What happened in Week 2?
🏁 In our second week, highlights include:
- Discussing lines like “kiln-hole,” “loons,” and “still swine eats all the draft,” clarifying meanings and exploring delivery options
- Figuring out transitions, with characters entering and exiting, and experimented with different line delivery for comedic effect
Watch the Week 2 Session!
Full transcript included at the bottom of this post.
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Total Running Time: 1:51:50
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Short on time?
Check out this 50-second clip as director Paul Nicholas, actor Corinna Christman and dramaturg Gideon Rappaport discuss all the fear and FUN those wives are having!
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Thank you to our current patrons at the Co-Star level or higher: Joan, Michele, Jim, Magdalen, Ivar, Claudia, Clif and Jeff!
Our group will be working on two scenes where the wives plan revenge on Falstaff!
- Act 3, Scene 3 (Falstaff’s first visit to Mrs. Ford), ending before Mr. Ford arrives
- Act 4, Scene 2 (Falstaff’s second visit to Mrs. Ford), again ending before Mr. Ford arrives
Scenes from the Folger Shakespeare Library here and here.
- DIRECTOR: J. Paul Nicholas
- DRAMATURG: Gideon Rappaport
- FALSTAFF: Todd Scofield
- MRS. PAGE: Michele Schultz
- MRS. FORD: Corinna Christman
Read more about the artists here.
One of our dramaturgs, Dr. Gideon Rappaport, has written three books on Shakespeare:
- Appreciating Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Edited and Annotated
- Shakespeare’s Rhetorical Figures: An Outline
And there’s more!
Catch up on our other workshops featuring lots of Shakespeare scenes, from Hamlet, King Lear, Troilus and Cressida, Midsummer, As You Like It, and our Twelfth Night repertory extravaganza – all on the podcast and YouTube. If you’ve missed any presentations thus far, click here to find them all.
Click here for the transcript!
Juls Hoover
Welcome back. I am Jules and this is the Working Actor’s Journey rehearsal room where we have ti the time to deeply explore just one scene over a month. I will be stepping in as host again for the month of September. Tonight we’ll be diving into two scenes from Shakespeare’s, the me Wives of Windsor. Again, there are no expectations for the work to be final in this session or in the last session at the end of September. It’s just a continuation of the work in progress. We will continue posting the weekly sessions on YouTube for free for all to enjoy. So be sure to subscribe to our channel and click for notifications.
You can still support the project via Patreon and get early access to all the sessions. Plus a podcast version starting at just $5 a month. Thank you to our Patreon supporters who are at the CoStar level. And those names are Joan and Michelle, Christian, Jim Magdalene, evar, Claudia, cliff, and Jeff. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, thoughts, or feedback, please leave a comment below and be sure to hit that like button below so that the algorithm can do its thing. So thank you everyone and cast company. If you need anything, I’ll be listening in. And now I hand the rehearsal room over to Paul.
Paul Nicholas
Thank you, Juls. That was so lovely. Why don’t we just like not have Nathan come back and just have you do this over.
Juls Hoover
I think Nathan does a beautiful job.
Paul Nicholas
Just kidding, boss. I know you’re listening.
Juls Hoover
Kidding Boss. But call me on. Okay. Have fun guys.
Paul Nicholas
So wait a minute. If we are free on YouTube, do you think if I go and I watch Judy Denton’s documentary, does she have to watch this? Yeah,
Juls Hoover
Absolutely. I think that’s fair. Yeah. That’s what I’ll be doing for the next two hours and getting in touch with our people.
Paul Nicholas
Exactly. Okay, thank you Jules. Gideon, we’ve already proven tonight or we have evidence already tonight that my memory is not that sharp, but I I seem to remember that at the end of last week you had some more notes or some more things to say and we said we’d start with it this week. Or am I imagining that
Gideon Rappaport
You, I don’t think you’re imagining it, but I think it doesn’t pay because we’re gonna read it again. And so we’ll start fresh and I’ll take whatever notes I have. There was, there was nothing pressing left over last week. So if, if something presses, we’ll do it tonight.
Paul Nicholas
Well, as I search for things to fill the void while Michelle tries to get reconnected, Todd or little cc. Do you, is there anything that was bugging you? Anything that you wanted to talk about? Any line you wanted to question? Either one you’ve already read or one that’s coming up, preferably from this play.
Todd Scofield
mean, I can’t think of one right now, right offhand.
Paul Nicholas
Well, I’m gonna, I’m gonna take my, my friendship with Gideon and put it out there and risk it, put it on the line. ’cause he might want to strangle me, me after I say what I’m gonna say.
There’s, when we get to next week, I wanted to just try something.
I actually don’t think it’s the answer. I don’t think it’s correct, but I’d, I would love to try it.
I would love to try that when Mrs. Page comes in for the second visit, that she actually is freaking out because she actually did see Ford on the street approaching the house, and she’s trying to tell Mrs. Ford he’s really coming. And Mrs. Ford thinks that she’s just acting really well and performing their script or gone off script. And Mrs. Ford is really impressed with the acting and of course false staff’s hiding. So he can’t see it. And Mrs. Page is going, no, no, no, this is real.
And I would love to try it and then have a conversation about why it’s the wrong choice. Like what? There, there, there’s evidence in the lines that says that doesn’t work. And if you want it to work, you’d have to cut certain lines or change certain lines. But I just feel like on stage that’s funny than them doing the same thing again.
Todd Scofield
Yeah, That’s good though.
Gideon Rappaport
I will not strangle you. I promise I’ll be true to the text as you wish me to be. And, but you’re the director, so you got to do whatever you want. And anything I say can be easily overruled by just overruling me.
Paul Nicholas
I I feel inadequate. I don’t feel I I have the authority to ever overrule Dr. Rappaport.
Gideon Rappaport
I mean to say, as I’ve told actors before, it’s your up there on the stage, not mine. I’m not performing it. So I, I’m going to give you whatever I can to help clarify what you’re, what Shakespeare means and then the rest is up to you.
Paul Nicholas
Okay, good. All right. What can we do without Michelle?
Michele Schultz
Hello? Hold on. Okay. My internet is out so I’ll have to do it on the phone. Not ideal, But it’s
Paul Nicholas
Michele Schultz
Where are we starting from?
Paul Nicholas
Well, we were just gonna start from the top and then when we get to where we stopped last week, we just keep going.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
How do you feel about that? Is that okay? Sure,
Michele Schultz
sure. Michelle. Well, no, it’s gonna be a terrible recording because I’m not in the right position. But no internet. No,
Paul Nicholas
Michelle is totally fine.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
This is supposed to be rough
Michele Schultz
Er than usual. Am I still delayed when I speak? Is it still I mean The chair please. What you just said. I Tried to change some sentence. Okay. Feel delayed. The Chair Router or no?
Not at this point.
Paul Nicholas
Oh, and I’m reading the servants, aren’t I?
Okay, I’m there whenever.
Corinna Christman
Alright. What John, what Robert, Quickly, quickly is the buck basket I Warrant what Robert? I say Come, come, come, come. Oh, here, you’re gonna read the, I’m sorry. You’re gonna read the, in the, the, the direction my bed.
Paul Nicholas
I should say this. Enter John and Robert with a large laundry or book basket.
Michele Schultz
Come, come, come Here, set it down, Give you amen. The charge. We must be brief Mary, as I told you before John and Robert, be ready here hard by in the brew house. And while I suddenly call you, come forth and without any pause or staggering, take this basket on your shoulders that done trudge with it in all haste and carry it among the sters int mead and there empty it into the muddy ditch. Close by the tha side. You will do it.
I had told them over and over they lack no direction.
Be gone and come when you are called
Paul Nicholas
John and Robert exit.
Michele Schultz
Here comes little Robin. How now my, oh, how now my I muske. What news with you?
Paul Nicholas
My master Sir John has come at your back door, Mrs. Ford and request your company
Michele Schultz
You little Jack lent. Have you been true to us?
Paul Nicholas
I I’ll be sworn, my master knows not of your being here and have threatened to put me into everlasting liberty. If I tell you of it for he swears he’ll turn me away
Michele Schultz
And thou a good boy. The secrecy of bines shall be a tailor to thee and shall make the a new doublet and hose.
I’ll go hide me. Do so go tell the master I’m alone.
Mistress page, remember you, your cue. I’m warranty. If I do not act it, kiss me.
Go to then we’ll use this unwholesome humidity, this gross watery pumpkin. We’ll teach him to know turtles from jays.
Todd Scofield
Have I thought the, my heavenly jewel. Why now lemme die where I have lived long enough. This is the period of my ambition. Oh, please bless it out.
Corinna Christman
Oh sweet. Sir John
Todd Scofield
Mistress Ford. I cannot cog, I cannot pray Mistress Ford. Now shall I sin in my wish? I would. Thy husband were dead. I’ll speak it before the best Lord. I would make the my lady
Corinna Christman
Hi your lady, sir John Les. I should be a pitiful lady.
Todd Scofield
Let the court of France show me such another. I see how thine I would emulate the diamond. Thou has the right arch beauty of the brow that becomes the ship tire. The tire valiant or any of the tire of Venetian admittance
Corinna Christman
A playing cur chief. Sir John, my brow has become nothing else nor that well, neither
Todd Scofield
The tyrant to say so I would make an absolute poor and the firm fixture of thy foot would give an excellent motion to thy gate in a semi-circle. Farthing gale. I see how thou word if fortune thy foe were if fortune.
I’m trying to remember how we did. I see what thou word. If fortune thy foe, the fortune thy foe were not nature thy friend come now can not hide it.
Corinna Christman
Believe me, there’s no such thing in me.
Todd Scofield
What made me love the let that persuade the, there’s something extraordinary in me. Come, I cannot cog and say that our this and that, like many of these lisping hawthorn buds that come like women in men’s apparel and smell like butler’s very in simple time. I cannot but I love them. None but the and thou deserves to
Corinna Christman
Do not betray me. Sir, I fear you love mistress Paige.
Todd Scofield
I might as well say I love to walk by the counter gate, which is as hateful to me as the wreak of a lime kiln.
