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Based on suggestions from past podcast guests and Rehearsal Room participants, I created this “In Memoriam” video.
I wanted to highlight artists that might not appear in other montages; there may be some overlap, but while most aren’t household names, they still spent their lives as working actors and artists.
It features 35 artists who left us in 2023-2024; the names are listed below as well as in the description or caption of the video. I really appreciate everyone who sent in names of colleagues, and I imagine some will know at least a few if not many of the people included.
It was an honor and joy to put this together; I learned quite a bit about all these amazing careers out there. I hope to keep making these.
Artists included in the video:
- Ken Page
- Gloria Stroock
- Bill Bushnell
- Patti Yasutake
- Keith Baxter
- Linda Gehringer
- Adrian Bailey
- John Iacovelli
- Manong “Muni” Zano
- Gwen Van Dam
- Robert Goldsby
- Tony Todd
- Catherine Lynn Davis
- David Schweizer
- Anja Lee
- Alan Rachins
- Chris Kayser
- Joanna Merlin
- Dan Kern
- Vinie Burrows
- Douglas Rowe
- Michael McDonald
- Glynis Johns
- Hinton Battle
- Joan McCall
- Kurt Kuniyoshi
- Joseph Hardy
- Linda Lavin
- Nicolas Coster
- Martin Benson
- Sarah Rice
- Ted Weiant
- Samm-Art Williams
- Helen Gallagher
- Tony Mordente
(I’ll try to include links for everyone at some point. Lots of great work to explore!)
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