What happened in Week 3?
🏁 In our third week, highlights include:
- Looking at the Provost, his role as a guide and mediator, and his interactions with Angelo
- Comparing the Provost and Lucio, highlighting how they are foils for each other
- The actors question whether the Provost and Lucio could be played by women
Session released from the Rehearsal Room ARCHIVE – August 2023.
Watch the Week 3 session!
Full transcript included at the bottom of this post.
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Total Running Time: 1:56:17
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Our group will be working on Act 2, Scene 2 – Angelo’s first meeting with Isabella, where she comes to plead for her brother’s life.
Measure for Measure scene from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
- DIRECTOR: Stefan Novinski
- DRAMATURG: Miranda Johnson-Haddad
- ANGELO: J. Paul Nicholas
- ISABELLA: Charlotte Northeast
- PROVOST / LUCIO: Rachel Dilliplane
Read more about the artists here.
One of our dramaturgs, Dr. Gideon Rappaport, has written three books on Shakespeare:
- Appreciating Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Edited and Annotated
- Shakespeare’s Rhetorical Figures: An Outline
And there’s more!
Catch up on our other workshops featuring lots of Shakespeare scenes, from Hamlet, King Lear, Troilus and Cressida, Midsummer, As You Like It, and our Twelfth Night repertory extravaganza – all on the podcast and YouTube. If you’ve missed any presentations thus far, click here to find them all.
Click here for the transcript!
Well, speaking of working, we’re gonna have fun tonight. ’cause I actually love when actors aren’t available.
I know Stefan’s, excuse me. I love it when there’s a moment when you’re like, oh, so-and-so’s not available today. I’ve learned that it, what it does is it frees you up and you’re like, well then we’re only gonna work these parts. Right.
And so we get to like really go deep dive at the beginning of this scene a bit. Right. And now that we have our dramaturg, we you should have, if you, I don’t know if you watched our first session, but many of the questions were, well, if we had a dramaturg, I don’t know. So why don’t we, if you guys want, if it’s you wanna start, why don’t we begin at the beginning and then see what questions maybe Miranda can answer or ones that you guys have thought about is the last time we approached it. Cool.
Okay. All right.
Yeah, let’s just go from the top, nice and slow.
He’s hearing the cause. He will come straight. I’ll tell him of you.
Pray you do. I’ll know his pleasure.
The wedding is.
It is happening.
Welcome. Tona there. It’s just rampant. Ev Absolutely. Everybody’s coming through here anyway, as we were.
I’ll know his pleasure. Maybe he will relent, alas, he ha but as offended in a dream, all sex, all ages smack of this device, of this vice. And he to die for it.
Now what’s.
The matter, provost? Good. Let’s hold there. Provost questions or comments?
Do you No, it’s pretty straightforward. And yeah, just that we talked some last time about, is this my first time trying to address this issue with Angelo? And we kind of landed on like, no, we’re gonna ask one more time.
You know?
Yeah. I think that tracked and I, I really heard this time about, I wondered why did Shakespeare have a last he hath that is offended in a dream all sex assault, ages smack of this vice and he to die for it.
Why do we need that?
I, well, something that I was kind of struck by listening through the last session on Sunday is that there’s never any question of whether or not Claudia’s guilty. Like everybody knows that this actually happened, is a fiance is walking around proof of it. And we all know that it’s something that everybody does in this town. Even the Duke’s aware of it.
I think the biggest question that everybody has is that final line of like, but is the punishment really that he has to die?
Yeah. So appealing to Angelo that like, is this, like, I know you want to make an example, you have to prove yourself in your new role and you have to start somewhere and you are being tested by the Duke here. So, but is is that really, do we have to go to the extreme?
I I have a question that I was going to hold because I thought it was not related, but listening to Rachel ask, say that point makes me wonder if my question’s related. And that is, is there significance to the fact that these lines are coming from the provost?
’cause these sound like Lucio. It sounds like Lucio talking, but it’s coming the provost and that cannot be accidental.
I’m gonna, I’m gonna defer to Miranda.
It, well, I, a couple of, a couple of thoughts. You know, speaking to, to Stefan’s point, I I think I agree with you a hundred percent Shakespeare, you know, the people say there are no coincidences in August Wilson. There are no coincidences in Shakespeare either. So, so I, I think the fact that, but the provost is really a very, I I’ve always felt a very decent individual, you know, just a very, very decent individual and, and, and likable and, and human and has a humanity that, that certainly Angelou does not have. And that arguably, I think Lucio doesn’t either. So perhaps, you know, one, one possible way in would be that the fact that, that both Lucio on the one hand and, and the provost on the other are saying the same point, shows that it really is universal. You know, everybody can agree on this.
I also learned when I was doing some research for, for Jessica’s production marriage laws were, were really complicated and err radically enforced. And, and, and so it just in, in Jakobe in England, and, and I think that Shakespeare’s audience could certainly have, have this, would’ve have appealed to his audience on a very visceral level. All sex, all ages smack of this vice and Heath die for it. I think that would’ve really touched a chord in the, in the hearts and minds of the, of the viewers.
I think the obvious question here, but for our listeners at home, what exactly is a provost, particularly in this context?
It, it’s a great question. Go ahead Stefan. Sorry.
No, I just said good question.
Yeah, no, it’s a, it’s a great question be because I think, you know, he, he plays several roles. You know, he’s a jailer, but he’s more than a jailer. He’s a, he’s kind of a, he’s a mediator in a way. He certainly tries to mediate between Angelo and the, and the prisoners. I I also think perhaps there’s a, he’s, he’s his decency, paradoxically his decency really has a chance to shine in these situations. And I think it’s very significant that at the end of the play, the Duke says to him, we will employ the, in a better place. You know, the duke the, the Duke has really come to recognize his, his humanity, his decency, and that he doesn’t belong in this jail.
So I think there’s a sense in which the character is sort of above his office morally and in other ways. But, but essentially he’s, he’s sort of a combination of jailer, warden bailiff. But it’s, it’s an unusual noun. I wanna just double check in the den, but I, we, I don’t think we see a provost elsewhere in Shakespeare.
Probably Shakespeare.
What’s that?
I I was gonna say follow up. Oh, sorry. Lagging.
The question I have then is the, for the justice to be carried out. In what manner would Angelo be die not Angelo Claudio be killed for this crime? And how directly is the provost involved in that physical act of Claudio’s death?
That’s a great question. Well, we find out that he is to be beheaded and the provost would not be doing the act. It’s abson, you know, he will discredit our mystery, which I always think is just such a hilarious line. You know, he doesn’t want copy the bo to, to assist him. But, but he’s, he’s, he would not physically be doing it, but, but he would be beheaded. That’s clearly the, the, the sentence.
That’s helpful just for an image. And then I have the strangest question, and maybe I should know it. It’s, this is a shared line. I’ll tell him of I’ll tell him of you pray. You do. I’ll know his pleasure. Maybe he will relent.
I’ll know his opinion. Pleasure is opinion. Right. I’ll know his, his affection, like his.
His preference, his desire.
His preference. Right.
It’s a curious word choice though, given the themes of this play. I agree. That one always strikes on my ear. The den, by the way, has, this is the third den, Rachel that I’m reading. It has a useful note on the provost, just how the original audience might have thought of this dramatically important figure. And his title is Uncertain. Originally a provost or Provost Marshall was a military policeman and judicial officer. But by the late 16th century, the title could designate a royally appointed individual who was responsible for controlling, arresting, and indeed hanging criminals. But yeah, no, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere else in Shakespeare.
Interesting. So unusual. I think so it’s a great question. Yeah. Who exactly is this person and what our, what is his office?
Let’s keep going and let’s really examine this Provost Angela relationship. Enter Angela please.
And the fact that this is also a shared line told me that he comes right in on the back of, of provost’s line right
now. What’s the matter? Provost?
Is it your will? Claudio shall die tomorrow.
Did I not tell you? Yay. Has th not ordered? Why does th ask again?
Lest I might be too rash under your good correction. I have seen when after execution judgment hath repented or his doom.
Go to let that be mine. Do you, your office or give up your place and you shall well be spared.
I crave your honor’s. Pardon? What shall be done, sir? With the groaning Juliet, she’s very near her hour.
Dispose of her to some fitter, dispose of her to some fitter place. And that with speed.
Ander. Good. Hold. Good, good, good, good, good. I love the petulance and I the provost. If we think of provost, you guys did I talk about Impro last time? Keith Johnson’s inpro and status.
I didn’t do that. I use it for everything.
You did. And so, so it’s what’s interesting is the provost has a higher status than Angelo, but the provost can’t play it. The provost has that dignity. It’s like the provost is the parent in the room who at this moment has to be just a, you know, just one under Angelo always. Right. Stefan? I might’ve misheard, but I think you said, did I not tell the yay.
Did not. I tell the Yes I did. ’cause I was trying to look into the camera and be all dramatic.
Okay. Sorry. Did not, I tell the yay
and so provost, I love this nagging that goes on here. Well, you know, sometimes when you really want that apple pie, ’cause sometimes when people have apple pie, you know, they regret it. Right?
It’s okay to lean into that. It’s okay for the provost to have a wee bit of fun. We’re not going to Lucio, but just a little scold, right? A little.
I have a, I just thought.
I just, I’m sorry, go ahead.
No, you go.