Corinna Christman
Well, heaven knows how I love you and you shall one day find it
Todd Scofield
Eep in that mind. I’ll deserve it.
Corinna Christman
Nay, I must tell you. So you, I must tell you so you do. Or else I could not be in that mind.
Paul Nicholas
Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Ford. Here’s mistress page at the door sweating and blowing and looking wildly and would need speak with you presently.
Todd Scofield
She shall not see me. I’ll ensconce me behind the hes
Corinna Christman
There. You do. So she’s a very tattling woman.
Paul Nicholas
False staff hides behind the hes.
Corinna Christman
What’s the matter how now? Oh, mistress Ford. What have you done? You are strange. You’re overthrow. You’re undone forever.
What’s the matter? Good mistress page.
Well, a day Mrs. Ford having an honest man to your husband to give him such cause of suspicion. What cause of suspicion. What Cause of suspicion out upon you. How I I mistook in you. Well, last, what’s the matter? Your Husband’s coming here. The woman with all the offices and Windsor to search for a gentleman that he says is here now in the house by your consent to take an ill advantage of his absence.
You are undone. It’s not so I hope I pray heaven. It’s be not so that you have such a man here. What is most certain? Your husband’s coming with half winds at his heels to search for such a one. I come before to tell you if you know yourself clear why? I’m glad of it. If you have a friend here convey, convey him out, amazed. Call on your senses to you. Defend your reputation or bid farewell to your good life forever.
Shall I do? There is a gentleman, my dear friend and I fear not my own shame so much as his peril. I had rather than a thousand pounds you were out of the house. Oh shame. Understand it. You could rob, you could rob your husband’s here at hand. You think you of some conveyance in the house. You cannot hide him. Oh. Oh, you have deceived me. Oh you, yeah. It is a basket. If he be of any reasonable stature, he may creep in here and throw for and throw foul in upon him as if it were going to bucket. Oh. Oh. It is waiting time. Send him by your two men to dash it. Mead. He’s too big to go in there. What shall I do?
Todd Scofield
Lemme see. Let see it all. See it. Follow your friend’s. Counsel.
Michele Schultz
Oh star. Are these your letters? Night
Todd Scofield
Love the, should I say, should I say I love the mistress page? Since it’s not gonna be, it, it can’t be obvious here that I’m it’s an aside just to her. Sure. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
And, and let’s make another adjustment for the screen. Michelle, would you say were those your letters Knight?
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
Because we don’t, we don’t really have them. So, alright, You want
Michele Schultz
me to start at what Sir John faff or when full stop enters? Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
What Sir John Fef. That sounds good.
Michele Schultz
What Sir John, were these your letters night
Todd Scofield
LoVetre page? Help me away in here. I’ll never
Michele Schultz
Help to cover your master boy call your name Mr. Ford
Todd Scofield
Paul. Are we gonna say that
Michele Schultz
Todd Scofield
Paul? Are we gonna I think we’re to where we got to before by the way.
Corinna Christman
Yeah, yeah.
Todd Scofield
Are we gonna say that stage direction as you say that? I’ll turn off my camera. Does that make sense?
Yeah. I’m sorry.
Paul Nicholas
Yes. You know what? I think I’ll say
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
I think I’ll say. Mrs. Page pushes fall staff into the basket.
Todd Scofield
Okay. Because
Paul Nicholas
You are talking to her and you get Yeah. And
Todd Scofield
it’s like an interruption. So yeah,
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
know it’s not a line character line, but can you like interrupt me with that?
Paul Nicholas
Yes, I will.
Todd Scofield
Let me creep in here. I’ll never,
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Okay, cool.
Paul Nicholas
Yeah, that’s a good call. I’ll say Mrs. Page pushes fall staff into the basket and she will just keep going. Help to cover your master boy.
Todd Scofield
And they cover him with dirty clothes or no, not that. Yeah,
Gideon Rappaport
keep the, Keep the dirty clothes They cover.
Todd Scofield
I think that helps too. Yeah. Okay. All
Paul Nicholas
right. I’ll say that too. They cover him with dirty clothes. Michelle will keep going. And after dissembling night, I will say Robin exits. Oh man. Oh, Robin never left when Robin came in. He never left.
Todd Scofield
He does leave. You didn’t say it, but he does leave. When
Paul Nicholas
the hell did he come back? Where
Todd Scofield
did, where did it happen? There was one you didn’t say.
Gideon Rappaport
I don’t think he leaves.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
He leaves after you dissembling night. But there’s no, there’s no exit.
Paul Nicholas
I’ve never seen a production where he stays on stage. Never. But it doesn’t, he doesn’t leave.
Gideon Rappaport
He could, you could have him leave. It may be that there’s just a missing exit. Yeah, but
Paul Nicholas
it, but it seems like the only reason to keep him on stage is so that Mrs. Page can’t say that line to him. Help to cover your master boy.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
And I don’t want to cut it because it shows that everybody is in on it.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
So let me see. I think the, I think the enter Robin, I’m just looking to see if there, if the editors put in an exit. No,
Paul Nicholas
Oxford has no exit for him.
Gideon Rappaport
Yeah. No they don’t.
Paul Nicholas
Not the, not that the Oxford is all that reliable.
Gideon Rappaport
I mean there’s no reason for him not to be there because he’s the servant of fall staff who hangs out with him. However, the ardent does have Enter Robin at line 77 Mistress Ford. Mrs. Ford hears mistress page at the door.
Paul Nicholas
Right. I have that too. But he never leaves after that. And it’s weird that he’s on stage while the women are acting out their plot.
I also would not, I don’t, tell me if I’m wrong, all of you, but I don’t feel comfortable with her saying, Robin helped to cover your master. I don’t feel like she should name him just in case fall staff hears him.
But she’s also saying help to cover your master boy fall staff must know who that is if he heard it.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Thoughts? Anyone? Michelle, it’s your line. Do you have thoughts on this?
Michele Schultz
I think it’s okay because Robin, he knows Robin’s there. Yeah. Robin announces, Robin announces me.
Paul Nicholas
Oh right. He’s not hiding. Robin’s Not hiding.
Corinna Christman
He’s aware Like fall staff thinks Robin’s helping him Is my, that’s that. Right. But in fact he’s helping us. Yes.
Paul Nicholas
Robin’s afraid of fall staff finding out that he is helping the wives. But he won’t find out just ’cause he is helping to cover him with clothes.
Michele Schultz
Right, Right, right. He’s helping him to escape, which is his servant’s thing to do.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. Absolutely. Right. So then Mrs. Page, why don’t you say help to cover your master Robin.
Michele Schultz
Okay. You want me to start from there? Or
Paul Nicholas
What do y’all think about that? If she says help to cover your master robin, call your,
Todd Scofield
That’s good. Yeah, that works. And then
Paul Nicholas
Robin exits weird. I’m not gonna say Robin exits, but I will say entered Robert and John, let us start from, let me see it. Let me see it.
Todd Scofield
Okay, let me see it. Let see it. Oh, let see it. Follow your friend’s counsel. All in.
Michele Schultz
What? So John, were these your letters night?
Todd Scofield
I love the mistress page. Help me away. Lemme creep in here. I’ll never
Paul Nicholas
Mistress page push his false step into the basket. They cover him with dirty clothes.
Michele Schultz
How to cover your master robin. Call your mad mistress Ford. New disassembly knight. What? John? Robert. John,
Paul Nicholas
Enter Robert and John.
Corinna Christman
Go take up these clothes here quickly. Where’s the call staff? Call staff. Look how you jumble. Carry them to the laundries and Dutch at Mead. Quickly come
Paul Nicholas
Enter Ford with his friends.
Todd Scofield
Ray, you come near. If I suspect without cause, why then make sport at me then let me be your just, I deserve it.
How now with or bear you this?
Corinna Christman
Why? What have you to do? Whether they bear it. You wear best metal with buck washing
Todd Scofield
Buck. I would, I could wash myself of the buck, buck, buck, buck, buck. I buck, I warn you, buck. And of the season two, which shall appear
Paul Nicholas
Robert and John exit with the buck basket.
Still you Ford.
Todd Scofield
Is there not a double excellency in this? Oh, I see there. It’s all okay. It’s in the middle of all the, okay.
They exit and it shall appear. Oh gentlemen, you shall see sport and on. Follow me gentlemen.
Paul Nicholas
They exit. Well, I guess I don’t need to say that.
Todd Scofield
Michele Schultz
Is there not a double excellency in this? I know not. Which please me better now my husband is deceived or Sir John.
What? A talk taking, wasn’t it? When your husband asked who was in the basket, I’m half afraid he would have need of washing. So throwing him into the water will do him a benefit. Bang him. Dishonest rascal. I would all of the same strain were in the same distress. I think my husband had some special suspicion of false staffs being here, but I never saw him so gross in his jealousy till now.
I will lay a plot to try that. And we will yet have more tricks with Paul. Stop his dissolute disease, will scarce obey this medicine?
Shall we send that foolish carry on mistress quickly to him and excuse his throwing into the water and give him another hope to betray him to another punishment. You be sent tomorrow eight o’clock to have a men’s.
Paul Nicholas
Lovely, lovely. Okay.
Corinna Christman
I got a a couple notes if you wanna go back and do them, but I can wait too.
Paul Nicholas
Let me give, let me, let me give this one first and then you go Gideon.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
Michelle. Michelle say are those Sorry, were those your letters night? Because they’re not here. They’re back.
Michele Schultz
Oh, I didn’t say that. I thought I did. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
What, What you’re saying is were these Oh, were those
Michele Schultz
I I got,
Paul Nicholas
I got it. Okay. Gideon, you’re on.
Gideon Rappaport
Okay. Around line 40.
Paul Nicholas
Oh, you’re way back
Gideon Rappaport
Mrs. Ford. You have three, you’re calling him three different names. So I I’m gonna challenge you to try to build on them. Okay. Like each one is is more of an insult in a way. An insult. Yeah. Yeah. So he is an unwholesome humidity more than that. He’s a gross watery pumpkin. And then we’ll teach him to know turtles. That’s real lovers. That is my loyalty to my husband from Jay’s who would go with him. Okay. There was an in to the river that should be in the river, but I didn’t mark the line. So the first time you talk about dumping him in the river, it’s an in and later when you say that, I’m giving the direction.
