What happened in Week 3?
🏁 This week, the group discussed Beatrice’s emotional state, and the play’s thematic elements like gender roles, public perception, and the use of wit. They also explored the historical and cultural context of the play, and theorized about its inspiration.
Watch the Week 3 session!
Full transcript included at the bottom of this post.
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Check out this 40-second clip of actor Juls Hoover sharing some great ideas of what is going on in Beatrice’s mind in Act 4, Sc 1.
And there’s the audio version too – you still get everything from listening!
Total Running Time: 2:05:52
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Our group will be working on various sections from Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”:
- First scene group: Act I, Scene I, lines 30-92 and Act I, Scene I, lines 111-143
- Second scene group: Act II, Scene I, lines 1-81 and Act II, Scene I, lines 123-152
- Third scene group: Act IV, Scene I, lines 269-350
Scenes from the Folger Shakespeare Library: Act I, Scene I; Act II, Scene I; and Act IV, Scene I.
- DIRECTOR: Erika Rolfsrud
- DRAMATURG: Cathleen Sheehan
- And the PLAYERS: Juls Hoover, Anu Bhatt, and Shannon Lee Clair
Read more about the artists here.
One of our dramaturgs, Dr. Gideon Rappaport, has written three books on Shakespeare:
- Appreciating Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Edited and Annotated
- Shakespeare’s Rhetorical Figures: An Outline
And there’s more!
Catch up on our other workshops featuring lots of Shakespeare scenes, from Hamlet, King Lear, Troilus and Cressida, Midsummer, As You Like It, and our Twelfth Night repertory extravaganza – all on the podcast and YouTube. If you’ve missed any presentations thus far, click here to find them all.
Click here for the transcript!
Nathan Agin
Hi everybody. Welcome back for week three of Acting, the Role, Beatrice. We’re continuing to dive here deeply on the role of Beatrice and Shakespeare’s. Much to do about nothing. Excited for you to come back and, and see where the group keeps going with all this.
This, as you have undoubtedly already discovered, if you’ve watched the previous sessions, these are unscripted sessions. These are real time working rehearsals, which I love. And if you ever wondered how does, what goes from on the page to what you see on the stage, how does that happen? Well, what are the conversations? This is part of that process. So yeah, welcome back to the rehearsal room. If you haven’t seen the first two weeks, go back, check those out. It, it, it’s kind of a building process, but you could just watch this and then go back. Or you could pause this and go watch the others, whatever you prefer.
And we are on Patreon, so you can support the project there.
If you have any questions or comments, you know, feel free to put those below and we’ll, we’ll, we’ll get to those as we can. If you enjoy this, hit that like button subscribe so you don’t miss out on anything coming up ahead. And yeah, I think that’s it. I’ll head outta here for the group to get going on week three and hope, hope everybody has a great time. I’ll see you later.
Erika Rolfsrud
Thank you. Hello everybody.
We are one off. We have one fellow Dao. So Annu is not gonna be with us this week, but that’s okay. We’ll just keep it going.
It’s funny, I, I don’t know when to bring this up, but I, as I was looking forward into what we haven’t covered yet, there’s something that I would, I would love to, I don’t wanna put you on the spot, Kat, we could like start working on the scene if you wanna think about this. But the whole thing about eating your words, and I’d eat his heart in the marketplace, and will you not eat your words? And, and such, what exactly is the origin of that? What is the thing that we should know kind of thing?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah, I might have to look it up if you want sort of the origin of it. I don’t offhand, but the, the meaning of it, right. Is to take it back. So you, you protest something or you swear something and then you eat it. It’s, what’s interesting to me is that it’s, it’s, there are other ways to say it. Like another Shakespeare plays, he uses the word force sworn a lot. It’s in Romeo and Juliet a lot. So I, you know, one thing that came up last week was this, this idea of, of eating and food as kind of a, kind of a consistent theme in this play.