Well, I, I guess kind of in status too, the, there’s like the official status of somebody’s role and having earned or been appointed that role, but then there’s also the status of being in somebody’s favor, which it’s such an interesting thing with play with the Duke not being present, but being present throughout it. And I guess the sense that Provost has kind of always been in partnership with the Dukes reign. And so Angelo’s position is a very new thing. And kind of like how Isabelle points on the great men having their power and then walking around with their clown costume wielding power around.
I think there’s a way in which provost is like, alright, let him get used to the big boy bike, but let’s make sure he doesn’t ride the entire city straight into traffic type.
If I had to do some.
Is that right? Like the.
If I had to do some Stanovsky super objective, which I never used, which just popped into my head, the provost is a guide provost is guiding, is trying to guide. Right? And so it’s, it’s why the provost doesn’t get offended when he says, well just though, ask again. You know, insert asshole.
And your response is, well it’s very patient, but always trying to guide, which will be, which will keep you away from Lucio who Right. Is just trying to add light and rry everywhere.
Can we do that again? What’s the matter? Provost And can Oh, so go ahead. Stefan.
Angelo is new, right? How new, like, new, like, is this his first big decision, like the Claudio thing? His.
Second day keeping.
Say that again?
I was just referencing your second day of teaching.
Oh yes. Yeah.
He is new and he is, he is also gung-ho at the newness. Meaning he, he didn’t take long. He, there was no warmup lap. He went from, alright, I’m in charge now and I change everything.
Okay then when, what does the provost mean when he says under your good correction? I have seen when after something has been done, and he uses the word execution, which has a double meaning judgment, half repented or is doomed. So the, the, the, the, the, the judge, the judges have realized that they made a mistake. But under your good correction, I thought meant you, Angelo, I’ve seen where in the past you sentence someone to something and turns out it was not correct. But if he’s new, then he doesn’t mean Angela. What does he mean?
Y you’re absolutely right. It, it’s, it’s, I think it’s helped if we just understand it as sort of a formula. Like, you know, saving your reverence or pardon me for, you know, seeming to criticize or, you know, under your correction. That is correct me if I’m wrong, but you know, I’ve seen this happen. Okay.
Correct me if I’m wrong. That’s exactly.
Yeah, that’s a great question though. ’cause it’s to our ears, it sounds temporal. You know, it sounds as though he has been doing this for a while, but in fact he hasn’t.
Yeah. And then it’s able to allow the provost to be a little less personal and more like, you know, I’ve seen, you know, tell me if I’m wrong, if you’ve ever seen this, but sometimes judges make mistakes and.
Regret it.
And regret it and.
It’s telling more of a terrible, rather than like, hey, remember that time you felt bad about that decision you made? It’s like no greater men than you have messed up before.
I have another question before we get back to it, Stefan. Sorry. Can somebody help me with, let that be mine.
It it, it’s like the sin upon my head. You know, if, if I make that mistake, that’s my, that’s my problem. Not yours. It’s my bad and my Yeah, exactly. You shouldn’t worry about it. And if you can’t back me up here, then you know, I’m I’ll happily find someone else who can. So there’s that threat, you know, I’m gonna fire you as well.
And you shall be well spared. Meaning.
Give up your place.
We won’t, we won’t miss you.
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. If, if you can’t do this, you’re outta here. I’ll find somebody else and I won’t miss you. You know, there’s plenty of other people applying for this job, basically. Oh, that’s.
What that means. Okay.
Yeah. Yeah.
So I’m not like a scansion nerd nerd, but I do like it when there’s beats missing and help me out here.
Did not. I tell the yay has th not order. That’s 10.
Why does thou ask, why does thou ask again? Lest I might be too. Are these separate lines with beats missing?
I think so.
Speaker 4
I have seen That’s fine. When after execution judgment half. That’s fine.
Wait, Stefan, it could be a 12. It could be an Alexandria line. Just ask again less. I might be too rash.
It could be. I’m not saying it is.
That be my it? There’re there’s certainly too long the Angelo makes ’em too long.
You’re you’re absolutely right.
Speaker 4
Do you your office give.
Place? Do you your office or give up your place? That’s perfect. Okay. And you shall be well spared. That’s short. Yeah. His, his his his his scansion is very choppy.
And then I crave your honors. Pardon?
So here’s what I would like to suggest, given how weird it is, is we able, we can push and pull against it. We’re allowed to, for example, working backwards and you shall be we and you shall be well spared gives the provost a beat.
’cause he was so, he’s such a jerk. Then quit. We won’t miss you.
Okay. My bad. I crave, I’m so sorry. You’re allowed to take that beat before. Yeah. And then why Justo ask again. Let’s, I might be too rash. I want to submit that. Maybe I could in the playing of it. You guys play with it. Those are almost overlap. Those are, those are crunched. Why do you asking again? I don’t wanna be too rash and then it gets normal.
Pardon? Under your does that kind of track?
Speaker 4
I, I’m less of a nerd. I haven’t had quite the, this level of training in like this many syllables means this. But, so I like the idea when we’re like, hold on, that doesn’t count out. Does that mean we have a space or that we should be jumping on it? So I love playing with that. Sounds great.
You we might be able to pull it off on repented or his zoom GoTo that let that be. Mine is a place where there’s like a, a crunching, right?
And then there’s a.
A also like.
Interesting. Yeah. Yeah.
It’s an identical sequence, isn’t it? There’s two of them.
This is where if I was really good, I’d have to fully ultimately.
Rachel, go ahead.
No, I was just like, this tracks with almost any conversation I’ve ever had with somebody where I’ve just been like, I, I know you’ve made up your mind, but like the sentences almost never finished.
Like the voice of reason is never actually allowed to finish a sentence in those circumstances. So it it, it tracks to me that there would be interruption.
Yeah. So can we read it once from now? What’s the matter of provost and just, you know, get on your, get on your, your game a little bit in terms of Angelo not wanting to be questioned and the provost trying to get a word in without upsetting the apple cart.
Now what’s the matter? Provost?
Is it your will? Claudio shall die tomorrow.
Did not. I tell the yay. Has thou not order? Why does thou ask again?
Last, I might be too rash under your good correction. I have seen when after execution judgment half repented or his due.
Go to let that be mine. Do you your office or give up your place and you shall well be spared.
I crave your honor’s. Pardon? What shall be done sir? With the groaning Juliette, she’s very near her hour.
Dispose of her to some more fitter place and that with speed.
Great. Hold. We have a, the little bit of the lag from Rachel because she’s in pars unknown. But I actually think that’s gonna work. I could see, I actually could see you do it before you, I heard you do it so I could see you really jump on Stefan. I thought that was really lovely. I just wanna offer one thing, which is you don’t, I realize I crave your honors. Pardon? Also you could have a beat after so that you could then have the idea, well, okay, what do we do with the girl when he’s like, do your damn job or I’m gonna get rid of you. Okay, my bad. You know, other question. Right?
But the logic of this, does it track y’all?
Great. It’s gonna play really well when we have really good wifi.
Let’s sorry, move on. No, you’re good, you’re good. We’re doing text work. We’re fine. Any questions before we move on? Enterer?
I I had one thing. May I just say one thing that I just noticed and it was, it was when you were bringing up this, this I’ll know his pleasure, that word pleasure. And, and then the provost then goes on to say, is it your will Claudio shall die tomorrow. And of course both Will and Die had body double meanings in Shakespeare. And then even, even then when he says, what shall be done, sir, with the groaning Juliet. And there’s, there’s almost this, you know, he, he, he, he feels, he fills a role that we so often see women fulfilling it. You know, we think of the nurse, we think of Amelia, you know, the sort of earthier. I don’t, I don’t know how far we I wanna go with this, but it, it’s just striking upon my, my ear, those that the provost is using that type of language.
Is he needling Angelo a little bit? Is that, does he know that Angelo, you know, this is, he’s so straight laced and buttoned up. Is he trying to, I don’t know, but, but it, it certainly is remarkable how many double entendres he gets in the provost gets in, in a relatively few number of lines. Just food for thought.
I I I would like to point out the awkwardness of what would be two grown men who are not the most, you know, I, I assume let’s just sit, let’s assume the provost doesn’t even marry, like talking about this very pregnant woman who might give birth at any moment in the lobby that you can at least bring in that that’s what it would have been, right? This, it just, she’s, what do we do about the really pregnant lady over there and neither knows, I don’t know. Take her out of here, right? Yes. So yeah, I would bring all, I would bring anytime you can find the body, both B o d Y and b a whatever, I would bring it in and somehow the lights went off in my, oh, now they’re back. Never good sign.
I put lights in the bookcase and sometimes they just don’t work. Okay, great. Yes. No, I love anytime we can, we can hit any of those. Enter a servant.
Here is the sister of the man condemned desires, access to you. You.
Happy your sister?
Aye my good lord. A very virtuous maid. And to be shortly of a sisterhood, if not already.
Well let her be admitted. See you. The fornicate be removed. Let her have needful but not lavish. Means there shall be order for it.
Okay, good. Hold. We were playing with some stuff Miranda, and we wish, I’m gonna check some logic with you.
Any reason why the provost goes on a little bit about sister and there’s two meetings there. Has he a sister? Yeah, it’s a sister who’s gonna be a sister. Ha ha ha. Right. There are days I think he wrote these lines for Lucio and then had to move him over to the provost. ’cause the provost has still has fun, right?