Okay. It’s later. It’s an intu. Okay. Line 1 27 mistress page. Oh, how have you deceived me? Not you have. Okay. And 1 36 fall staff.
I, it occurred to me that Eileen is him pretending to be thinner than he is or smaller than he is less fat. Oh, I can fit myself in there. I’m not that fat. Something like that.
Todd Scofield
Yeah. Yeah. And you might, you might
Gideon Rappaport
wanna do something with that idea. Not, not necessary, but possible. And then one more, 1 54 Mistress Ford. You are best metal with buck washing. That’s gotta be really sarcastic. Okay. Go ahead. Get yourself interested in the laundry. What, what do you think you’re doing right?
Since when? Yeah. Yeah. That’s, that’s gotta be the tone there. Okay. That’s it. Good work.
Paul Nicholas
That’s one of my least favorite lines in the entire cannon. You were best middle with buck washing.
I can’t stand it. It’s, and, and, and Corina, it’s a hard line to play.
Corinna Christman
Yeah. I know I said it, but
Paul Nicholas
I like Gideon’s suggestion of playing it sarcastically.
Corinna Christman
Yeah. I had a question about when false staff’s hiding sometimes can false. Are we playing it to each other or are we playing to the audio? You know, like, are we imagining that he can’t see our faces so we’re cracking each other up? Or are we just playing the scene? You know what, I’m like, how much can he see?
Paul Nicholas
Is That, I would say he can see nothing. But you think he can see nothing.
Corinna Christman
Okay. So we could be giggling at points like, or visually, like all the sounds we make should be this big drama, but, okay.
Paul Nicholas
Michele Schultz
I was
Paul Nicholas
gonna, I was gonna say something about the top of the scene which would apply here. And that is that it’s a combo. There are a combo of things happening.
Yes, there are, there is urgency. ’cause he’s coming and we have to set the scene and we know our script and we gotta set the scene. There’s urgency, but it’s also fun. So you, you would love to stop and crack up about it, but you gotta hurry up and it’s like a surprise party. Yeah. Someone’s coming and, and like, oh my God, it’s gonna be so exciting. But we can’t stop. We’ve gotta make sure the lights are off and we gotta make sure there’s nothing blocking the door and everybody’s hidden and make sure the kids don’t give it away. But it’s so much fun. And I think it’s that sort of dynamic at the top. And that could apply here as well. Like Mr.
Just page is like, oh, I can’t believe you would do this. And then as soon as he’s in, we’re covering up, it can go back to, okay, call the men. Oh, let’s take this to the, to the river and throw it in. And you, in fact,
Michele Schultz
in fact, full staff is only in the basket for a very short scene between Mistress Ford and, and Ford. And then he’s carried out. Right. So, so, and we would not be cracking up in front of Master Ford.
Paul Nicholas
Correct. That’s what I was gonna say next. So you can be having fun. Oh, we got him in. He fit in there. It’s great. And all the dirty clothes are on him. Oh shit. Ford is actually here now what do we do? Mm. And and it’s a little bit of a freak out because if Ford finds him in that basket, all hell will break loose.
Gideon Rappaport
And then when, when they decide after this, when they decide to do it again, they’re cracking up again. That is Ford’s out. Now they can, you know, let loose again.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
And they’re gonna have even more fun doing it the second time. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
So I I that was a long answer to your question. Corina.
Corinna Christman
Corina, that’s Really helpful though. That’s good. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
So I think they’re having fun until Ford come actually comes through the door and you’re like, oh, we weren’t expecting that.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
So then when he’s gone, you two can have a real release. Oh my God. Can you believe that just happened?
Corinna Christman
Yeah. And then, and
Paul Nicholas
then this. Oh my God. That happened. And then that happened. Then you can go, oh, what do you think? Do you think we could get away with it again?
Yes. Let’s do it. Let’s do it again. Let’s try it again.
Corinna Christman
It’s like a rush. Like it was scary and then it’s a rush. ’cause we got away with it. And then Yeah, we gotta try this again.
And also because it, it’s not enough to teach fall staff his lesson. He’s gonna need, he’s gonna need re reinforcement of the lesson. I I think I sort of say that when I said his disease isn’t just going to be cured by this medicine. Correct. Right.
Paul Nicholas
And by the way, these are, help me out here, Gideon. These are not high society women. As we talked, as we said last week and fall. Staff said, look, I’m a knight. I can help you out lady. I can change your status. These are not, they have, they have wealth, but they’re not high society women. Their lives are probably boring. This is the most fun they’ve had since they’ve known each other.
Gideon Rappaport
I think their lives aren’t boring because they make them fun. And this is a great opportunity, unlike any they’ve had before.
Paul Nicholas
This is so Fun.
Corinna Christman
They’re not, they’re not high class, but they are middle class Bourgeois. Yeah. Successful middle class. Yeah. So all staff thinks they can be tempted by the title of lady and they can’t because they’ve got plenty number one. And they have, and they’re women
Paul Nicholas
And they’re women of integrity.
Gideon Rappaport
Yes. They’re, they have integrity. They love their husbands. They’re loyal to them.
Paul Nicholas
And They’re virtuous.
Gideon Rappaport
And they’re virtuous and they have enough money. So he, he’s not, he’s not even breaking their, the surface of their resistance, but he’s giving them this opportunity to have a really jolly good time. This is
Paul Nicholas
way better than bridge night.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
Is way better than
Corinna Christman
Way more exciting.
Paul Nicholas
Whatever the club was back in the day. This is way better. This is
Gideon Rappaport
And better. Partly ’cause it’s fun and partly ’cause it’s, he deserves it. So they are instruments of justice as well. And that is very, that’s fun. And, and, and we go out of our way to sort of tease him about the fact that we know that you sent these letters to both of us. You know, and then he tries to say, oh, but I only love you. I only love you. But
Paul Nicholas
What a prick.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
So what, who says this Mr. Ford? What do you mean when you, when you say, I am a half afraid he will have need of washing, what’s the modern day equivalent of that line?
Corinna Christman
I think he soiled himself.
Paul Nicholas
Yes ma’am.
Corinna Christman
I think That’s what she’s, that he’s scared. He actually was scared. Yeah. That’s what I,
Todd Scofield
I think
Paul Nicholas
that’s exactly what she’s saying. So then mistress page, what is the relationship? What, what do you mean when you say what a taking was he in when your husband asked who was in the basket? Because you could not see him.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
you, I’m guessing that you are trying to surmise
Michele Schultz
Yes. I think, I think I’m, I think I’m saying. Oh, I can just imagine what he was feeling.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
What a taking must have Been.
Paul Nicholas
What a taking he must have been in is what you’re saying. Yeah. But don’t change the lines. But that’s what you’re saying. Yeah.
Michele Schultz
I think that’s right.
Paul Nicholas
And Mrs. Ford answers your wonder by saying, this is what I think he did.
Oh, it’s so much fun. Any thoughts or questions from, from the three of you? No. You were best metal with book washing. I cannot stand that line.
Gideon Rappaport
Why not? It’s perfectly good. It’s sarcastic.
Paul Nicholas
After this experience. Karina’s gonna make me love it. ’cause she’s gonna deliver it.
Corinna Christman
So wonderful. What do
Paul Nicholas
y’all think? Move forward or do that little bit again? What do you think?
Michele Schultz
I’d like to do it again.
Paul Nicholas
I would, yeah. So would I from, from, let me see. Let me see.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Oh, I just realized who else pop quiz. Who else in the canon says, let me see. Let me see. Let me see.
Todd Scofield
Oh, Hamlet says, let me see.
Paul Nicholas
No, three times.
Todd Scofield
Oh, three times.
Gideon Rappaport
Lemme see. Lemme
Paul Nicholas
see. Lemme see.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
Malvolio when he’s reading. Oh,
Gideon Rappaport
Right. Oh yeah.
Paul Nicholas
No. MOAI. No one should something something. Lemme see. Lemme see. Lemme see. Sorry. Go ahead. Nerding. I’m just nerding. I’m sorry.
Todd Scofield
Okay, let me see it. Let me see it. Hold. Let me see it. All in. All in. Follow your friend’s, counsel all in.
Michele Schultz
I’m sorry. I’m, I’m fi I’m trying to find the place. So sorry.
Todd Scofield
Okay. Starting on line 1 35.
Michele Schultz
Thank you. That helps. Okay. Got it.
Todd Scofield
Let me see it. Let see it. Paul. Let me see it all I in Follow your friend’s counsel. All in
Michele Schultz
What John Star? Were those your letters Sir Knight?
Todd Scofield
I love the mistress page. Help me away. Lemme creep in here. I’ll never
Paul Nicholas
Mrs. Paige push his fall staff into the basket and they start to cover him with dirty clothes.
Michele Schultz
Help to cover you. Master Robin. Oh your man. Mr. Mr. Ford. Were you Dissembling Knight?
What? John, Robert. John,
Paul Nicholas
Enter Robert and John.
Corinna Christman
Go take up these clothes here quickly. Where’s the cow staff? Look how you jumble. Carry them to the laundries and batch it. Mead quickly come
Paul Nicholas
Enter Ford with his friends.
Todd Scofield
Ray, you come near. Ah, if I suspect without cause, why then make forward at me. Let me be your Jes. I deserve it. Move now with or bear you. This
Corinna Christman
Why? What have you to do? Whether they bear it, you are best to muddle with metal, with buck. Washing
Todd Scofield
Buck. I wish I could wash myself of the buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck. I buck, I warn you, buck. End of the season two, it shall appear Robert
Paul Nicholas
and John exit with the buck basket
Todd Scofield
Up. Gentlemen, you shall see sport anon. Follow me gentlemen.
Paul Nicholas
They exit. I don’t need to say that.