And that, so it kind of makes sense to me that it’s eating. And then again, it’s, as you’re saying, it like sets her up for this eating of a heart. So there’s something about like your, like a concern about your two things, right? Words are both too potent in this play, right. When the men abuse their words in that formal setting of the wedding, that should be about words bringing people together. But instead it becomes this divisive pushing apart, right? So a man just has to say something and swear to it and then they all act like it’s true. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
But then there’s also coming mostly from Beatrice before and after that related to Benedict, a fear of, you say your words, you’re swearing something and then you take it back, then you eat it, right?
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
So I think it’s,
Erika Rolfsrud
you know,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
again, it seems to me it’s a little bit of her, her wanting something to be true and honest and
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
I’m gonna quickly grab, but keep talking. ’cause it, this is
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Oh, Your food.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Food is speaking, you know, so again, like the word that she repeats a lot is swear to don’t, you know, again, when she’s criticizing the men, they just swear these things. And then with Benedict, don’t swear your swear. Don’t say these things and then eat them and then take them back.
It’s interesting, it seems to me like an antithetical thing when she’s talking about eating his heart in the marketplace. That seems to me like the opposite. I would do something to, you know, avenge if I could.
Juls Hoover
And I, I, it feels also very primal. Like to go to food, like this thing and, and she would be the woman of any, if anything, eating a heart in the marketplace. Something that, you know, nobody did much less a woman eating this man’s heart in the marketplace. I mean, I think that also
Erika Rolfsrud
Humans Of
Juls Hoover
food Yeah. Is very primal and primitive and like this thing of like survival. And I think what you’re thinking with the, like you’re saying with the antithetical, I feel like maybe there’s this aspect of survival and love, you know, like these connections and these relationships and the need to survive. And maybe like that’s the idea of like, I don’t know, I, you know, just
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
the idea that we all need to belong and, and maybe that’s part of it. I mean, his way of like, you know, interweaving that,
Erika Rolfsrud
I mean the basis, the baseness of it. I mean, let’s face it, that’s what our lizard lizard brains
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
on sex eating and death.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
That’s it. So the idea I, I do love, it’s quite a thing for her to say about, you know, eating his heart in the marketplace. It’s like, oh, be,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
mad. So just with that in mind, because it is much ado about nothing, the idea that it really, it’s all about words.
They have the dynamic of their word play intelligence.
The idea that Claudio can just say, this happened and the prince too. And they immediately believed. There is no question I rereading that the wedding scene, it’s just heartbreaking to me how absolute Leonardo, how, how he absolutely believes that this could happen.
And when, when hi faints and then she, you know, kind of starts waking back up and he is like, so soon. And I’m like, you dunno it.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
You’ve known this child since she was a baby. Have you ever, it’s, it’s just remarkable to me. It’s just, yeah.
So let’s look at do, do the, the second scene, did we do the, I can’t remember if we did the second half of the dance with, will you not tell me who told you? So I don’t think we did that.
Shannon Clair
I don’t think we did that.
Erika Rolfsrud
No. ’cause I’m attaching it to the beginning part of two one.
Shannon Clair
Yeah. We left off with the scotch jig and the, the, which is hilarious with the, the description of the wedding. I was just thinking about that. That shows up the wedding Mannerly modest as a measure full of state and ancient tree.
So planting the idea that, ah, weddings so peaceful, so polite. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. I I used to love doing this. I love that speech. I love doing all of it. Yeah. But, all righty. So I don’t even really have to decide. So Shannon, you’re gonna do the wedding ’cause you haven’t done either of these final scenes. So Jules, I want you to read Beatrice in this one, and then we’re gonna have Shannon re Benedict in this little, this little one here.
Let’s figure out what they’re saying. So for our friends in out there land, this is according to the Folger.
This is act two, scene one, line 23, Beatrice, let’s read this.
Shannon Clair
The one that starts, will you not tell me who told you? So that one, right. Okay. For some reason the line in this one is very different. I’m confused. You just told Jules to read Beatrice, but you said, Shannon, you’re doing this, so,
Erika Rolfsrud
oh, No, I, I’m not, I thought I, I I don’t know if I So you’ll do the wedding.
Shannon Clair
Juls Hoover
So The, what is the line that we’re starting on?