A a very virtuous mate. Is there is the provost? This is a question that’s not a question. ’cause I think I’m right. Is the provost kind of trying to point out that Angelo is, comes from a good family.
That, that Claudio comes right from a good Claudio.
Claudio, I apologize. Angela’s family at all. Yeah.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I, I think absolutely. Yeah. I I think you’re right too. And, and not only a good family, but has a, you know, maybe he’s thinking Isabella’s virtue may serve as a counter poised to claudio’s sin in Angelo guys. I, I think he just hope, he just hopes she can have a good effect. I also have to, that word fornicate, you know, always, always, always just drives me crazy. It’s such a, I mean it tells us so much about Angelo that it’s such a, it, I don’t know. It was so contemptuous and rigid and cold and unlikable.
So does Angelo, we had an, I had an idea that maybe not be true ’cause earlier Angela, they said, well what do we do with the gro and Juliet dispose of her to some or fitter place? And that was speed done. But now he goes back to it.
Without being asked. Is he.
Without being asked, does he soften? Okay, let the hussy at least have a bed in a cell.
Do you get that at all? Or is he still just making sure he’s been he was hurt the first time.
Actually, I’m just throwing this out there. I don’t know that this is it because I told you that Claudio shall die tomorrow before, and you asked me again before you come back here tomorrow and ask me again. I’m gonna say it again.
Make sure she is removed before she gives birth. Is that another option? That’s not how I, I think so, but I wonder if that’s an option.
I think so. What do, do you think.
Like he’s still, he knows he’s got his list.
I’m gonna give you, this one’s gonna be on the day. Literally how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling so put upon, right? If Rachel‘s annoying you to the point of like, if it, because really it becomes, is it about Rachel, right? Is it about the provost? Like, look, dude and I I don’t wanna ever have to say this again ’cause you’re so annoying. Or does it, or are you feeling once you hear this virtuous maid, the brother had a virtuous maid. Okay, women can be virtuous and there’s such a thing as a women should be somewhat respected. Fine. At least give her a bed.
I don’t care. They both work and they both track.
Speaker 4
Agree. Something I was struck by rewatching Sunday’s rehearsal was the question that was brought up about Isabelle’s is, is Isabelle’s insistence on like, well what about you bringing it back to Angelo? If that’s the very first time this argument has been made by the provost, by Isabelle, by Lucio, by anybody in the community who cares about Juliet or Claudio who have come to the door of the, of even the provost to Angelo who just keep asking for pity or empathy. Please have a heart. Think about who these people are. They, he’s a brother, he’s a son, he’s a husband. Like stare him in that way. And Isabelle being the first person to be like, okay, but what if you were Claudio?
I think Provost keeps layering on the idea of, but he’s a brother and a brother to a very nice sister. He is a fiance to a groaning Juliet. Like the arguments are sound, but they’re just beside the point where Angela will maybe listen until Isabel introduced the idea of like, okay, but what if it was you?
Hmm. I think to support that in, in the text to shared the line, she’s very near her hour dispose of her to some more fitter place. And that was speed. It is right. It’s not, it’s boom here, right, to Stefan‘s point, he brings it up. Well let her be admitted. Now he is full control, not a shared line.
See that the hussy and it, I just think there’s a softening in there. Let her have needful but not lavish.
And there shall be order for it as what is, I assume Miranda, there should be order for it means there shall be money for it. There shall be the, the state will pay for it. At the very least. I’ll write the order.
Oh, I thought in this case order meant something like a, a warrant. Like I will get an official stamp or something. But you might be right. It might be.
No, but I think to the point, it’s like, I’ll make this official right Earlier he goes, what should we do with her? He’s like, just get her out of here. He’s like, okay, fine. I’ll find a room for her in a well in a halfway house.
Kind of, I don’t know. He’s, he’s the state, you know, he’s being the state here. Whereas earlier he was like, just make her go away. Okay, I’m gonna give an order.
I’m let that go. I think both are, you know, they aren’t exclusive. I think they both work actually. What, what you and Stefan are saying. Both, both of those things work and work together. I agree.
Yeah. On the day, Stefan depends on how you’re feeling. You know what, let’s keep going and see. ’cause you’re, you gotta track this whole transformation and let’s just see where you want him to soften, if ever. And maybe you, you’re like, I he can’t do it that earlier. I leave that to you man. Okay, well then here comes the provost. Sorry, go ahead. Well.
Then may I ask that we go back a couple of lines before the fornicate line so I can play it the other way and see how it feels.
Love it. How about from the, the servants entrance?
Yeah. How about actually go over the top of the page. What shall be done, sir? With the groaning Juliette, that’s where the beat starts. This is, we’re talking about Juliette now, what shall be done?
What shall be done, sir, with the groaning Juliette, she’s very near her hour.
Dispose of her to some fitter place. And that with speed.
Dears, the sister of the man condemned desires access to you.
Ha sister.
I’m my good.
I am my good lord, a very virtuous maid. And to be shortly of a sisterhood, if not already.
Well let her be admitted. See you. The fornicate be removed. Let her have needful but not lavish. Means there shall be order for it.
Save your honor.
Say it one.
I I wanna say first I fix your slate. I actually think Stefan there. I love the officious version. I don’t want you to soften. I go against everything I’ve, everything I’ve said, I don’t wanna do it too early. I don’t want that to be an event. I want it to sound like I’ve given an order. He uses technical terms, he uses legalistic terms. He fornicates right? Nefa but not lavish still. Should we order for it? He’s taking control of the room also earlier he gets dis dispose of her to some fitter place. And that was speed. He thinks he’s done and now he’s got a visitor. And look, has he assist her is a shared line. So he’s getting, getting like it’s coming from all sides.
So you have two shared lines, desires, access to you. Has he sister, her? If no, no, no. If not already, well let her be admitted. It’s just like whatever. And so I feel like these three lines are you taking back control of the room? Okay. Does that track? ’cause that’s what I got from you.
Yep. And I have to tell you, playing it that way gives us, draws out so much more of the subtext for stay a little while. ’cause I told him to get rid of her with speed and now I’m telling him again, don’t make me tell you again. Don’t come back here and ask me questions. Get rid of her. She walks in, I go, oh. Oh. Don’t go.
That’s hysterical. Sorry. I, we love it. It’s comedy, right? We love it when he, okay, I’m glad we hashed that out and came back to write to the more simple and honest reading. There shall be order for it.
So here’s provost save, your honor. Let’s pick up from there.
Save your honor.
Stay a little while. You’re welcome. What’s your will?
I’m a woeful suitor to your honor. Please. But your honor, hear me.
Well. What’s your suit?
There is a vice that most I do abor and most desires should meet the blow of justice for which I would not plead, but that I must for which I must not plead, but that I am at war. Betws will and will not.
Well the matter.
I have a brother is condemned to die. I do beseech you let it be his fault and not my brother.
Heaven give the moving graces.
Condemn the fault and not the actor of it. Why? Every fault’s condemned. Dare it be done. Mine were the very cipher of a function to find the faults whose fine stands in record and let go by the actor.
Oh, just but severe law. I had a brother then. Heaven keep your honor.
Not worse. So to him, again in treat him kneel down before him, hang upon his gown. You are too cold. If you should need a pin, you could not with more tame a tongue, desire it to him. I say.
Must. He needs die. Alright, let’s hold there. Okay. By the way, I dare you guys to try to read out loud. Isabella is there is a vice that most I do abhor and most desire should meet the blow of justice. It is the hardest monosyllabic, weirdly stressed. I tried to like do it regular and it’s just like, you can feel her. It’s, it’s amazing.
Amazing. Yeah.
Do we wanna unpack? Stay a little while. I love how you’re doing it, but are we, I just wanna make sure, Miranda, are we missing anything?
Not that I could see from here. I I I like very much the way that is going today. Yeah, because I agree, Stefan, you’re absolutely right. You know, he’s sort of sending the provost off and then suddenly stay a little while. And I, I love the way you did that.
Just, it’s so challenging with.
Sorry, I I just wish it were you are welcome instead of you are welcome.
But he does have two contractions back to back. You are welcome. What’s your will?
But actually kind of the fun thing with that is the pressure that we’ve added to this scene now with the urgency of provost is here with list of questions. We get the sense that Angelo’s dealing with several other things. And what now he also has a sister, I already answered this question. I’ve got so much else to do. And now he’s reaching the point where he doesn’t even have enough time for full words. He has to start using contractions, which is kind of fun.
I’m glad you brought that up because the next time we do it, what I was gonna play was, oh shit, he has a sister and the law says I’m supposed to hear next of kin. I’m supposed to hear out family members. I can’t like turn her away. Okay, fine. Let her come in. I’ll listen. It’s not gonna change my mind, but I’ll listen.
And I don’t know if that was the law. I’m just making that up because it makes my, makes my.
Fixing the site.
Love the disco.
It’s just bugging, bugging my eye. We.
Were, we were digging the disco man. What happened?
Yeah, we were all about ready to break into Saturday Night Fever. Here.
It goes. Wedding. It just means I.
The wedding, I gotta find out where the short is. It’s gonna be such a pain. Well, what’s your suit also, you have three of them, right? You have three contractions. Oh, yeah. What do you want? What’s your will? What’s your suit? What I love it. What, what, what, what? And also she takes forever to say it. I am a willful suitor to your Honor. Please. Will you hear me? Yes. What? There is a vice. I’m not know what I’m tell you. You’re like, I know whose brother you are. Okay, let’s go.