Michele Schultz
Is there not a double excellency in this? I know not. Which pleases me better that my husband is deceived or Sir John, What taking was he in? When your husband ask who is in the basket, I’m half afraid he will have need of washing. So throwing him into the rotter will do him a benefit.
This dishonest rosco, I would all of the same strain were in the same distress.
I think my husband had some special suspicion of false acts being here for I never saw him so gross in his jealousy till now.
I I will lay a plot to try that. And we will yet have more tricks with Paul Star, his dissolute disease. Will sc obey this medicine?
Shall we send that foolish carry on mistress quickly to him and excuse his throwing into the water and give him another hope to betray him to another punishment. I that could be sent Paul tomorrow at eight o’clock to have a men.
Paul Nicholas
Lovely, lovely, lovely. We won’t go back. I promise. I’m learning to like that line. Karina.
Corinna Christman
I know I said muddle instead of metal, so I muddled the line. But yes, I’m working on it. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Yeah. I think
Corinna Christman
When, yeah,
Paul Nicholas
I do not wanna anger the pronoun police, but it might work if there is a little bit of a play against, why are you stopping them from taking it to laundry? Do you wanna do it
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
There might be a little something in there sarcastically. ’cause you know he is never gonna do it. Right?
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
By the way, Gideon, I forgot to ask this question. There is no way we can make it clear what a cow staff is, right?
There’s, I mean there’s no way. Do you know what it’s Karina?
Corinna Christman
Actually no.
Paul Nicholas
It’s, it’s the, tell me if I’m wrong, Gideon, it’s the long stick that they stick in the top of the basket so they can lift it.
Corinna Christman
Oh, to carry it. That’s what I thought. Oh, a towel is a also called a ton or a any big bucket shaped thing. And if it’s got rings on it or something, and then you put the bowl through it and lift it up so two people can carry it on their shoulders.
So no, I don’t see there’s any way of making Cal staff clear to the, to our audience. But you could change the word.
I don’t
Paul Nicholas
really want to, but, ’cause there’s no word today’s in a contemporary language that would be as cool as that one.
Gideon Rappaport
Right. And I think pole, you can maybe say pole, but then it’s hard to say cow pole. That’s not good.
Paul Nicholas
Michele Schultz
Carrying pole. Yeah. That’s fussing.
Paul Nicholas
But you, you might help us out, Karina, if you say, wait a minute, how were you gonna, where’s the carrying stick? You didn’t bring what? You didn’t bring it. How are you gonna carry the basket? So it’s clear, it’s clearer that there’s some part of the apparatus that you forgot to bring you dumb asses because they’re pretty dumb these guys.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
And, and look how you jumble is, you know, why are you moving so slowly? We have to get, we have to get it outta here.
Corinna Christman
Okay. Why didn’t you bring the Cal staff when you brought out the basket?
Paul Nicholas
Corinna Christman
Okay. So wait, are you saying change any of those words or just say it more like what’s the matter with you? Yeah, just change. So
Paul Nicholas
you have two options to play with Cal staff.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
Here guys. Take this, take this laundry basket. Let me get you the Cal staff so you can carry it. Oh crap. Where is it? We didn’t bring it. That’s one. Or why didn’t you bring it with you? How else are you gonna carry the basket?
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
That’s the other way to play it.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
No, no one’s gonna know what it means either way, but we will know.
Corinna Christman
Right? Yes.
Paul Nicholas
I just realized that you, is it John, do you always call John twice? Is it always John, Robert, John?
Todd Scofield
Or is
Paul Nicholas
it sometimes Robert, John, Robert.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
always call John twice, don’t you?
Corinna Christman
Sometimes I just call them each once. I don’t know.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. Well one of them, both of them are dumb, I think. But anyway,
Corinna Christman
Yeah, I think John might be a little slower on the uptake, but Yeah, because I do say John more, but
Paul Nicholas
Mr. Ford.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Explain to me that buck line. I get the first sentence. I wish, I wish I could wash myself of the buck. Meaning I wish I could get rid of this guy that’s in my house right now.
Gideon Rappaport
No, it also means horns. I wish I, I wish I could get rid of the thinking of myself as having horns. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Which, yeah. Isn’t that the same thing? That there’s a, there’s a man in my house right now giving me horns.
Gideon Rappaport
Yeah. So he is, he would, he, if he’s imagination is right, he would be the buck himself with horns.
Todd Scofield
You know what? It might be more like buck, buck, buck. I buck. Where’s the man you’re hiding? I don’t know if that plays, but, oh, That’s interesting.
Gideon Rappaport
Or you could do it more like Leon’s in the winter’s tale. Like you’re torturing yourself with this image of yourself.
Todd Scofield
Yeah. That’s the other, that’s what I was thinking of.
Gideon Rappaport
Todd Scofield
First of all that he’s just can’t get it out of his head. I, that’s what I’m talking about. Yeah.
Gideon Rappaport
But but don’t, don’t say it to sound like a chicken. Right. Like cluck, cluck, cluck. It’s not that. It’s like each time you say it, it’s more painful in a way.
Paul Nicholas
Another option is you’re saying it to her to go, yes, you’re right. You heard me right? That’s what I said.
I said Buck. That’s right.
Todd Scofield
Oh, that’s right Buck. I know you got a man here. Yeah. Buck. Buck. I buck. Yeah. You
Paul Nicholas
Have lots of options, Todd. You can really have fun with
Todd Scofield
it. Yeah. No, I, I think I like that last one best Paul. It’s an accusatory toward her
Paul Nicholas
Because when you say I would, I could wash myself of the buck. She knows what that means.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
You, I would, I could. She does rid myself of this situation.
Gideon Rappaport
Okay. Then in the last part of that Buck has to mean fall staff, meaning a male stallion. It’s like calling him a stallion. ’cause he’s trying to seduce the woman because of the season two means he’s ready to be hunted because he is a big fat male deer.
And you can’t hunt the, you can’t hunt a a you can’t hunt a male deer too young. He’s got to be of a certain age in, in the public parks or in the territories owned by whoever owns the manor. You can’t go hunting a male deer in the first, I think it’s the first year or two of his life. You have to wait till he is got larger horns and a certain age on him. There’s all that talk in, in, in love’s labor’s lost about the pt. Hmm. And, and it’s be because they’re hunting them. So he is got to be a certain kind of deer. Not so when you say a buck of the season two, it shall appear. It’s gonna be, he’s gonna be revealed to be ripe for hunting.
And we think it’s funny because fallstaff is fat and therefore ripe.
Paul Nicholas
Well, Shakespeare’s audience thought it was funny. Yeah. Cool. You good Todd?
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
All right. Shall we, oh, it’s almost nine o’clock. Shall we attempt to start the next scene? What do y’all think?
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
I will say act four, scene two. I won’t say enter false staff and Mrs. Ford, you guys will just enter.
Todd Scofield
Okay. Get rid of that. Sorry. I was trying to figure out how to strike through that so I could, but that’s all right. I would,
Paul Nicholas
the only thing I would say is don’t delete it. ’cause sometimes we go back and look at the cut lines to see if We can
Todd Scofield
Yeah. That’s why I was trying to strike through it. Not, I know there’s gotta be a way
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
mean, but didn’t I give it to you with the strike through?
Gideon Rappaport
Have you got it in Word? I give it to you in
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Yeah, I’ve got it in Word.
Gideon Rappaport
Okay. So you go up to the left under the home and there’s a, there’s an A, B, C with a line through it. That’s how you strike it through.
Do you see what I’m talking about? Under, in the section up above on the, on the menu line called font.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
There’s a big B and an I and a U. Oh, there it is.
Todd Scofield
Yep. Thank you.
Paul Nicholas
What are you striking through by the way?
Todd Scofield
Just that enter sir. On Falstaff and Mistress Ford.
Paul Nicholas
I See. Okay.
Todd Scofield
All my lines. All right. Mistress Ford, your sorrow has eaten up my sufferance. I see you are obsequious in your love. And I professoral to a hair’s breath. Not only Mrs. Mistress Ford in the simple office of love, but in all the accoutrement compliment and ceremony of it.
But are you sure of your husband now?
Corinna Christman
He is a birding. Sweet Sir John. He’s a birding.
Todd Scofield
He’s a bird. Oh, sorry. I’m, that’s your line.
Michele Schultz
Woohoo. Gossip forward. Woohoo. Step into The chamber, sir. John.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. Hold a second. Michelle, you can still come in ’cause you can join this, This?
Michele Schultz
Yeah. You want, do you want my you do you want me to put my camera on for that line?
Paul Nicholas
No, that’s off stage. But I’m saying for this discussion you can join us.
Michele Schultz
Oh, okay.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. Sir John?
Todd Scofield
Yeah. I’m trying to make a little more sense of that first line.
Paul Nicholas
The very first one, your sorrow had eaten up my sufferance.
Todd Scofield
Yes. And and the second one,
Paul Nicholas
What I, what I think he’s saying is, I am no longer mad at you. ’cause I see how sorry you are. That’s a very, very simple contemporary way of saying it. That’s what I,
Gideon Rappaport
that’s Basically right. You are you repentance sorrow has completely devoured my suffering. So we’re okay. We’re
Todd Scofield
Have eaten up my sufferance. I’m not mad about being dumped in the river, about being dumped in the mud. ’cause
Paul Nicholas
I can see how that’s so bad.
Todd Scofield
Okay. So
Paul Nicholas
what we’re assuming is we caught them mid-conversation and she just said to you, I’m so sorry sir John, I’m so sorry that we did that to you. But you know, my husband was coming and we had to do it. I’m so sorry.
Gideon Rappaport
And she’s doing it in a compliant or pleasing tone, which is what obsequious means. Right.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
he’s responding to her treatment of him with those words.
Todd Scofield
Zeal. Yeah. Zealous, officious devoted.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
Here I think it’s a special meaning of it and it means anxious to please follow following his C it means to follow the root. And so she’s willing to follow him and make it up to him by her attitude.
Paul Nicholas
So it’s a word generally used to describe like devotees or worshipers.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
And it can have a negative meaning. But it doesn’t, here he doesn’t mean it that way. And he’s using,
Todd Scofield
I mean it pretty much now only has a more negative connotation, I think. Correct,
Gideon Rappaport
Correct. But
Todd Scofield
not so necessarily then.
