gee Byrd (episode)
- DUCHESS: Kandace Crystal
- ELIZABETH: Ashley Engelman
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