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Don’t miss the weekly sessions!
It’ll be our first time diving into this beautiful play, and we start with one of the (many) GREAT scenes in the play.
December’s Workshop
Our group will be working on the following scene:
- Act 4, Scene 1 – Richard formally deposes himself (from Richard’s entrance until his exit)
Scenes from the Folger Shakespeare Library here.
Richard II Team – we have artists in LA and Hawaii!
- DIRECTOR: Will Block
- DRAMATURG: Miranda Johnson-Haddad
- Sharing the roles of RICHARD and BOLINGBROKE: Jamal Douglas and Nick Cagle
REPLAYS (both video and audio) will be available weekly starting December 10th.
As a PATRON (starting at just $5), you can also get:
- Viewing of the sessions early (3-4 days before they go public)
- Priority access to ask questions of the artists
- And other perks
Get EARLY access and more via Patreon!
Want to be in the Room where it happens? 😉
These sessions are always filled with amazing scene work, and you’ll learn:
- how professional artists approach material
- what questions to ask
- what the director expects from actors
- how to find character clues from the text
- how the exploration never stops!
The great joy of these programs is that we get to:
- spend SO much time diving deep on a scene and characters
- bring together lifelong professionals with newer/younger actors
- cast roles while being totally open to race, gender, and age
Artist Bios – folks coming from LA and Hawaii!
Will Block (DIRECTOR) is an actor, director and teacher. He is currently the Artistic Director for The Porters of Hellsgate Theatre Company in LA. With them, he has directed All’s Well that Ends Well, All is True or Henry VIII, and The Two Noble Kinsmen. He was previously the founding Artistic Director of Method and Madness, for whom he appeared as the title character in Richard II and directed productions of Henry IV and Macbeth.
Dr. Miranda Johnson-Haddad (DRAMATURG) is the Resident dramaturg at A Noise Within in LA. She has been a consultant and teacher for The Shakespeare Theatre in DC and a Scholar in Residence at The Folger Shakespeare Library. Miranda has taught Shakespeare and Renaissance literature at numerous universities and is the author of several articles on Shakespeare in performance.
Jamal Douglas (ACTOR) is a writer, poet, educator, and actor. He is a graduate of the UCSD/The Old Globe MFA program.
Nick Cagle (ACTOR) trained at The Boston Conservatory and at LAMDA. After graduating he landed roles on MTV, HBO and with SONY Online Entertainment and performed at multiple regional theaters in California.
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