Gideon Rappaport
Not then And not
Paul Nicholas
in this case. Certainly not in this case.
Gideon Rappaport
And he is also using big words as usual when he’s wooing.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
And continues in accoutrement compliment in ceremony.
Paul Nicholas
And and by the way, sir John, your ego is big enough that you probably think it’s proper for women to be obsequious to you.
Todd Scofield
Yes. Not
Paul Nicholas
a, it’s not an insult at all. It’s this a thing to do.
Todd Scofield
Oh, Absolutely. Absolutely.
Gideon Rappaport
Also has a night.
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Yep. I’m worth it. Yeah.
Gideon Rappaport
Or at least you make, you have to make her think that you are. ’cause you want the money ultimately.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Guys, lemme tell you, this is so much fun for me because this is so far from who Todd is. He’s such a modest, humble person, just with a big voice.
So what do you mean when you say you see that she is of seas in her love to you and you profess for quite to a hair’s breath?
Todd Scofield
To a hair’s breath. I’m exactly there. I’m right there with you.
Gideon Rappaport
I’m gonna pay, I’m paying you back with the same attitude.
Todd Scofield
That’s right. And
Paul Nicholas
to a hair’s breath, Gideon means almost as much.
Gideon Rappaport
Yeah. So it won’t turn the, the width of a hair meaning is as tiny a as tiny a amount as you can imagine.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Oh, I, okay, now I get it. Okay.
Gideon Rappaport
There’s nothing to, there’s nothing to decide between how much you are loving me and how much I’m loving you. Okay.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
That’s what I, or that’s what I originally thought. But I I thought you said something else just now. But I I can get that one.
Gideon Rappaport
I’m, I’m recording you with as much love as you have for me, without even the difference of a hair between them,
Paul Nicholas
Which is such a weird thing to say. Why not just say to a woman, I love you just as much. That’s so, it’s such a weird thing to say.
Gideon Rappaport
’cause it’s poetry my dear friend.
Paul Nicholas
Oh God. It’s foster that poetry. Yes. And in the office of love, Todd.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Does he mean, what does he mean with, by that? Does he mean the bedroom? Does he mean I don’t only want sex?
Todd Scofield
Mm, yeah. I like that.
Paul Nicholas
Is is that right, Gideon? Is that what he means?
Gideon Rappaport
Yes, That’s right. Not only do I love you erotically sexually, but in, in my goes around it, you know, like
Todd Scofield
My outward show
Gideon Rappaport
Marriage and ceremony and all
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
Things that go with it compliment. I’m, he’s, he’s pretending to confess, to love her. Not just for her body,
Todd Scofield
But everything. I’m all in.
Gideon Rappaport
I’m all in.
Todd Scofield
Yeah. Okay. The
Paul Nicholas
office of love, what a romantic way to say it.
Todd Scofield
All right.
Paul Nicholas
Feel free, Todd. When, when she asks you to step into the chamber, feel free to have some sort of reaction.
Todd Scofield
Not again,
Paul Nicholas
That means, yeah. Oh my God. Are you serious?
Todd Scofield
Here we go again. Sound or
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
Not yet because the men are coming, but just because mistress page is there.
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Let me, but let’s talk about this for a second. Gideon, let’s talk about this for a second. ’cause Mrs. Paige was there the last time and he said to her, I love you. And she pushed him in and he thinks they helped him to escape. So he probably thinks they both like him.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
So then why, why would he want to hide from Mrs. Page this time?
Gideon Rappaport
Because he doesn’t want her to know that he’s here to seduce Mistress Ford.
Todd Scofield
Yeah. I don’t want the o each other to know. Correct.
Gideon Rappaport
And they’re pretending. So remember that mistress page was saying, how can you, how can you do this? How can you have a man in your house, your virtue is being compromised? So each one, he thinks that each of them is keeping her love for him from the other. And he doesn’t want them to find out that he each to find out that he’s wooing both.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. So then maybe Sir John, maybe you react first when you hear Mrs page’s voice, you react and that spurs Mrs four to say let hide in the chamber. I don’t know what do you think? Or you both react based on what Gideon just said. You both would react,
Gideon Rappaport
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
One of you for real and the
Todd Scofield
Other one. Oh, there’s no, there’s not even a line One
Paul Nicholas
of you pretending. And the other one for real.
Gideon Rappaport
You, you it, it, it’s like this. If you are on stage, he’s a bird. Sweet Sean. That’s good. And then you hear Mr. Page what ho gossip forward. What ho I mean even if it weren’t mistress page, it’s someone and
Todd Scofield
Yes, it’s someone and I, they’re not, I’m getting interrupted again.
Gideon Rappaport
Interrupted. And, and you’re not to be found there. ’cause it’s dangerous. Right? I
Todd Scofield
just had a great line. I just used my best line.
Gideon Rappaport
So I Think basically on stage you’re just looking around for where to go and she points you where, where to hide. Yeah.
Todd Scofield
Okay, Because
Corinna Christman
I was ready. Yes. All right.
Todd Scofield
Mr. Ford, Your sorrow has eaten up. My sufferance. I see you are obsequious in your love. And I profess al to a hair’s breath. Not only Mrs. Ford in the simple office of love, but in all the ament compliment and ceremony of it. But are you sure of your husband now?
Corinna Christman
He’s a birding. Sweet Sir. John what? How? Gossip phone. How Step into the chamber, sir. John. Sweetheart.
Todd Scofield
Paul. Paul.
Paul Nicholas
Yes sir.
Todd Scofield
Sorry to interrupt here again. What if, what do you, I don’t know if this plays over Zoom. What if I’m going in for a kiss?
Paul Nicholas
I think you are, but it doesn’t
Todd Scofield
And I get, and then, and when we hear mistress page,
Paul Nicholas
I think that’s exactly what you’re doing. But it won’t play on zoom.
Todd Scofield
You don’t think so?
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
This is, are you saying this is not attractive?
That’s not good.
Paul Nicholas
You Yes. Do do that. That’ll work.
Gideon Rappaport
And then you exit. Yes.
Paul Nicholas
Yeah. I actually like that Todd do that.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
If with the mouth closed, please
Todd Scofield
Fine. Maybe, maybe I’ll start it just a little bit and, and stop and go. But are you sure of your husband Mal? Okay. And when she says yes, then I go in further. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
I Love it. I love it.
Todd Scofield
Absolutely love it.
Paul Nicholas
Okay, let’s try that. We don’t need to do, we don’t need to do the whole line again. Let’s just go from all but in all the accoutrement.
Todd Scofield
Okay? But in all the accoutrement compliment and ceremony of it. Oh, but are you sure of your husband now?
Corinna Christman
He’s a Bird. Sweet Sir. John, What? Gossip board. What hoe Step into the chamber, sir. John, How sweetheart, who’s at home besides yourself?
By none but my own people. Indeed. No, certainly speak louder.
Truly. I am so glad that you have nobody here.
Why? Why? Woman. Your husband is in his old loons again. He so takes on yonder with my husband. So rails against all married mankind. So curses, all eve’s daughters of what? Complexion so and so butted himself on the forehead crying. Peer out. Peer out. That any madness I ever yet behold seen by Tameness civility and patience to this his distemper he is in now I am glad the fat knight is not here. Why does he talk of him? Oh, none but him and swears he was carried out the last time he searched for him in a basket protest my husband. He is now here and has drawn him and the rest of their company from their spot to make another experiment of his suspicion.
But I am glad the night is not here. Now he shall see his own foolery. Oh, near is he mistress Paige Hot by at street eight. He would be hearing on I’m, I’m done. The night is here. Why then you hot. Utterly stain. And he’s but a dead man. Oh, what a woman. Are you away with him? Away with him? Better shame than murder.
Which way should he go? How should I bestow him? Oh, did I put him into the basket again?
Todd Scofield
No. I’ll come no more on the basket. May I not go out? Here he come
Michele Schultz
A lot. Three of Master Ford’s brothers watch the door with pistols that numb shall issue out. Otherwise you might slip away as he came.
But what make you hear?
Todd Scofield
What shall I do? I’ll creep up into the chimney
Corinna Christman
There. They always used to discharge their birding pieces Creep into the kil hull.
Todd Scofield
Where is it?
Corinna Christman
He will seek there on my word, neither press coffer chest drunk. Well vault. But he has an abstract with a remembrance of such places and goes to them by his note. There is no hiding. You in the house.
Todd Scofield
I’ll go out. Then
Michele Schultz
If you go out in your own sentence, you die. Sir John, unless you go out disguised.
How might we disguise him? I lost the day. I know. Not there is no woman’s gown big enough for him. Otherwise he might put on a hat, a muffler and a kerchief. And so escape
Todd Scofield
Good hearts. Devise something. Any extremity rather than a mischief.
Corinna Christman
My maid’s aunt, the fat woman of Brentford, has the gown above, Oh my word. It will serve him. She’s as big as he’s, and there’s a thro hat and herm, sir John, Go Sweet, sir. John mistress Paige. And I’ll look some linen for your head.
We’ll come dress you straight on the gown a while.
Okay. Hold my husband. Lovely,
Paul Nicholas
lovely, lovely, lovely. You go first, Gideon.
Gideon Rappaport
Okay. I only have a couple things. One is Todd, when you say, but are you sure of your husband? So you’re starting to kiss
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
And then you said, but are you sure? So I want to challenge you to do it on the word, instead of adding an O, what you said was a erman complimented ceremony of it. And you started to kiss and then you said, Ugh. But are you sure of your husband now that Oh, oh,
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
Try to do it on the words. ’cause it makes the words more interesting that they get to hit instead of a meaningless grunt.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
Now, when Shakespeare wants you to do a meaningless grunt, he’ll write it in. So if it’s not there, do it on the words. I I just think it’s more effective. The other thing is a, a question for you, Paul. The word kill, KILN can be pronounced kiln or kill. Very often it’s pronounced kill. So when he gets into the kill hole, there can be an kind of ironic double meaning. Meaning in that. And I think it might be worth doing that milking.