Erika Rolfsrud
Will you not tell me who told you? So Beatrice’s line
Shannon Clair
1 23 1. Are you on the Folger Jules?
Erika Rolfsrud
I’m on, yeah. Are you,
Shannon Clair
It’s on page 45 or 46 on the Folger. I think if you’re doing the full play and scrolling,
Juls Hoover
Will you not tell me who told you so
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
Will you not tell me who told you so told you so?
Shannon Clair
No, you shall pardon me.
Juls Hoover
Nor will you not tell me who you are
Shannon Clair
Not now
Juls Hoover
That I was disdainful and that I had my good wit out of the hundred mer tales. Well, this was senior Bendik that said, so,
Erika Rolfsrud
Okay, let’s just clarify that line that I was, and I had, I had my wit good wit out of the hundred Mary tales, essentially that her, he’s saying her source material is a bad joke book insulting Hundred
Juls Hoover
Mary Tales.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. A hundred Mary Tales. Well, and so immediately, oh, come on.
She knows immediately
Shannon Clair
That’d be him. I also love that it’s a straight up. No, I’m not gonna tell you. And then Benedict is like, not now. And I makes me wonder if he means like, oh, not now that we’re in the middle of this. Now that you have this piece of information. I, I could have told you earlier, but not anymore. Or not now I’m leading up to the reveal.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Right, because it it traditionally in the mask, there’s a moment at the end right. Where everybody reveals isn’t there, is there in the formality of it. I’ll have to look that up.
But yeah, so, okay, so pick it up with, well, this was senior Benedict that said so
Juls Hoover
Well this was senior Benedict that said, so
Shannon Clair
What’s he,
Juls Hoover
I am sure you know him well enough. Not
Shannon Clair
I, believe me.
Juls Hoover
Did he ever make you laugh?
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
I pray You. What is he?
Juls Hoover
Did he never make you laugh?
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
but he is the prince’s je a very dull fool. Only his gift is in devising impossible Slanders. None. But li Libertines delight in him. And the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy for he both pleases men and angers them, and then they laugh at him and beat him.
I am sure he is in the flea. I’m sure he is in the fleet. I would, he had boarded me.
Erika Rolfsrud
Okay, let’s do
Shannon Clair
That. When I know the gentleman
Erika Rolfsrud
Why he’s the prince’s jester.
Juls Hoover
What did,
Erika Rolfsrud
so the role of a jester in the court.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. Professional buffoon. Right. And He
Erika Rolfsrud
license. Yeah.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
And then, but a do Witt. He’s not very good at it. Right. His only gift is a devising. Impossible slander is just ridiculous.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Picking up lies about people. Hmm. Yeah.
Juls Hoover
Think it’s interesting.
Shannon Clair
Who Could he be lying about?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Only libertines still light on him, which in him, which is an interesting accommodation, is not his weapon, but his villainy. Right? He’s so bad. Or his slanders are so bad. They’re so malicious that he’s famous for us where he pleases men because it’s funny. But angers them because
Erika Rolfsrud
They’re lies.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
They’re lies. They laugh at him and beat him. But that this last line, woo. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
How does she shift to fleet? And then I would, he had boarded me,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I mean, fleet of dancers. Right. I mean, it’s her, she spins it into this metaphor. And then I Woody had boarded me. Yeah. Which definitely, I mean, you have to tell me how you are gonna read that, Beatrice.
Erika Rolfsrud
I was hear it as more sexual. But if
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
It has a sexual innuendo, is that how she means it? Or does she just mean like, so I could better him with my wit and show him, I’m not studying my wit from the book of a hundred,
Erika Rolfsrud
Like try to take my ship. Or the, if, if we go with, when we perform this, if we go with the idea that she has figured it out, that she figures out it’s Benedict when she says, well this was senior Benedict that said so and what’s he, it’s just delightful because he is really opening it up for her to just, oh, here we go. You know? And she goes in deep.