I’m a busy man.
And I think, I think what I wanna play is I am required, required by law to hear your petition. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. As soon as you’re done, I’m gonna say, no, he has to die. But you say this argument about forgiving the criminal but punishing the crime. And I’m, that’s just juicy. And I go, wait a minute. What? Let’s unpack that. Miss Isabella. Lemme show you how smart I am. I like that.
If you like it.
I love it.
I had this whole thing as a director, which is, it doesn’t matter what I like in a strange way. Because what I’ve learned is what whatever the whatever turns the actor on is juicy for them. Why go against it like far more brilliant than I am? Be so be Stefan. Because you’re owning it. Yeah, I love it. So, okay. O oh, just but severe law. I had a brother then. Heaven keep your honor.
Now Lucio enters the play. Should we play? Who do we wanna make Lucio? Do we wanna push Lucio and the Provost away from each other? Do you want a hat?
Like who is Lucio for you? Let’s, let’s examine, here’s one thing I do know. Ready, pretentious Lucio means light.
So he’s bringing, he brings light everywhere he goes. And I think he enjoys this idea about himself.
The it since Sunday I listened to the podcast suggestion that Nathan sent out to all of us with the doctor, the, the professor about the, the foils that are presented in this play. And I was so struck by the professor’s decision to talk about Claudio versus Angelo as being complete foils for one another and then also for the Duke to be his own foil as well, which gave me the joyful comparison of like, okay, well if I’m playing Lucio and Provost, like what way can they be foils for one another?
And it kind of brought me to the question though of, in our reading of this and with me reading these characters is are there any reasons why Provost and Lucio wouldn’t be women?
And what does that do other than the fact that Lucio is gonna get punished for also having impregnated somebody.
It’s in a sense two questions, right? One is how can one be the foil for the other?
And then what happens now realizing they’re both women.
Let me me attack the first one first, which is I love that they’re foils for each other.
Do you ever get the I do you ever get the sense that Lucio is like the provost inner monologue in this scene? So wait, say that again. That the two Say that again. That the Lucio is the provost inner monologue. Oh, in terms of foils, like they’re opposites. They’re not even foils for each other. They are, they’re the two sides of one coin.
And so I think you could really push into, do you have any friends who have just whose inner monologue comes out and you’re like shocked when you’re just like, whoa, that’s what you were thinking. I think that, I think Lucio is an earthy body character is a bo right? It’s down here. It’s in the body. Streetwise lower status doesn’t care, has no status. In a strange way, Lucio just goes wherever he wants, right?
No social graces, but can manipulate every, so every social standing right. Can ingratiate himself to the king.
And then the women question,
I don’t know afraid to answer.
That’s fair because it’s, I resonate so much with the provost and without speaking ill of previous employers, but having been the production manager or administrator to like c e o or artistic director and being there with my clipboard of like, I’m just gonna, I know you already answered this, but I have issues with what your answer was. I don’t quite have the power to change your decision. But I’m gonna ask again, just so you can hear yourself say kind of the shitty thing one more time. Like I really resonate with that.
And then kind of the opposite side of that coin of like, I am here to help you follow the rules versus the, I’m here to actually say that. That’s kind of a dumb thing to say and like, you’re so right that it is so in the body, I think of Provost with like white knuckled, clipboard or like hands behind the back, very deferential proper versus Lucio, I think we said before, like comes in and probably throws his feet up or her feet up on somebody’s desk is like, I’m just here to eat the popcorn and also have my opinions about this. And, but it’s weird too because from this point on, provost and Lucio just have a sides.
So they’re not necessarily getting their opportunity to let their voice spill into the conversation directly.
Yes. To all of that. The provost is a rule follower is a believer in, in, in institutions. I worked, I was the art arts administrator for a, a large regional theater and with an artistic director that I had to sort of schedule and move around and right before I went to grad school, but I also believed in the institution. Right? So you didn’t wanna hurt the institution. Lucio doesn’t ma mind if all of Vienna burns down, right? As long as the body house is done. So that’s the two I would let Lucio be in your body. I would let Lucio and the, and it’s not a big deal that they have only asides later because they like to watch the show and they both know it’s not about them in any way.
I think Lucio is lower class is is less.
He’s a lower class dude or dude that.
I, I always thought he was lower status but not lower class. Like I have a feeling I always thought he came from some kind of, if not money, some family that had a name once.
But he doesn’t have a position. But like his uncle, maybe a landowner or something.
I think that’s so much better than what I said. I’m not kidding. And I ran into because.
He’s educated, right?
He’s educated. He’s a, he’s. So I ran into Ben, you know who Ben Schwartz is?
He’s John Rafi on Parks and Rec. Yeah.
He’s a brilliant, he’s a brilliant improv artist. And I ran into him on the street in London and I stared at him a little bit too long and he’s like, what? Like, I was like, you’re my wife’s favorite actor. I was like eating fish and chips and he was very sweet. And I tried to take his selfie and I didn’t know how it was pathetic, but I realized that’s who Lucio is that on Parks Lucci. He’s he’s educated. He just doesn’t, just doesn’t care.
Free Right. And alive.
Yeah. Free.
Right. And that’s why I can walk in and not intimidated by walking into the palace. I grew up in the palace, whatever. I just don’t care. That’s really good, Stefan. That is, yeah. Yeah. Smarter. All right, let’s do this again. This is fun by the way. I wanna make sure we’re gonna work through this. But Stefan, you got a big old monologue at the end here that I wanna make sure we give you some time to play with. If you wanna look at it tonight. I just wanna make sure.
Okay. From where y’all,
how how about just condemn the fault. Yeah.
Sorry, what lines there were.
Sorry. 53.
53 Ish.
Yeah. Got it.
Condemn the faults and not the actor of it. Why Every false condemned, dare be done. Mine were the very cipher of a function to find the faults whose fine stands in record and let go by the actor.
Just put severe law. I had a brother then heaven, keep your honor.
So to him again and treat him. Kneel down before him. Hang upon his gown. You are too cold. If you should need a pin, you could not with more tame a tongue. Desire it to him. I say.
Must he needs to die.
Maiden. No remedy.
Yes, I do think that you might pardon him and neither heaven nor man grieve at the mercy.
I will not do it.
But can you, if you would, look.
What I will, not that I cannot do.
But might you do it and do the world No wrong. If so, your heart were touched in that remorse as mine is to him.
He’s sentenced. It’s too late.
You are too cold, old.
Too late. Well I know I that do speak a word may call it back again. Well believed this no ceremony that to great ones longs not the king’s crown, nor the disputed soar. The marshal’s trenchant nor the judge’s robe become them with one half. So good a grace as mercy does.
If he had been as you and you as he, you would have slipped like him, but he like you would not have been so stern.
Pray you be gone.
I would haven’t. I had your potency and you were Isabelle. Should it then be thus? No, I would tell what toward to be a judge and what a prisoner.
I touch him. There’s the vein.
Your brother is a forfeit of the law and you would waste your words.
Good. Hold now. It’s fun to play. Isabella, y’all okay just stopping so we don’t go too far in case there’s stuff you guys wanna unpack. There’s Lucio welcome to the play.
Right, because like comedians, like Ben Schwartz or the guys that are so free, they just pounce on every line in a slightly different way in this free, like they’ll get really serious and then they’ll pull way back, right? And I thought you were, you were already doing that.
You’re your own rhythm, your own world. And, but it was still driven. I loved it. Keep having that much fun.
Stefan, anything in here, in this? If you have any questions with this exchange, with her, I think it’s sounding great.
I didn’t, I was not satisfied with the way I read a certain line, but I, I think I know what adjustments I’m gonna make And then, and that is the look what I will not look what I will not that I cannot do. It’s it’s ’cause I don’t want it to sound like contemporary look comma what I will, I don’t want it to sound like that.
Look what I will not that I cannot do.
How does it scan? Look?
Well, I’m playing it as a trophy. I am, look what I will, not that I cannot do. I’m playing the beginning as a trophy.
But can you, if you would, look what I will not that I cannot do. Say it again Stefan.
Look what I will not that I cannot do.
Will you throw away that I I I think that look is getting away the what for the alliteration of the wood coming from the line before. So I will not do it. But can you do it if you would, look.
What? I will not. That’s that sounds better.
Yes. Look what I will not it that, that I cannot do. I, I think I could be wrong and let me know if this, if you can make this work, I can.
What I will not that I cannot do.
That certainly makes sense. I, the only thing I was nervous about, is it sounding contemporary? Like look comma what I will not that I cannot do and.
No, because of the line before cer Say again. Maybe.
That is what it is. Maybe it is. Look, listen what I will not, maybe that is what it is.
I think it is. Okay, let’s let’s let’s hear it for the poetry once. Okay, but can you, if you would.
Look what I will not that I cannot do.
That’s it. Okay. That’s it. It it feels, and it’s almost monos, right? Yeah. It’s these very simple, right? And it it, it’s thrilling for me.
Yeah, but might you do it? And they, that’s why see, look. But might you do it and do the world no wrong. Look at the beautiful rhymes between these three lines in a way, dos and woods do not. It’s, it’s gorgeous. So we, we, if we’re that rigid or that precise, I think we’ll get the, get the poetry of it.
Okay. And I’m playing.
Great, great question.
I’m playing that he is getting increasingly more annoyed and therefore more aggressive.
