For the first time, I’ll be releasing the weekly sessions on YouTube for ALL to enjoy.
The goal here is to reach more actors, artists, and theatre lovers who would benefit from:
- a deeper examination of material
- insight into how the collaborative process brings a show to life
There’s no reason our Rehearsal Room can’t be its own weekly “show”. I’m inspired by all of you willing to come together to do this in a “down and dirty fashion” – a la public access channels! – and time will tell how large and popular this could become – but I have high hopes. 😁
Thank you to our group of artists in June (details below) willing to experiment here!
I’d love for you to follow along, so just click below to subscribe to our YouTube channel – and then click the bell icon to get notification of when new videos are released!
Watch The Rehearsal Room on YouTube
Don’t miss the weekly sessions!
The scene for June’s workshop
Our group will be working on sections of Act 2, Scene 2 and Act 3, Scene 2 from Shakespeare’s Hamlet – AND they will also look at the beginning of Act 2 in Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
We will examine Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Hamlet in HAMLET and the arc of their friendship, from innocent bonhomie to profound betrayal. And as a bonus, we’ll look at the scene at the opening of Act 2 of Stoppard’s ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD where Stoppard imagines the conversation of his protagonists immediately after that Act 2 scene in HAMLET.
Scenes from the Folger Shakespeare Library here and here for the Hamlet sections.
Shakes/Stoppard Team – bios below:
- DIRECTOR: Geoffrey Wade
- DRAMATURG: Gideon Rappaport
- And the PLAYERS…
- Marcelo Tubert
- Nick Cagle
- Dan Cordova
Geoffrey’s notes on casting: In the spirit of these WAJ scenes being about exploration rather than performance, I’d like the casting to be variable and TBD. I think everyone, including me, will have a uniquely insightful experience by looking at the work from a variety of perspectives. Hamlet is the ultimate ‘many-ways-to-interpret’ part, so I think it’d be interesting to let each actor at least have one go at it.”
REPLAYS (both video and audio) will be available weekly in June. (The first session will be available ~ June 11th.) I’m looking at how attendees can be part of the final “live” session on Thursday, June 27th – perhaps via a LiveStream on YouTube – stay tuned!
As a PATRON (starting at just $5), you can also get:
- Viewing of the sessions early (3-4 days before they go public)
- Priority access to ask questions of the artists
- And other perks
Get EARLY access and more via Patreon!
Want to be in the Room where it happens? 😉
These sessions are always filled with amazing scene work, and you’ll learn:
- how professional artists approach material
- what questions to ask
- what the director expects from actors
- how to find character clues from the text
- how the exploration never stops!
The great joy of these programs is that we get to:
- spend SO much time diving deep on a scene and characters
- bring together lifelong professionals with newer/younger actors
- cast roles while being totally open to race, gender, and age
Artist Bios – a mostly SoCal crew and one actor on Kauai!
Geoffrey Wade (DIRECTOR) has performed on Broadway and off-, and continues to work extensively in regional theater and in national tours. He has done episodic television and several films, including Steven Spielberg’s The BFG. Geoffrey has directed critically acclaimed productions of A Walk in the Woods and The Crucible.
Gideon Rappaport (DRAMATURG) is San Diego’s premiere Shakespearean dramaturg; he has worked as an English, humanities and Shakespeare teacher in high school, college, graduate school and professional theater. He earned his Master of Arts and Ph.D. in English and American literature at Brandeis University. He is the author of the books Appreciating Shakespeare (and host of a podcast under the same name), William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and Shakespeare’s Rhetorical Figures: An Outline.
Marcelo Tubert is known for his ability to change character and dialect, in comedy or drama, with ease. His four decade career includes work in all mediums. (Hear Marcelo on the podcast!)
Nick Cagle began his career at 11 when he was cast in his first professional stage play at The Laguna Playhouse, and soon after, he began to work in television and film. He trained at The Boston Conservatory and at LAMDA. After graduating he landed roles on MTV, HBO and with SONY Online Entertainment and performed at multiple regional theaters in California.
Dan Cordova has performed at South Coast Repertory and studied Drama at the University of California, Irvine. He also worked for many years at the Disneyland Resort as a stage manager.
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