Paul Nicholas
Is it, Is it occasionally pronounced kill in today’s language? Yes.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
I’ve never heard it pronounced kill.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
Huh. I did not know that. I always heard it as kiln. I, And
Gideon Rappaport
sometimes it’s even spelled that way. Not in formal writing, but in informal and in the past it was often spelled that Way. K-I-L-L-K-I-L-L. So I, I’m not saying you have to do it that way, but I’m suggesting it might give you a tone that would be funny.
Of course. They might not know what it means if you don’t say kiln because people don’t know that it’s pronounced kil, which is why I’m giving the choice to you.
Paul Nicholas
Hmm. Michelle?
Michele Schultz
I, I think, I think I would prefer to call it kiln because I think it’ll be more under understandable. And also that’s, that’s pretty much is awful. I mean, I’m basically saying go and go into the put yourself in the oven. Right? Yeah,
Paul Nicholas
I was gonna say
Michele Schultz
That. Which is bad. I
Paul Nicholas
agree with you, Michelle, but as we, as we are in an experiential experimental endeavor, next time you do it, say kill.
Michele Schultz
Let’s hear it. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
I, I don’t think I will prefer it, but let’s hear it.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
Kill hold. I also think it’s funny, I don’t know how to play the joke, but I think it’s funny that you’re suggesting that he go into something that his head can barely fit in, much less his body, the kiln. It’s, there’s no way he can fit in there. And then she goes through this list of things that we know he can’t fit into, like a chest or whatever else. You said trunk. Well, I guess there’s some trunks that he could fit into
Gideon Rappaport
And vaults and wells. But yeah, the kill hole is much smaller than the kill itself.
Paul Nicholas
Right. Very small. I think that’s funny. But I don’t know how to play that joke. I don’t know that it’s worth the effort to get that joke.
I’m sorry, where is it? Oh, it’s right here.
Yeah, it would be the, the joke is, he says, where is it? As if he can fit in there. There’s no chance you’re gonna fit in there anyway, let us go through this scene, this lovely scene.
What does loons mean? Michelle
Michele Schultz
Madness. It’s, it’s related to lunacy, I think.
Paul Nicholas
Yes, Correct.
Michele Schultz
Is it pronounced loons?
Paul Nicholas
I think so.
Gideon Rappaport
Yes it is. Okay. It’s actually not the word that we have in the original. The original, the folio has lines. Oh. And it’s probably what Shakespeare wrote because the floto has something that means the same thing in his vein, odd vein again.
But it’s been amended by early editors. And I think it just, it makes a lot of, makes a lot more immediate sense. So I think we should stick with it. Yeah, I like it too.
Paul Nicholas
Yeah, It sounds nice too. His old loons again, I love it.
Please tell Gideon, I’m hoping you’re gonna tell me that when he says curses all eve’s daughters of whatever complexion. So he means skin color, right?
Gideon Rappaport
No. Well, no, it, it, it, it includes skin color Complexion means the entire makeup of the person, meaning the balance of the four humors. Right. Blood phlegm, black bile, yellow bile. So, and that yields skin color. So if you’ve got a sanguine complexion, you’re gonna be red faced like Santa Claus or false death. If you’re, if you’re got too much phlegm in you, you’re gonna be great.
But it’s also your character or your disposition, let’s say.
So he’s talking about the larger sense of the word, not just skin color.
Paul Nicholas
Ah, okay. Not, not ethnic skin color,
Gideon Rappaport
Not ethnic skin color, but, but skin color as it depends on the characteristics of your entire physiology and therefore including skin color.
And of course dark is rejected. And blonde is, is idealized in the period. That’s, that’s the meaning of Shakespeare’s dark lady. She’s dark hair and she may have olive skin.
I don’t think she was black, but, but she had a complexion that was darker and her eyes were dark instead of peaches and cream skin.
And so he loves her anyway. And there’s, there are a lot of examples of that in the sonnets.
Paul Nicholas
So what does he mean here? That he curses all women no matter what their physiological makeup is,
Gideon Rappaport
No matter how perfectly blonde and beautiful they are, ah, no matter how dark and ugly they are, no matter. It’s Just like if you’re a woman, I hate You. Yeah. Any woman at all.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. I, I understand Buffett’s himself on the forehead, peer out.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
Meaning, Meaning watch out, look out.
Gideon Rappaport
Wait a second. He’s calling on the horns of the cuck to appear, perhaps floating an old children’s rhyme in which the words are addressed to the snail. So imagine a child saying a rhyme about catching a snail who’s pulled his head and his horns into the shell. Oh yeah. They have horns. That’s right. And he’s calling to the snail to peer out, come out of your shell so I can look at, at you or do something to you. So he’s, he’s saying Come out, come out wherever you are, basically.
Todd Scofield
Where are you right now?
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
So Ford is going around saying, looking for, looking for the men who are making him a cco
Paul Nicholas
Or, or Mrs. Page is saying that that’s what he’s doing.
Michele Schultz
Yes. Yeah, she’s saying that’s what he’s doing.
Which implies coming out of your hiding. Which, so
Paul Nicholas
He’s, she is saying that he is walking through the town looking for anybody else who may have enjoyed his wife
Gideon Rappaport
Or looking for the person who has,
Paul Nicholas
But if he thinks, but if he thinks it’s false out, oh, they are saying they are pretending that Ford does not know who it is, but he knows it’s somebody.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
But if he’s on his way there, if he’s on his way there to catch whoever it is, why is he going through the town saying, come out, come out wherever you are?
Gideon Rappaport
Well, he’s buffeting himself on the forehead because he’s paranoid about being a cucko.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
And he’s saying, Pierre out, Pierre out, out. Meaning I’m going to find out where he is, whoever it is.
It’s not that he thinks every man in the town is guilty. He is looking for the guy who is, and he is buffeting himself on the forehead because he wants this coupled making man to be revealed. Is, is there a double, is there a double meaning that he’s also thinking about his own horns coming out? Maybe it’s possible.
Paul Nicholas
And, and that was my question, Gideon, if he’s, if he’s walking through the town trying to find whoever it is, didn’t she Mrs. Page, don’t you also say he’s coming here?
Michele Schultz
Oh, absolutely.
Paul Nicholas
The peer out peer out has always confusing me because if he’s coming here, then who is he saying? Who is he looking for in the town? Because he thinks the man is here.
Gideon Rappaport
I think’s fighting. I think he’s like early version of Leon’s fighting himself. And he’s saying to his own horns, come out and show yourself because the horns are identified with the, the man who’s making him a cuck. They’re his, his horns. But he wants them to show themselves or he wants them to appear. And that means to reveal who it is. Hmm.
Paul Nicholas
Oh, okay. Okay. So he’s banging himself in the forehead saying, come on out, horns.
Gideon Rappaport
Yeah. Since I suspect, since I suspect that I’m growing horns that only others can see. Let me see them. Which is a way of saying, let me see who’s the guilty party. And of course the whole thing is, is, is is in fact a set up to convince full staff that the danger is so imminent that he has to take these extreme measures to try to escape. Correct.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
And he is in a kind of madness that makes all his previous versions of it seemed tame, civil and patient compared to this.
Yes. Distemper means dis temperament. Right. The balance of humors in him is all out of whack.
Paul Nicholas
And it’s, and it’s the craziest thing she’s ever seen. Makes everything else look, every other crazy stuff, things she’s seen look normal, look tame,
Gideon Rappaport
Every other thing she’s seen in him. Yeah. Being jealous. ’cause she saw it in him last time.
Now that’s nothing compared to this time. So she’s upping the ante for false death.
Paul Nicholas
Ah, it’s just that she says that Any madness I ever yet beheld. And you think she means in him,
Michele Schultz
In in in Ford? Yes.
Paul Nicholas
Huh. Okay.
Gideon Rappaport
And now the next line. I’m glad that Fat Knight is not here. Why does he talk of him? Is he talking about Paul staff of none but him and swears he was carried out the last time he searched for him in a basket.
So now,
Paul Nicholas
But test to my husband, he is now here.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
He thinks false staff is here.
Gideon Rappaport
Yes. So
Paul Nicholas
he does think it’s false staff
Gideon Rappaport
now He thinks it’s false staff. No.
Paul Nicholas
Hold on a second. Hold on. Let me come
Gideon Rappaport
Back. Hasn’t hasn’t fall, hasn’t he Ford pretended to be broke.
Paul Nicholas
Yes. So we know we, the there’s a whole lot of layers here. We, the audience, we know that Ford has spoken to fall staff and fall staff said, I got invited back to your wife’s house.
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
But what’s in question is the wives don’t know that. So do the wives think that Ford thinks it’s false staff? Or does, do the wives think that Ford thinks it’s just some guy?
Gideon Rappaport
Well, has she heard Ford?
Paul Nicholas
The only reference is what we talked about a few minutes ago is when he said a big fat buck of the season two. But that could be anybody.
Gideon Rappaport
The question is, does does mistress page, has she heard Ford accusing false staff of being this cuckold maker?
Paul Nicholas
Right. Which we, the, we the audience think that she has not heard that. But she is saying that she’s hearing that
Gideon Rappaport
Yes. I think it means that she, well she may be inventing it, which would be doubly ironic. Right. She may be sit reporting that he thinks it’s false death without knowing that he thinks it’s false death.
Paul Nicholas
By the way, this is one of the lines that made me think, oh, we could try it the other way that she did hear him coming through the town talking about false staff. And so that line would catch Mrs. Ford off guard. Like, really?
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
That’s a nice ad-lib there sis to make that up. But anyway, we’ll explore that next week.
This week we’re playing that. Michelle, you, you don’t know that Ford knows it’s fall staff, but you were saying to scare fall staff, you’re saying, oh, Ford is talking about fall staff and that he’s here.