And I want to see if that makes sense when she starts to crack his shell. ’cause I’m wondering if maybe he is not getting that angry. Like, I, I got really, I lifted the intensity really on and you, but waste your words.
And I wonder if there’s a payoff in doing it that way so that we can see her break him back down. Or does he not? Where’s an.
You but waste your words.
So like, where’s that line? Pray you be gone. It’s, it’s n on the near the top, it’s at the top of the next page.
So pray you be gone is one level of frustration. Sorry. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. He sentenced is too late is one level of frustration. And then pray Gone is a little bit more, bit more. And then, yep. Your brother is a forfeit. You waste your words at another level. That’s what I was going for. But I don’t know if it makes sense.
It makes absolute sense. And, and I think where, I think where the real storytelling moment is, I mean, Lucio tells us he sentenced his too late. Okay? We think the scene’s over, and I love your lu chilo is you are too cold genius to pull back on it. I told you once, try it again. And then Isabella gets you, she gets her feet under her on the too late. Why? No, that why I think that the speaker word, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Mercy does, and remember we decided, I tried to act this, but I did it poorly on line 84, she has empty beats before she brings in the new topic.
If he had been as you and you as he, you would have slipped like him, but he like, you would not have been so stern.
I think we’re allowed to know that she gets to you there. He asks for a pause, a literally a storytelling elevation. So Stefan, you’re absolutely right that she raises the temperature in the room a little bit and you match that temperature. Get the hell outta here, pray you’ll be gone. So she matches it. I went to heaven
and then you, you have to go with two full lines. I told you you’re wasting your words. Get the hell out. So it tracks perfectly.
I just heard something new, which would definitely motivate. Pray You be gone. I always thought what she was saying was if, if he had been like you and you like him, and if you had slipped like him, he would not have been as stern as you, but it’s what she’s saying is if you had been tempted the way he was, you would’ve slipped too. Which is a different thing. That’s fair. That’s kind of offensive.
Get the hell out of my face if that’s what you’re saying.
I I couldn’t agree more.
Yeah, she goes, it goes, becomes an ad hominem attack, doesn’t it? She’s like, oh yeah. Well, if you were him, you would’ve freaking nailed the girl too. Dude.
Get the what?
Pray you’d be gone. And then, hold on. I just wanna unpack what Isabel, how Isabella responds to this.
What haven’t I had your potency and you or Isabelle? Should it then be thus? No, I would tell, I no. I would tell what to her to be a judge and what a prisoner.
And you must, that must have worked. Like if we were directing this, I would give bad direction to Angelo to telegraph that, that that hit a little bit to motivate CIO’s line. I touch him. There’s the vein.
So we go from, if you had been him, you would’ve been tempted, you would’ve slept with her too. And he wouldn’t have been mean. And you say, okay, get outta here. And instead of her shutting up, she raises the stakes even more by saying, you know what? I wish I had your, your freaking power. Then I’ll show you what it really is to be a judge. ’cause you suck at it. She’d call into question your ability to even be a judge.
Okay, I touch him. There’s a rub. Let’s keep going. Your brother is a forfeit of the law. And you can stop and start whenever Stefan. Sorry.
Okay. Your brother is a forfeit of the law. And you do what? And you, you, your brother is a forfeit of the law. And you would waste your words.
A last, a last, all the souls that were forfeit once and he that might have had the vantage best have took, found out the remedy.
How would you be if he, which is the top of judgment, should ju, should but judge you as you are? Oh. Think on that. And mercy then will breathe within your lips. Like man, new maid.
Be you content fair maid. It is the law not aye, condemn your brother. Were he my kinsman brother or my son? It should be thus with him. He must die tomorrow.
Good hold. So let’s unpack that escalation just a little bit. The new information is tomorrow. So we work backwards, right? You finally get four lines as opposed to two or one and a half.
I think Isabella down shifts here a little bit. I think you win a beat here. Angelo, your brother. This is fourth of the law. And you, but waste your words. Alas, alas. She tries a new tactic is what I’m gonna give her.
It still is forward, but I I’m gonna give her a a, a color. Another color there be you content fair made. It is the law that I condemn your brother. He must die tomorrow. Great. And now we go to this next level tomorrow.
Oh that sudden. Spare him. Spare him. He’s not prepared for death. Even for our kitchens. We kill the foul of season. Shall we serve heaven with less respect than we do? Then we do minister to our gross ourselves. Could good. My Lord be. Thank you.
Who is it that have been died for this offense? There’s many have committed it.
All. That’s well said.
Okay. You are on fire. Sorry, I jumped you there. Is Lucia talking about himself as well, or herself? Oh.
Lovely. I love it. I get it. And can we also.
I I almost imagine, sorry.
I almost imagine too that if Lucio and Provost were two separate people, they’d have kind of like a look at each other. Like we provost a stone who hasn’t?
I think the provost would look at Lucio like you and Lucia’s. Like I And do you guys notice that
there’s a new argument here? There’s a new topic in the argument, which is when tomorrow comes in. Now the top first it was law. And you, you, you get rid of that argument. And Shakespeare’s is, is trying to use up the arguments. You say, look, the law says this. If you were my own brother, if you were my kinsman, he’d have to die. The law’s a law and now it’s tomorrow. Whoa. Tomorrow’s too soon. His soul is the new, the new information. His soul is not prepared.
Okay? Just know that’s in the room. And then she’s like, everybody does it there. Many have committed it. I will said, now Angelo, explain yourself.
She’s making two arguments though. She’s saying, whoa, whoa, whoa. Tomorrow’s too soon. He is not prepared. And she also goes on to say, lots of people have premarital sex after they’ve been engaged. Be trove, but nobody’s been killed for it. So she’s making two arguments.
Right? Agreed. Yeah. And she says, so it’s almost like she’s discombobulated and then she finds her feet again too soon. Oh crap. Crap, crap. Okay, wait. The.
Two, the two arguments are in the same line. They, they share a line with less respect. And we do minister to our gross selves. Good, good. My Lord to thank you. Who, who is it that have died for this offense?
So her brain’s working really fast and she’s right. And so now you get
and Lucio gets an aside and just from a Shakespeare directing our look for a second, she says there’s many have committed it Lucio. I well said. So that our focus comes back to you Angelo. And that’s why Angelo now gets 10 lines. It has been framed. Everyone is looking. So Angelo now defend your position.
The law has not been dead, though it has slept. Those many had not dared to do that. Evil. If the first that did the edict infringe had answered for his deeded. Now to awake takes note of what is done. And like a prophet looks in a glass that shows what future evils, either now or by remiss, new conceived. And so in progress to be hatched, unborn are now to have no successive degrees but air they live to end.
It shows some pity.
I show it most of all when I show justice for then I pity those I do not know which a dismissed offense would after gall and do him. Right. That answering one foul wrong lives not to act another be satisfied. Your brother dies tomorrow. Be content.
Fuck off.
My only thing in, yeah, fuck off. My only thing in there is make sure you hit awake.
Now is.
Awake. Now is awake.
Yeah. Now is kind of important. Awake is the most important. It’s just a beautiful image. ’cause then it starts doing things. It’s awake, it takes note and looks and blah, blah, blah, blah. Good.
Be satisfied. Your brother dies tomorrow. Be content. So you must be the first that gives this sentence and he that suffers. Oh, it is excellent to have a giant strength, but is Tyra us to use it like a giant.
Do. Can I ask, do you want.
Yeah, go.
Ahead. I’m so sorry. Do you want any drop of sarcasm in Angelo at all? He doesn’t do sarcasm, does he?
You know, here’s what I was thinking. I was trying to figure out how to name what I think is going on. ’cause I do feel like there’s a weird intimacy. Like they use use. So you must be the first that gives a sentence. And he, that’s there’s, it feels like they were arguing earlier. It’s like, it kind of, it’s like you are arguing with somebody and first you, you, you, you lay out the arguments and now you’re doubling down on the arguments. And so it’s getting more personal. It’s getting more intimate. And so yeah, there’s a sarcasm. I’m not saying he loses his officialness, but he is like, come on, he’s gotta die. Think about it.
They’re talking like equals how Miranda is that? Does that make sense? What’s another way phrase? This.
I, I think it does make sense. I also, I also think there’s, there’s a, the, as we talked about last time, there’s also an element of joy and mutual arguments, you know, matching wits.
So there’s that, there’s, there’s a a, an element of joy I think for both, both of them. Certainly for Angelo,
for both of them.
I completely agree that Does that help with sarcasm, Stefan?
May maybe it maybe if, if the sarcasm is, is in service of the matching width, if that makes sense. Yeah.
Or maybe sarcasm is not the right word. I, I wonder if there’s any, any modicum of playfulness in these two long speeches about the law.
I think there’s an excitement. I.
Don’t, I don’t, I actually, I don’t think there is. But I’m just wondering.
If there’s, there is an excitement in having a long run at an argument and let a noting while look at this argument I just put together in my head and that you’re talking to somebody really smart and you’re like, fine. Ready? Let’s go there. Right? Look, the law have been asleep and then, and there’s an excitement when you finally get a full freaking, do you remember there was a famous director named Robert Woodruff? Do you remember Robert Woodruff Miranda? He ran, he was the last great biker director of the American theater. And literally he dressed like a biker. He ran like three regional theaters and was fired after six months.
Everywhere he had this great line. We were talking about Shakespeare, about the Greeks.