And that could be another sort of twist. I’m gonna make him uncomfortable by saying, oh God,
Juls Hoover
I wish he’d just
Erika Rolfsrud
take me and see how,
Shannon Clair
what That lovely thing that I think sometimes happens when you’re, you have you, you want the sexual innuendo to be there in the word choice, but you’re not gonna play it. Right. But you want that to also be something that the person is gonna deliberate on later.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Yeah. And you could also,
Juls Hoover
Like we’re doing now, wait, what did she say? And
Erika Rolfsrud
you could, you could also overplay It too, because he still believes that she doesn’t know. Right. And she could be like just twisting him on a string, you know, having a lot of fun.
And I mean, we’ll also read it the other way where she doesn’t figure it out.
I don’t think that. Right, right. But okay, when I know the gentleman, I’ll tell him what you say.
Shannon Clair
When I know the gentleman, I’ll tell him what you say.
Juls Hoover
Do do so, but break a comparison or two on me, which per venture not marked or not laughed at, strikes him into melancholy. And then there’s a cartridge wing saved for the fool will eat no supper that night.
We must follow the leaders
Shannon Clair
In every good thing.
Juls Hoover
Nay. If they leave to any ill, I will leave them at the next turning.
Erika Rolfsrud
So dodo Do,
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
He’ll, but break a comparison or two on me, which per adventure not marked. So breaking a comparison or two, in other words, he’ll make a couple of deprecating remarks about me. Just be prepared.
Which per adventure not marked or laughed at. If you don’t laugh at his jokes really bums him out. And so, but that’s okay. ’cause then there’s more food for us
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
to eat.
Erika Rolfsrud
He’s so depressed that he doesn’t wanna eat. I
So music for the dance, we must follow the leaders in every good thing.
The last line, tell me what the last, last line means.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
always intrigued by this one.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I am Well, and I think it’s ’cause we see, I mean, Shakespeare’s okay with, well here, I mean literally it means, yeah, we follow them in a, in a good thing. If they lead us to any ill thing, I will leave them at the next turning. And I, I love it that she says I and not we, and that she does this, she does this very thing when all the leaders do the ill thing, which is slander hero, she leaves
Erika Rolfsrud
Them pathetic. Right. Yeah. It’s
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
accidental. But I, but I love it. It does say something about who she is as a person. Even if it is sort of offhanded. Right. I’ll follow the leaders as long as they’re leading me to good.
Erika Rolfsrud
Is there any mileage in that line? Also being referential to him too, if they lead to any ill, I mean,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
She’s joking about dancing, right? We follow the leaders and dance, right? Yeah.
Shannon Clair
And the man is the leader. The woman is the follower. Right.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Right, right.
Shannon Clair
But I, I love that she even, she has to make it a disagreement because it’s not a clear, he doesn’t say in everything he already starts with in every good thing. And she’s immediately like, no, if they’re leading us to a bad thing, then I’ll leave them behind. Yeah. So he actually has to make an argument out of a thing that it’s like, well, technically he was saying if they’re leading us to a good thing,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
just, just can picture her grabbing him by the hand and him wanting to just go away. She
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
has Him, pulls him along. Okay. Let’s
Juls Hoover
another I think indication that she knows it’s him. I feel like now reading this now I Yeah, I know. Or have been a little bit more sure that she knows it’s him. That She
Erika Rolfsrud
she’s you’re saying you, you think she knows it’s him.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
yeah, yeah. Yeah. More and more. I, I think that as like, I’m
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
even just the need, the need to qualify or disagree makes it likely. Right.
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
Yeah. And
Erika Rolfsrud
I, I love that she the insult of like, laying out his playbook. This is what he is gonna do.
He’s just gonna crack a couple of stupid jokes about me.
And if it’s not funny. Oh no.
You know, she could just be, ’cause it’s a, it’s, I mean it’s a lot of fun. I don’t know if I’d say heavy handed, but good. It has to, it has to be insulting enough for Benedict to be just in a snit and he’s like, kill me. Do whatever. Send me to the ends of earth. I just don’t wanna be near, you know, she’s, she’s insulted him pretty well.
Shannon Clair
had a question which could sidetrack us so we don’t have
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
investigate it now.