Michele Schultz
Okay, got it. When you say your husband is in his own lus, again, it’s not just referring to this last time, right? Like, hasn’t Ford had jealous Yeah. Episodes like throughout their relationship because they make, make reference. Yeah. So It’s just something that happens and he’s, it’s probably more heightened now because there’s actual things happening, but like yeah, they referenced that he’s just a jealous man from the start And that’s why she wants to teach both men a lesson. She wants to teach fall staff, obviously, but she also wants to teach her husband that he’s imagining things.
Paul Nicholas
There’s a conversation that you have when you compare the letters. When you say, look at my letter, look at my letter. They’re the, the twin brother of my letter. There’s a conversation you have where you say, oh, my husband’s so jealous.
And Mrs. Page says, my husband’s as far from jealousy as I am from giving him calls.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
Corinna Christman
And then when they, yeah, when they tell Paige and Ford when pistol and tell him, tell them Yes. Forward immediately jealous. And Paige is kind of like, I’d like to see what happens here. This will be Yeah. Go after my wife. Yeah, they have
Paul Nicholas
And would he get more of her than sharp words that lie in my head? Yeah. Okay. Continuing on.
Corinna Christman
Are we, are we starting from 84?
Paul Nicholas
I’m sorry, I’m reading. I’m just going through other little bits that we wanted to talk about. I’ll know more. I’ll come no more in the basket. I’ll creep up into the chimney.
Mrs. Ford, I, I don’t know that these answers that you have or that answer, I think that’s your only one. I don’t know that you had that ready.
Corinna Christman
Okay. I’m just trying. You
Paul Nicholas
Didn’t think he was gonna say let’s, I I’ll creep up.
Corinna Christman
That Wasn’t the first thing I was expecting. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
Right. And so you go, no, you can’t go there because No.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
And then kiln hole, and then you go, you know what, there’s nowhere you can hide.
Corinna Christman
Yeah. Everything’s off limits. Yeah. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Todd, what do you mean? Any extremity rather than a mischief?
Todd Scofield
Yeah, because it almost sounds like, I mean, in one way it almost sounds like he’s saying, he’s saying what they did to him before was a practical joke and he knows it.
Paul Nicholas
That’s See, that’s what I thought. But if he knew it, he can’t know it.
Gideon Rappaport
Todd Scofield
I know
Gideon Rappaport
Mischief means a, a shooting like a crime. A a violence.
Todd Scofield
Oh, I see.
Gideon Rappaport
He’s a coward as well as everything else we know
Todd Scofield
Then. Yeah. A, a, a fight, a confrontation, A pri okay. Crime. Yeah.
Gideon Rappaport
A an injury.
Todd Scofield
Anything, anything other than them killing me.
Gideon Rappaport
Todd Scofield
A mischief
Gideon Rappaport
Or, or beating me or breaking my bone or whatever. Yes.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
I’ll even dress up as a woman to avoid that.
He doesn’t say that yet, but they haven’t told him yet. But when they say, when he says any extremity,
Paul Nicholas
I’ll go to any extreme to avoid getting beat. Getting beat up.
Gideon Rappaport
Correct. And then, okay, we have an idea,
Paul Nicholas
Mrs. Page. My, did we lose her? She here shall, my book says that thrummed means fringed. A fringed hat. Yeah. Oh, does that mean with little, like a little bangs hanging down? Yeah.
Gideon Rappaport
Over the eyes.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
The thrummed gown. A thrummed hat. I mean, and then why would they’re the, the ends of threads left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off. But the verb was used not only of the adapting of such material, but also the fringing generally. So a fringed hat would be more appropriate here as offering more cover for the face.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. And then why, why would they need linen for his head to act as a veil?
Gideon Rappaport
Paul Nicholas
I will look some linen for your head. That
Gideon Rappaport
is the thrummed hat might not be enough to hide his face, so they’re gonna put a white veil over it. So
Paul Nicholas
then Mrs. Ford, I don’t know if we can, I don’t know if we can make this clear, but we should, if we can make it clear, we should try that.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
The thrummed hat and the muffler. So the muffler covers like part of this, part of your face and Your
Michele Schultz
neck. The bottom half of the face. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
And your neck and the fringe, the thrummed hat covers here. And yet you’re saying, and I will get some linen for your head.
Michele Schultz
cover up the hair like a kerin.
Paul Nicholas
Is That she’s,
Gideon Rappaport
Is that what you think she means? He’ll have the hat on. So I think he’s, I think she’s just adding as many, as many reassurances that they’re going to keep him hidden as possible.
Paul Nicholas
And you said again later on Mrs. Ford, you say go up. I’ll bring linen for him straight.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
Okay, let’s go from, let’s go from how now, sweetheart, and then I won’t stop you. And let’s get to,
Todd Scofield
Where’s that
Paul Nicholas
After you, after you go into the chamber, sir? John. Oh, so
Todd Scofield
I’m, I’m off. Yeah.
Corinna Christman
Yeah, you just ran off. Can You gimme line number? Where Are you?
Paul Nicholas
13, 12, 13, something like that.
Gideon Rappaport
Oh, okay. You
Paul Nicholas
know what, that’s too far back. It’s
Michele Schultz
Nine 40.
Paul Nicholas
Okay, it’s nine 40. That’s too far back.
Let’s go from Sir John. Now I’ll come no more in the basket.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
48 ish. 48.
Todd Scofield
Okay. I, yep, I got it. Do you want, do
Paul Nicholas
you want the cue, Todd?
Todd Scofield
No, I’m good.
Paul Nicholas
Okay, here we go.
Todd Scofield
No, I’ll come no more in the basket. May I not go out? There he come.
Michele Schultz
A last three of Mr.
Todd Scofield
Michele Schultz
master Ford’s brothers watched the door with pistols. That nun shall you out. Otherwise you might step away and came.
But what make you here?
Todd Scofield
What shall I do? I’ll creep up into the chimney
Corinna Christman
There. They, they always used to discharge. They’re birding pieces Creep into the kill. Ho,
Todd Scofield
Where is it?
Corinna Christman
He will seek there on my word neither press coffer. Chest trunk. Well, vols. But he has an abstract for the remembrance of such places and goes to them by his note. There is no hiding. You in the house.
Todd Scofield
I’ll go out then.
Michele Schultz
Then if you go out in your own semblance, you die. Sir John, unless you go out disguised.
How might we disguise him? Oh, last the day. I know not there is no woman’s gang big enough for him. Otherwise he might put on a hat, a muffler and a kerchief. And so escape
Todd Scofield
Good hair, good hearts. Devise something. Any extremity rather than a mischief.
Corinna Christman
My maid’s aunt, the fat woman of Brentford has a gown above. Oh my What? It’ll serve him. She’s as big as he’s, and there’s a thrum hat and her muffler tip. Run up Sir. John, Go. Go. Sweet, sir. John mistress Paige and I will look some linen for your head. We’ll come dress you straight. Put on the gown. I would, my husband would meet him in this shape. He cannot abide the old woman of brentford. He swears she’s a witch. Forbade her my house and have threatened to beat her Heaven. Guide him to th husband’s cudgel and the devil guide the cudgel afterwards. But is my husband coming?
Hi in. Good sadness is he. And talks to the basket too. Howsoever, he had had intelligence. We’ll try for, we’ll try that for, I’ll appoint my men to carry the basket again to meet him at the door with it as they did last time. Yay. But he’ll be here presently. Let’s go dress him like the witch of brentford.
I’ll first direct my men what they shall do with the basket. Go up. I’ll bring Lyn for him straight And him dishonest. Violet. We cannot misuse him enough. We’ll leave a proof by that, which we will do.
Wives may be married
Todd Scofield
and yet honest,
Michele Schultz
we do not act that often.
Todd Scofield
Just laugh
Michele Schultz
is old but true still. Swine eats all the draft.
Paul Nicholas
Michele Schultz
Lovely. What does that mean?
Paul Nicholas
We shall find out. Let’s work, let’s figure out what all of this means. But yes, I definitely wanna get to that line. Do you know what Michelle? You know what?
I didn’t think I would like it, but kill hole because in my head I was going, nobody would understand that You mean kiln, but maybe when you say kill hole, it doesn’t need to mean kiln at all. It just sounds like she’s inventing something. Why don’t you creep into the kill hole so we can kill you? And he goes, where is it? Which is kind of funny.
Michele Schultz
Okay. I
Paul Nicholas
think I still prefer kiln, but that was not as, I didn’t dislike that as much as I thought I would. I think what makes it funny is that we, we, we, the audience thinks that no one knows what you mean. And yet fall staff goes, where is it? I’ll climb into it. Kill hole. Sure. I’ll climb into that. And then if we think that Mistress Ford has no idea what you’re talking about, but she goes, oh, he is gonna search there too, where whatever that is Anyway. Yeah, it’s jumping it.
Corinna Christman
Yeah. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
We can just play different things. Okay. Where did we pick up from? We picked up from here, Todd.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
I wonder if, I wonder if he is not leaving and then we have to figure out why he’s not leaving. Because pa Mrs. Page says, run up Sir John. And then Mrs. Ford, the very next line is Go, go sweet sir John. And then Mrs. Page says, quick, quick, we’ll come dress you straight.
So I wonder if he’s not leaving and I can’t figure out why he’s not leaving because he’s freaked out. Why wouldn’t he leave?
Todd Scofield
he is freaked out. And
Gideon Rappaport
also because there’s nowhere in the house that Ford won’t look. So going from one room of the house to another, he’s already been warned isn’t good enough.
Paul Nicholas
But they just told him to run upstairs. Go upstairs where the, where the gown is. Go put the gown on. She said it. Yeah.
Gideon Rappaport
Well he is fat. Running upstairs takes an effort.
Todd Scofield
Gideon Rappaport
Run Up is funny.
Paul Nicholas
I mean we could also steal the, steal the joke of from the production I did at Pennsylvania shakes this summer, which is she says, run up Sir John, and you go to leave and Ford, Mrs. Ford talks to you. And so you stop. And then she says, go, go sweet Sir John. And you go to leave. And she keeps talking. So you stop and she says Quick, quick. And you go to leave. And she keeps talking. So you stop. Like she keeps giving you instructions and that makes you stop. And then you stand there and they go, go. I don’t know, it’s, it was funny on stage. I don’t know if it’ll work on Zoom.