Speaker 4
He said, you gotta figure out why one person talks for 40 lines and the other person says two lines. And then the first person says another 30 lines.
And we were all like, huh? And he goes, that’s how an argument really goes. If you’re arguing with your lover, you go for 30 lines. And then you say, well what about the cat? And then they go the cat boom. Right? And, and he kind of, we were all being pretentious with the Greeks and he’s like, no, they’re human, y’all. You gotta figure out why Jason comes enters. It was great. It was. So I think here you gotta figure out, okay, why does he get 10 lines? Because he’s got 10 lines saved up. He’s figured out, okay, here comes 10 lines.
And it’s joy and it’s argument. Right? And it’s important.
I’m, I used to think we would have, I would have great debates like I used to have in graduate school about art or the importance of things. And now we’re not allowed to have great arguments anymore, are we? We kinda have to talk past each other. We have to be careful. Certainly in academia, you’re gonna find out great impassioned fights. And that’s what I think this is, that’s why this gets sexy.
Speaker 4
I I love, let’s.
Go from.
I love that after my first argument, she goes from all of her heady, impassioned, well thought out arguments to, okay, but what about pity?
She has five words yet, show four words yet, show some pity.
And you go, okay. Yeah, that’s exactly And the only people who can argue like that are people in tune with each other.
Right. I have a colleague, Dr. Scott Kreider, who wrote this amazing article about this. I dunno if I told you that. All these shared lines, kind of this intimacy between them, this connection that’s, that’s clear right there. That’s a shared line by do they live to no end? It shows some pity. I chose most of it when I do just show justice, blah, blah blah. Alright, where should we go from? How about from there?
It shows some pity, it shows some pity.
I show it. Most of all when I show justice for then I pity those I do not know which a dismissed offense would after gall and do him. Right. That answering one foul wrong lives, not to act another be satisfied. Your brother dies tomorrow. Be content.
So you must be the first that gives this sentence and he suffers it. Oh, is excellent to have a giant strength. But is Tyra to use it like a giant.
That’s well said.
The great men thunder as JoVE himself does job would never be quiet. Be quiet. For every pelting petty officer would use his heaven for thunder. Nothing but thunder. First of all, heaven thou rather with th sharp and silver as bolt splits the unedible and gnarly oak than the soft myrtle. But man, proud man dressed in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he’s most assured, his glassy essence like an angry ape, plays such fantastic tricks before the high heaven. As makes the angels weep. Who with our spleens would all themselves laugh mortal.
Oh, to him, to him wench. He will relent. He’s coming. I perceived pray heaven. She win him.
We cannot wait. Our brother with ourself, great men made Jess with saints. Tis whitten them. But in the less foul, ProVation.
Bowers in the right girl. More of that.
That in the captains, but a coic word, which in the soldier is flat. Blasphemy.
Why do you put these sayings up on me?
Good. So, oh my God. Angelo. I’m sorry. Yeah. Angela doesn’t talk for a page. I noticed.
I just really felt it because I didn’t wanna shut up at all. When you get in her skin, you’re just like, goo goo goo.
So why? Which makes does it Well blue.
Very, you’ve got ’em on the ropes. Keep going. Keep going.
Yeah. And every aside you give me gives me a little bit of oomph. Right?
But those are rooms for Angela to step in and he does not. And look what she talks about. Right? She dies tomorrow.
The new idea is, it is excellent to have a giant strength. But tyranny, tyranny is a big old important word in Shakespeare, right? Tyranny is like, that’s the worst. It is tyranny to use it like a giant. A giant. And so now we have this beat about petty poultry, people dressed in authority, using authority sword are pathetic. And, and, and the angels laugh at them. And she must be right about this. This is my maybe conjecture. There’s gotta be a hint in here that Angelo hears as, oh crap, she’s right, I’m a charlatan.
’cause if he was fully secure in his act of being in charge, he says it earlier, right? The law is done, but she gets to him in his weakest spot, which is a fear that he is a, an imposter and that he’s gonna be laughed at that he’s proud. All of that has just gotta be true.
Look at this. Well what in the captain’s, but a colic word, which is a soldier is flat blasphemy. That logic, the idea that there are different rules for different levels of people, and you don’t even rate, you are not fit to untie her sandals. Right?
And then Lucio art advised of that moron. That’s a question. What does that mean? Art advised of that, what does Lucio pointing, pointing at.
To me, the fact that there’s the break then, and then Angelo finds the opportunity to respond comes from, I think there’s almost a point being made here that Lucio is like, Ooh, is that your strongest argument? It feels a little like she took it a little too far and is maybe a little wrong there. Like it’s not quite the same flavor of like, yes, that’s it. Keep going. It’s, are you sure? Keep, keep pulling at that thread is that I read it.
Read it slightly differently. Miranda, I read it. Art thou advised that as a kind of like, wow, keep going. Wow. You know about soldiers keep going because his earlier line has the, that again, right? Dauer and the right girl do more of that. And so do more of the idea that great men can, Jess was Saints written then, but less is foul ProVation Lucia’s response is Yes. Do more of that. And then she repeats the argument, really? Right? But her, her use her adjective, her, what she describes is military meant.
Oh, so like who told you that? Like, you’re right, but where did, who’s telling you these things? Okay. Nice. Yeah.
Is that track Miranda?
Absolutely. Absolutely. I, and I, I think he, I, I think also he’s just, if you’re, if you’re sure you’re on strong ground here, if you’re absolutely sure of that, keep going. You know, keep going If you know this to be true, you know, because he doesn’t stop by saying, are you sure? He says more on it. Yes. So.
Yeah. Mad props, respect girl. Yeah.
I like that. Yeah. Is there.
Any here for all the apostrophes, like the art, it, the right, like, it’s almost like, like almost a Scottish frog there. Like the art of the right girl wore a lot. Like.
That’s a mouthful.
Technical guide for how that’s said.
I thought you said it correctly. I thought so. Yeah, it’s a mouth. It’s a mouthful. Okay.
You’re allowed to push and pull with that line.
Right. I think the mistake sometimes with Lucio is they try to not take up any room as opposed to here I want you to, whoa. Yeah girl.
I had a teenagers recently in a very frightening moment try to explain to me recent slang, two teenage 15 year old girls who are my friend’s daughter and her best friend. And they tried to teach me a word called per p e r, which is a slang term used by people who love Taylor Swift or Tay. And they spoke in this weird, truncated words, per boy, per means. Perfect. But you cannot say the word. You can’t say that’s perfect or that’s per, so if you say, look at this hat, you don’t, don’t say that’s perfect. If you say, look at this hat, you just go Per so I, my whole long way of saying yes, you’re allowed to truncate and push and pull because you are your otherness.
Just embrace your otherness and I dare you use per with your students. Stefan.
I loved, I loved when I found out, I loved when I found out what fit meant.
What? What meant.
Fit. F i t It means your outfit.
Yeah. Your fit of the day. Oh.
Yeah, that’s a nice fit. Fit.
My wife had one today. She was talking, she was teaching theater and she sits and she’s intro to design and one of the questions is, who is this play for? Who are you designing for? You know, and this is what she said. She said, is it intellectuals? Is it your friends? Is it the blue hairs? Is it the is know the evening wine crowd? And they were like, excuse me, blue hairs, what is that?
And she was like, the blue hair, like you, you get your hair dyed. And they said, we hear that as you blue haired liberal.
Wow. The.
Way, the way all the young, like a lot of people will like dye their hair blue right now. And it’s like, and that as I was my brain, yeah. Careful. Don’t say blue hairs, y’all.
Okay. Okay. I advise more on that. I love how our time flies. We got 35 minutes. Any anything else before we try to attack the last two pages?
Why do you put those sayings upon me? Take it from there.
Why do you put those sayings upon me?
Because authority though it air like others has yet a kind of medicine in itself that skins the vice over the top. Go to your bosom, knock there and ask your heart what it death know. That’s like my brother’s fault. If it confessed a natural guiltiness such as his, let it not sound a thought upon your tongue, against my brother’s life.
She speaks and tis such sense that my sense breeds with it fare well.
Gentle, my Lord, turn back.
I will be Thank me. Come again tomorrow.
Har, how I’ll bribe you. Good, my Lord, turn back.
How bribe me.
I with such gifts that heaven shall share with you.
You had marred all else.
Not with the fun sickles of the test of gold or stones whose rate are either rich or poor as fancy values them, but with true prayers that shall be up at heaven and enter there at sunrise, prayers from preserved souls from fasting maids whose minds are dedicated to nothing but temporal.
Well come to me tomorrow.
Oh, toot well away.
Heaven, keep your honor safe.
Amen. For I am that way, going to temptation where prayers cross.
At what hour tomorrow shall I attend your lordship?
Any at any time for noon.
Save your honor.
From thee, even from that virtue.
Okay, good. Before we attack anything in here,
any sense that we’re missing.
Missing on the line with the space? So Isabelle saying, I with such gifts that heaven Michelle, share with you the, the spacing in the script. There’s a side to Isabella, but the line is offset. Is that meant to indicate any kind of pause like she’s hesitating and staying in the room and I have to be like, fuck him move. He said he’ll talk to you tomorrow. Or is it, oh no, sorry, I’m thinking about that next part, the go-to to his well away. So we’ll come to me tomorrow again. There’s space GoTo t well away. Is there any space indication there of waiting for Lucio to speak?
