In their first online workshop, these two masters of the theatre will share their lifetime exploration of Shakespeare with students of all ages!

The class will be completely VIRTUAL (anyone can register) and will run on Tuesdays from April 5-26, 2022. You can sign up as an actor (open to any age, race, and gender to work on the material) or as part of the audience.
Randall and Annie will illuminate all the clues and helpful information for an actor in Shakespeare’s First Folio, using the first two scenes of KING LEAR as your working text.
Randall will be playing the role of Lear, so not only do you get to learn this method, you get to also observe the process of a professional actor actively working!
Randall and Annie co-founded American Players Theatre in Wisconsin (a major regional playhouse) and were the original co-Artistic Directors. Randall has been acting professionally for 50+ years with Annie, a noted actress and director, by his side for almost the entire run of it.

Learn more and grab your spot now! There are LIMITED spots for actors and room for audience.
We’re very excited to finally bring this class to you—it’s been something we’ve talked to Annie and Randall about for some time!
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