Todd Scofield
Yeah. Hmm. That would false sex. It’s definitely more hard, difficult to pull off on Zoom.
Paul Nicholas
Yeah. So maybe he is, would he be apprehensive about putting on a, a women’s attire even though he just said, I will do anything. Do anything. I’ll do it. Would it, is it funny if he goes, whatever you come up with, I’ll do. And then they go, we’re gonna dress you as a woman. And he goes, well I don’t Are you sure? Is that the only way?
Todd Scofield
Oh, I don’t know if that Yeah, we could try that.
Paul Nicholas
But it’s clear. Yeah.
Todd Scofield
Could try that not
Paul Nicholas
Leaving because they keep telling him to leave and he is not leaving. Yeah.
Corinna Christman
You, You could like Start to turn and then when they say something again, turn back. But sort of like, I don’t know, turning out, I don’t know how much it would read, but like turning away and moving and then turning back to us.
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
So cudgel is one of those words where I know what it means and I know how to use it, but I would love to know exactly what it means.
Michele Schultz
I think it’s a club. Yeah,
Paul Nicholas
That’s what I think. That’s what I think. But I’d love to know like the history of it.
Gideon Rappaport
Well, I think that I have to look it up in just a regular dictionary because it’s a, it’s a fat ended club I would say, but I’m gonna look,
Paul Nicholas
Yeah. You know what I have somewhere, I have my Isaac Asim off. I’m sure it’s in there.
Todd Scofield
Oh, I don’t know if it’s in the, he doesn’t always get that specific
Corinna Christman
Like a bat. I
Paul Nicholas
also have my lexicon somewhere in a box. It’s Called
Gideon Rappaport
a, it’s a short heavy club.
Paul Nicholas
That’s it.
Michele Schultz
That’s what I thought. Yeah. And it hurts when you get hit with it.
Paul Nicholas
Todd Scofield
Paul Nicholas
bet it does.
Corinna Christman
All the pictures, it looks like a little baseball bat, like a slender handle. And then it’s wider with the the weapon end.
Paul Nicholas
Mr. Ford. She says, yes, he is coming. And the weird thing is he’s also talking about the basket. I don’t know how he found out about that. Yeah. So when you say we’ll try that, I think it, it should be Oh. Oh my gosh.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
That’s another layer we could great. Yes.
Corinna Christman
Paul Nicholas
another piece of fun we could have.
Corinna Christman
He he is looking for a basket. He is heard about this. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
Corinna Christman
So we should use that, right? Yeah. Okay. But we don’t have enough time for that.
Try also means tests. We’ll see how far we can push that one. Yeah. Okay. Like that joke. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Mrs. Page, when she says that, she says to, to they’ll, I’ll instruct my man to carry the basket again to meet him at the door with it as they did last time. When you’re and Gideon tell me if I’m right. When you say nay, you don’t, you’re not saying no, that’s a bad idea.
What you’re saying is, oh my gosh, he’s gonna be here soon. We have to go dress, we gotta go dress. False acts.
Gideon Rappaport
Where are you? I’ve lost you now.
Paul Nicholas
90, 96, 97.
Gideon Rappaport
Oh, I think I’m saying No, we can’t do that because we don’t have enough time to do the whole basket thing. He’s already up there getting changed into the dress. We’re gonna go with that.
Paul Nicholas
You okay?
Corinna Christman
Yeah. I think you’re going back and forth. One of them is more ex Yeah. You wanna do the brentford thing? And I’m like, yeah, yeah. But first let’s do the basket too. Yeah. And That’s because we’ll make Them both happen. Mistress page doesn’t have an interest in necessarily showing up, showing up Ma Master Ford. But Mistress Ford does. Yeah. So she’s, she wants to double the fund for her.
Paul Nicholas
So you Think, you think Mrs. Page is saying, no, that’s a bad idea. ’cause we don’t have time. No,
Gideon Rappaport
it’s not. No, but it’s, we we don’t have time. She is saying we don’t have time. It nay is just like a exclamation It doesn’t literally mean No, but she, it’s like saying, well that’s all, that’s fine, but we gotta hurry. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. So then
Gideon Rappaport
They split up, then they split up. You go dress, start dressing him. I’ll deal with the basket and then I’ll come help you
Paul Nicholas
And, and, and you actually, what you actually say is, I’ll tell my men to deal with the basket and I’ll get some linen and I’ll come up.
Michele Schultz
Ah, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes. I see it. Okay. I misread it.
Paul Nicholas
And Mr.
Michele Schultz
So they
Paul Nicholas
Are gonna Huh? Go ahead. Go ahead Michelle.
Michele Schultz
I said yes. They, I I misread it. She says yes. They, they are going to do both. They’re gonna do the fake basket too, so they can watch Ford go and go through the basket and find nothing. Right. But We’ll, but the main thing will be to dress as a, as a, as a, and then they’ll sneak him out dressed as as, as a, as a woman that, but they know that Master Ford hates the woman.
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
And it’s a decoy because they, yeah. He will be, the plan is he will be so focused on the basket. He won’t examine the the woman. The woman. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. Yeah. I I I’m sorry, I I did misread the scene at first. Okay.
Paul Nicholas
Okay. And let’s close the evening with still swine eats all the draft.
Todd Scofield
Let’s do a draft.
Gideon Rappaport
All right, well let’s do all four lines. ’cause they’re, they’re great. We’ll leave a proof by that, which we will do. We’re going to exemplify by what we’re going to do. That wives may be married not because they’re hiding something or they’re behaving immorally, but because they can be both Mary and honest. Okay. Yeah. Fun and chased. Then we do not act. They’re often just, and laugh some women just, and laugh because they’re acting, they’re hiding, they’re hiding their immorality. But we, some women often that often just, and laugh are not acting. And we’re not, we’re not pretending to be virtuous.
We really are. We’re gonna, and what we do is gonna prove that in the long run. Then she quotes this old adage or saw the proverb.
Still wine eats all the draft still means quiet or
Paul Nicholas
Gideon Rappaport
Unmoving, unex un they’re not showing anything. Right. Other animals are, are busy trying to, but the still one gets it in the end because people are misled into thinking he’s not gonna go after it. But because of that, he will. So it’s, it means,
Paul Nicholas
And the draft is, is the feed, is the pig feed, right?
Gideon Rappaport
The dregs or the hogs wash the, the leftover food.
The no, and the, there’s an added part in a, in a similar usage in another play by Haywood. The quote is they the still sow eats all the draft and no question, the most smoother tongue fellow, the more errant nave.
So it’s another way of saying we can be good and still laugh and make Mary, because the quiet ones are the ones you can’t trust a woman who’s virtuous and is quiet, maybe not, maybe can’t be trusted, but a woman who can laugh and jest can also be virtuous. Does that help?
Paul Nicholas
Yes. A little bit. The first three lines were always clear to me.
Gideon Rappaport
Okay. It’s the
Paul Nicholas
still swine gets all the draft. How does that, the
Gideon Rappaport
Quiet one is the one not to be trusted.
Paul Nicholas
Ah, okay. But the draft, the draft you’re saying is the leftover feed that none of the other pigs Want.
Gideon Rappaport
Well, no. Every, all the pigs are eating draft. That’s what they eat. Right.
Paul Nicholas
So it is the pig feed,
Gideon Rappaport
Pig feed. But pig feed means the garbage from the house. Pigs eat whatever’s left over.
Paul Nicholas
So she’s saying she, she’s not saying that these two are still swine? No, she’s saying we are not still swine.
Gideon Rappaport
No. The opposite because
Paul Nicholas
We are mer and we just, and loud And
Gideon Rappaport
we’re honest. Whereas the still swine is the one pretending to be honest. But really eating all the draft, don’t trust them. Trust you can trust us. Even though we’re justing and laughing, don’t trust the quiet ones. They’re the ones who are probably pretending. Hmm.
Paul Nicholas
Fascinating. All right. Jules is about to bust down the door at any moment. Actors, questions, thoughts, concerns, manifestos, criticisms.
Todd Scofield
Hmm. Oh,
Juls Hoover
Very exciting.
Michele Schultz
So I
Paul Nicholas
guess Michelle, that last line should sound like a warning.
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
Forgive me if that’s Exactly what just said.
Michele Schultz
I didn’t,
Paul Nicholas
I didn’t realize it
Michele Schultz
still meant quiet in that context. I understand it now that it makes a lot more sense. We’re, we are boisterous, we are, we are, we, we, we don’t hide fact that we’re having fun. And that’s why, you know, that we’re honest.
I have only to say that. I think next time we should start with what we haven’t read at all yet. Okay. And we should start, and I, and I apologize. I’m, I’m, I’m going to go back to my old location so I don’t have technical problems, but I think we should start from here when we meet again next week.
Todd Scofield
Michele Schultz
Paul Nicholas
agree. I agree.
Juls Hoover
So specifically, where are we starting from? Where would you like to start from
Paul Nicholas
Right after this? I’ll, the first thing is enter, enter Mrs. Ford and Robert and John with the buck basket. Right.
Gideon Rappaport
So start at line 1 0 8, Right. And Ford comes in. Yeah.
Paul Nicholas
Juls Hoover
Excellent work. And
Paul Nicholas
then we’ll get through it. We’ll get to the end and then I’ll try my little experiment and then the final week we’ll polish it up.
Todd Scofield
Cool. Thank you.
Juls Hoover
This has been fun. Yeah, This is
Paul Nicholas
so much fun. I can’t think of a better way to spend a Tuesday evening.
Gideon Rappaport
Well, I suggest you go to sleep now. Yeah, yeah.
Paul Nicholas
I’m waking up at four 30
Gideon Rappaport
Based, based on your own testimony.
Todd Scofield
Juls Hoover
Well thank you.
Todd Scofield
All right.
Juls Hoover
Yes. And be everybody
Todd Scofield
Next week,
Juls Hoover
The audience please remember to subscribe and like, and we will see you next Tuesday. Thanks everybody.
Paul Nicholas
Corinna Christman
Thank you.
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