My gut is you fit it, you you fit it in that it’s not about you. Just from the rhythm of okay, I was this gifted heaven shall shall share with you. You have Marty all else not with fun sickle like you, we don’t, I don’t think you wanna lose the momentum there and then to nothing temporal will come to me tomorrow. Again, that shared line always with them really go to ts well away. That’s just get outta here.
Okay. Yeah. Something that has struck me in this reading today is that Lu Lucio is not announced. Lucio is not greeted, Lucio is not dismissed. Lucio is not addressed in any way. Like Angelo is aware of CIO’s relationship to Claudio and doesn’t even try to talk to Lucio and or even try and get him out of the room. So there’s something fun there about just Lucio being a witness to this very hot intellectual interchange and never taking up space in interrupting the flow of that, but providing the commentary, which I hadn’t really noticed entirely before. So I, it, yeah, I, I agree that there’s no like pause Lucio has his say. It’s all in the rhythm of it.
And I think that is supported by what Stefan said about Lucio. Lucio is a high born Lucio. Doesn’t, it’s not weird that Lucio is in the room. There’s not a homeless person in the room. There’s not, it’s, it’s Lucho is allowed to be in the halls where all their like high status people are. He’s of the court in a sense.
Interesting. Yeah. The the thing that I maybe struggle with with that is that again, we’re in this new era of Vienna where Angelo’s in charge and if there’s any threat to Lucio really getting to do whatever they want, especially with the line of before talking about like, who hasn’t committed the crimes that Claudio has and Lucio existing in that space is like, yeah, he could have knocked on my tour, I could be in trouble right now. It’s just something to that I’ll chew on for next time.
I I’m not sure he’s seen, you know, I’ve seen productions where he is seen and productions where he isn’t. Yeah. And that’s why I really liked Stefan, what you were saying a while back about Lucio is, is what was it, is is almost a provost inner monologue. And, and if, if, if Lucio is, I mean, of course we see him, but if, if, and here him, but if, and Isabella does, but if he’s not seen by Angelo, I I I love that. I think that works with the, you know, he is, he he is the provost center monologue. You know, it can go either way. I think.
I saw production ones where most of CIO’s aside were to the audience.
I’ve seen that too. Yeah. Yeah. And, and of course, you know, asides are not in the folio.
So those are more interpretative I think of, of later editors, most of them.
I would talk right to the audience. I love it.
It’s, it’s the quickest connection. Lucia’s job is to connect to the audience. Right? Lucio is the chorus in.
A sense, right? Yes. Exactly. Exactly. Lucia.
Lucia would be the person that the audience is constantly connecting with. And they would be looking at Lucio to see how to respond to what’s going on. Yeah. Yeah. It would be the greatest role in the world to play would be Lucio. Because you would just steal the show and all the other actors would freaking hate you. Right. Because you were, you would be allowed to do whatever you wanted it.
One little thing is these, these shared lines on her exit to nothing temporal will come to me in tomorrow. Get re lucio outta there. Heaven, keep your honor safe. Amen. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Where prayers cross at what hour tomorrow shall I attend you, Lord? Have any time before noon? Save your honor. Right? I just wanna make sure that at any time for noon, Stefan is, you were so surprised by her at what hour that you’re, it just blurted out, I don’t know, anytime before noon. Just like, ah, get the frick out. ’cause you were, you were starting to go into your monologue and she keeps interrupting.
She does it twice.
So I’ve been looking at these lines over the last five minutes or whatever it is. This is some of the most unusual meter I’ve ever seen in Shakespeare to nothing temporal, welcome to me tomorrow, go to Tiz well away. They’re all three beat, three feet lines.
And then heaven, keep your honor safe. There’s a beat missing in the front.
It’s like heaven, the, the first syllable is stress. So it’s like there’s a missing syllable at the front of the line. Heaven, keep your honor safe. Amen.
And same thing later on with, shall I attend Your Lordship at any time for noon? That’s like 12 or 13 syllables. It’s very weird. This whole exchange is really weird.
Yes. By the way, genius with heaven. That’s really cool. The and is super great. Yeah. I think you guys should it.
Missing and, and heaven keep your honor safe. Amen.
Which Isabella is basically like, well come to me tomorrow. And Lucho was like, let’s go get out. And she’s like, Hey, heavy computer safe. Right?
Amen. For that, I pray for that. Wow. Yeah. And he thinks the door is shut.
I would have the door.
I think Theater for New Audiences did a production where it was just doors, a bunch of rolling doors. They figured out that there’s, that there’s lots of door, door games. Sounds like a great production. But she would be leaving again. Right? That’s great. Amen. For that way. I’m, he thinks he’s alone. Amen. For I am that way, going to temptation where prayers crossed. That is weird. And then she comes back in and what hour? Anytime for noon.
This is so weird. This scan is so weird. It’s.
So weird. Hey, why don’t we do it once and embrace the weirdness.
Okay. I was just.
Why don’t we, you just take it from we’ll come to me tomorrow.
How about, yeah, yeah.
Do you wanna try these weird lines as not shared lines, but take beats. But after, before or after? I.
Wanna do, I wanna try both.
And see, and, and they, I think they’ll both probably pay dividends, but I think we, that would be a cool way to explore it. Let’s do one where we don’t take beats first. Okay. And then let’s take beats. So if we’re just gonna drive it. If I’m from fasting maids whose minds are dedicated to nothing temporal.
Well come to me tomorrow.
Go to Tzu away. Have him keep your honor safe.
Amen. For I am that way, going to temptation where prayers cross.
At what hour tomorrow shall I attend your Lordship.
At any time for noon.
Save your honor.
From thee. Even from the virtue.
Alright, now let’s let it breathe. Let from fasting maids whose minds are dedicated to nothing temporal.
Well, come to me tomorrow.
Oh toot well away.
Having keep your honor safe.
Amen. Where I’m that way going to temptation where prayers cross.
And what hour tomorrow shall I attend your Lordship.
At any time for noon?
Save your honor.
From thee. Even from that virtue.
Here’s what I do know for sure is there is a big ass beat before. Well come to me tomorrow.
You like that one?
Yeah, I do. Because there’s the event, right? That she then she shuts up and we don’t wanna rush that. And Lucio says, there you got it. Don’t ask for more. I thought that was lovely.
I could take or leave the others. Like I can keep exploring, but I a manned to nothing temporal be beep. Be Well, let’s talk about it tomorrow.
I also like the one at any before, at any time for noon. Maybe not as big a beat, but.
I’ll buy that. I’ll buy that. I think you’re allowed to, you’re allowed to take the beat. She’s not, she won’t take it on. Save your honor. Or else it gets too intimate. She’s too clueless.
If you give me leniency to take beats, this will be a two hour scene.
I, I will only give you so far, I’ve only given you two,
but I’m not opposed to you having more. We’re, here’s what we’re gonna do. ’cause oh my god, we have 20 minutes. We’re gonna, I gonna give the run up. I wanna do that one more time. Taking those two, those two beats, keeping everything else tight and then let you dive into the monologue.
So one more time.
There are sunrise prayers from preserved souls from fasting maids whose minds are dedicated to nothing temporal.
Well come to me tomorrow.
Who do to well away.
Heaven, keep your honor safe.
Amen. For I am that way, going to temptation where prayers cross.
At what hour tomorrow shall I attend your lordship.
At any time for noon.
Save your honor.
From thee, even from the virtue. Oh, what’s this? What’s this? Is this her fault or mine? The tempter or the tempted who sins most. Huh?
Not she, nor does she tempt. But it is I that lying by the violet in the sun. Do as the carry does not as the flower corrupt with virtuous season, can it be that modesty may more betray our sense than woman’s lightness having waste ground enough. Shall we desire to raise the sanctuary and pitch our evils there? Oh fine. Fine.
What does thou Oh, what art thou Angelo does thou desire her foully for those things that make her good? Oh, let her brother live thieves for the robbery of authority when judges steal themselves. What do I love her? That I desire to hear her speak again and feast upon her eyes.
What is th dream on? Oh, cunning enemy. That to catch a saint with saints, dust bake thy hook.
Most dangerous is that temptation that does God us on sin and loving virtue Never could the trumpet with all her double vigor, art and nature once stir my temper. But this virtuous maid subdues me quite ever till now when men were fond, I smiled and wondered how.
Good, good. I love the the discoveries as you go.
I love the, what the hell is this? I was trying to figure out what, what, what that’s like.
What is it like in our life when we go, wait, what do I like? That person is the only kind of cliche version I can think of.
What is it like to have this moment of, ugh, what is going on inside me? You know, he loves this right? Much ado, he does this right.
But here it’s sort of touching and creepy.
To me it’s almost seen most in the moments where we find ourselves about to do something that we would never do. Like we can recognize kind of the different places we feel heat in ourselves when we’re interested or confused by somebody. But it’s the something I was struck by this time, Stefan, in the way you read it was the moment of oh sure, let her brother live. I’m just gonna completely go against what I’ve been saying all day to everybody like sure ha ha ha the world be will be completely run over by thieves and judges and circus animals. Like sure we’re gonna completely throw everything out the window was just such a nice approach. I saw in this go through.
Me too.
I have a little scan thing I’m gonna ask for and it’s ’cause it’s really hard. Yeah. Look at line two 10.
What does that or what art thou Angelo.
Maybe it’s not too Yeah, it’s too, yeah. What dust thou?
Yeah, don’t hit that first. What?
I got you.
Because then you can hit the second thou.
What dust, what dust thou or what? Art. Wait, what does.
Yeah. Dust.
Art or what? Art though.
Angelo gets all Angelo, you get your whole word. Your he doesn’t truncate Angelo. Every syllable gets it’s due.
What? Dust thou or what Art thou Angelo.
And then do the second, the next line.
And dust thou desire. I I I’m trying to avoid the pronoun on this one. So I’d like to go dust thou desire her foully for those things.
No. Here I want that pronoun in a rare Does.
Thou desire her foully for those things that make her good?
Yes, because it, the, the, the poetry, the the just thou because you the line before you asked what you are and you didn’t hit the thou. So he kind of primes the pump. He primes the rhyme. What dust thou or what art thou Angelo does. Vow. Now you’re allowed to hit the vow. He’s avoided it twice.
Does thou desire her fally for those things? And then you got those ths in there. Ths in the Fs.
Look at that. Does thou desire her foully for those things?
I don’t know. All I know is he wants that line full of the ths and the Fs. Hence why I think you’re allowed to hit the vow. And normally I hate pronouns. I completely agree with you. Don’t hit the pronoun, but I want it there.
Yeah. Okay. And.
Then a little thing on line 2 21 with all her double vigor, art and nature. Don’t hit that and just crush it. Cross it out.
And I think that actually gives you permission to hit both art and nature even harder and live in them.
Okay. I’m marking it on my script.
Miranda, do you have anything before we get to make Stefan do it again? ’cause it’s so nice.
Nope, I’m good. Sounds great.
Stefan, what about the next line?
I’ve been going once stir my temper. Another trophy. Do you prefer once stir my temper?
Let me back up a wee bit and see. Never could this trumpet with all vigor art and nature once stir my temper.
No, I want stir because stir is that dirty double entendre like that. If you can bring the sex in, you go for the sex and never could the strumpet who is both pretty and really good at makeup, double vigor, vigorous, dirty, vigorously love making right Uhuh stir my temper, which is both my temperament and my te everything. Right.
And that way, because that’s why that sets up the opposite on the other side of the butt. But this virtu is maid subdues me quite never could. All the porn and sex and everything stir and yeah, we need that stir. We it’s the big verb of the entire sentence.
Will you read that line for me from never? Sorry. Are you counting? Apologize.
Yeah, I was, I was figuring out where to put the space in in the line after that one. Subdues me quite beat, beat ever till now.
I agree. Here.
We go to sin and loving virtue. Never, never could the trumpet with all her double vigor, art and nature one stir my temper. But this virtuous maid subdues me quite.
Yeah, that’s it ever until now. Sorry. I always thought you were acting. I was like, you wait. You know what I mean? That was beautiful.
I really heard the stir and he’s dealing with what the hell’s going on. And the next line is just a summation of how every till now when men were fond or stirred every till now when men were stirred, I smiled and wonder how they were stirred. How,
okay, I’m gonna do this one more time.
And what I want you to do, Stefan, is just take your time as you go through it and just live in it.
Just live in the images and the realizations of, oh my God, I love peanut butter. Or oh my God, I love this girl. Or oh my god, I love boys. Or oh my god, I love girls. Like this kind of discovery. It’s, I’m just trying to figure the last time I had a discovery of holy shit, I love that. ’cause that’s what’s going on here.
Yeah. Off your pop.
Okay, I’ll be using ice cream. Save.
Your honor.
I’ll be using ice cream as my motivation ice.
Cream’s. Good. Save Your honor.
From the, even from the virtue. What’s this? What’s this?
Is this her fault or mine? The tempter or the tempted who sins most. Huh?
Not she, nor does she tempt, but it is I that lying by the violet in the sun. Do as the carry does not as the flower corrupt with virtuous season, can it be that modesty may more betray our sense than women’s lightness having waste ground enough. Shall we desire to raise the sanctuary and pitch our evils there? Oh fine, fine, fine.
Does thou or what art thou Angelo does thou desire her foully for those things that make her good? Oh, let her brother live thieves for their robbery are have authority when judges steal themselves.
What do I love her that I desire to hear her speak again and feast upon her eyes. What is that dream on oh, cunning enemy. That to catch a saint with saints just bait. Thy hook.
Most dangerous is that temptation that does God us on to sin in loving virtue.
Never could this trumpet with all her double vigor, art and nature. One stir my temper. But this virtuous mate subdues me quite ever till now when men were fond, I smiled and wondered how.
So beautiful. I love the poetry. When you guys do the poetry.
I mean, will you guys make it sing? Which requires all part, all aspects of your, your big brains and your big hearts and your big emotions.
I thought it was gorgeous. I have two questions in there. Can you, and by the way, Stefan, I got every logic. I got all the logic, I got all the pain, I got all the discoveries. I got all the, what the hell’s going on this?
I got the moments when you would sort of sit in it and then go, whoa, what is, no, it was gorgeous. The way the time you took is exactly great.
Not she nor do not do I attempt, but it is I that lying by the violet in the sun due as zarian does not as the flower corrupt with virtuous season do we throw away not as the flower. What’s the sense there.
That lying by the violet in the sun do as the carion does not as the flower corrupt with virtuous. I don’t want it to. Mm. I’m nervous that it will sound like the flower, the flower is doing. The corrupting do as the car does not as the flower corrupt with virtuous season.
There’s, I think that there’s a, I now understand the logic. Miranda, does that track?
Yes it does. I’m I’m just reading what Samuel Johnson paraphrased, which isn’t very helpful Yes. That that tracks.
But it is I that lying. You know what, I observe these commas too much sometimes. But it is I that lying by the violet in the sun, lying by the violet in the sun. Do as the ion does not as the flower corrupt with virtuous season.
I like that. Good. Yeah.
Not as the flower. That was the comparison I needed. That’s gonna make me me understand it even better. And then.
Wait, did you have something Miranda?
Oh no, I just said I like that. Okay.
I had one another note,
but it’s No, no, I don’t have another note.
Oh yeah. Here it is most dangerous. Will you just take it from most dangerous and unpack it.
Most s most, most dangerous is that temptation that duff got us on to sin in loving virtue.
What does that mean?
It means I know exactly what it means. I’m gonna tell you it means most dangerous is that temptation that D got us on to sin in loving virtue.
It means.
It means it’s worse when we are tempted to, to think that we’re doing something good. It’s actually cloaking a sin. Something like that.
It, it’s dangerous because it is cloaked. It’s dangerous because we don’t realize that we’re sitting because we love, we think we’re loving virtue, but we’re not.
Okay. How’s this Stefan? Most dangerous is that temptation that got us onto sin in loving virtue.
Oh, there it is. Yes
to sin in loving virtue, which is in loving her.
Yeah. I need to continue.
‘Cause in loving her, it’s sin.
And I think what helps is if I continue the thread from God, us to God, us on sin, that temptation that the God us onto sin.
Which is in the exact same thought as to catch a saint. You bake the hook with a saint. Yeah.
There it is there. Thank you very much. I’m sorry for my coughing. I’m fighting a bronchitis.
Oh, I was gonna say, are you okay? Yikes.
By the way, that’s another comma that I think I’m observing too much. Oh, cunning enemy. That to catch a saint, I should just go into it. I’m going, oh, cunning enemy. That to catch a saint with saints does be tha hook. Am I overplaying that comma after that.
You are. Try it once. There’s one thought.
Oh, cunning enemy that to catch a saint with saints. Dust bait. Thy hook.
Yeah. Yeah. I think the commas are there to point out that there are two saints with saints. Saints. And you do it naturally. You don’t need them.
You make sense of lines that lesser mortals would need commas to remind them of the structure. I’m not kidding. You hear it
again. Where did the time go?
How do we only have one more rehearsal?
And the next one’s public.
I think so.
Hmm. And, and and and what are we gonna do?
I’ll tell you what I wanna do. Well.
I love three. I love scene three. Wait, what’s scene three? Which is the one where she comes back? Is that scene four?
Oh, maybe. I guess. Yeah, that would be super cool. Maybe. Maybe he’ll ask us to do it again and we’ll get to just keep going.
To be receive it. Plane. I’ll speak more gross. I love that line.
I think for Thursday and next Thursday. I think I’d just like to keep going. I would probably want to do, because we’ll have everybody, we’ll have my whole team together and I think what I’d love to be able to do is the first hour do one more pass through in case just to see if everybody’s like going right. And then be able to do a nice solid run of the whole thing once at the end.
I don’t wanna start with a full run because then that just robs us of process.
Cool. Well thank you guys.
This is again, thank you so much fun. I will admit, after a long day I’m like, okay, I guess I gotta go rehearsed and then I love it. I love the two hours I spend with you guys, so thank you.
Likewise. Thanks everyone.
That was, this was fun. Thank you guys.
We’ll see you guys on Thursday. Thank you.
Thursday, are we doing seven to nine or are we doing eight to 10?
What? I think it’s this time.
Seven to nine.
Is it, is it the same time or did he, did we change to time?
No, it’s, we’re usually eight to 10, but we changed it this week. I don’t.
Oh, this is different than last time. I just followed the email. I guess we’ll have to continue on to thread and ask Nathan, he who must be of aid, he’s going to email us. He’s gonna watch this and we’ll get an email from our overlord. I said it.
I’ll see you guys next week.
You’ll get to choose. I’m on the.
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