Erika Rolfsrud
I mean,
Shannon Clair
Shakespeare so often pulls on existing stories or many, many, many of his plays.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
Do we have a concept of where this one came from? Yes.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I just, I actually emailed you guys just a, a little while ago, as a matter of fact,
Shannon Clair
I’ll just
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
pretend like I just knew this. Yeah. So he’s almost always working from source material, you know that. Right? So the hero Claudio plot line, that whole plot line has several literary sources.
The Ari says the probably the most famous, which he used for a lot of things.
And that would be, you know, sort of recognizable. There was also a play that, that had the same sort of plot strand. So that would’ve been pretty recognizable. Benedict and Beatrice are all his own invention I know, which I kind of love. And I told you that, you know, the little fun fact about Charles the first, last, last week. But there is also, you know, there’s a, a lengthy history of people being of gravitating towards the Benedict Beatrice plot line more than the hero on Claudia. There are a lot of sources for hero on Claudia and some are actually really, really dark. Was,
Erika Rolfsrud
Was this written during James or Elizabeth’s time?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
This is tail end of Elizabeth. So we think, you know, it’s hard to know. So 1598. So it’s, you know, sort of anticipating, I mean we think, you know, probably written a little before 12th Night, 12th night’s probably the next, but it’s still considered kind of the, the tail end of those kind of jubilant Elizabethan comedies. Although I always think like those jubilant Elizabethan comedies aren’t always that jubilant. And this place certainly has that dark, dark turn. I mean, it’s such an unusual play for that. It’s also maybe not surprisingly like it’s written, you know, close to the time that he writes Othello, which is, you know, very strongly parallels this part.
Right. Assuming somebody,
Erika Rolfsrud
You have Don John the evil. Yeah. ent, Don Don John.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Like, You crank up Don John and then you put a tragic
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
who’s also a soldier by the way. Like I think, you know, Shakespeare is really, I think, you know, I speculate, but he comes back to this idea about, you know, what happens to soldiers when they don’t have a war? You know, again, so there’s, there’s a lot in this play that does actually resonate with Othello, obviously.
Erika Rolfsrud
Well, And then
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
start Her story
Erika Rolfsrud
Taking Othello’s intelligence and turning it into, he’s a storyteller. What’s it? He weaves these magical stories that are just so, he takes that the next step further and, and instead of just shaming her in a church,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
actually it makes her See her differently. Like the language of, again, there’s a lot of language of seeing marking in this play also in Othello. Right. How do you see her, how do you mark her similar,
Erika Rolfsrud
It just fascinates me. The idea this was, this part was the original like Beatrice and Ben No. And had done it. Do you know of any, I know we’re getting sidetracked. Any sort of subsequent, like other people borrowing that idea In The writing going forward?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah, so I mean, I’d have to look to get the details ’cause I dunno ’em offhand, but, but there are people who adapted it later that just focused on Benedict and Beatrice. And I feel like they happened as early as the 17 hundreds. Oh
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
But I’d have to look it up. Right. So I think there’s some, and and there’s, and Ann Barton’s preface, which I like a lot in the Riverside, she talks about sort of the, I don’t know what the, sort of the theatrical inheritors of kind of restoration comedy. There are a lot of, of sort of bene Benedict and Beatrice types even so
Erika Rolfsrud
far. Yeah. Mil millmont and
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. In way of the world. Yeah.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
And they speak, right? They speak this again, sort of a heightened prose. Like even, you know, linguistically they’ve sort of inherited something. And then, and then there are other, other ones. But again, I have to look them up, but some people have sort of, sort of hijacked that part of the story and just told that part of the story and dropped here on Claudio. I think Barrios wrote an opera called Beatrice and Benedict.
Shannon Clair
There’s just something about it that feels, and maybe it’s just the amount of pros, but also that just feels so different. And I can’t always put my finger on it ’cause I’m like, there’s a, there’s other, you know, there, there’s sort of the group of players always focused on the nobility and all of them. And like that would be if we picked up Don Pedro’s story and did something about him. But there are plenty of plays that don’t do that. But they, you know, they feel like, like in the Italian plays, like two gentlemen of Verona or Roman and Julie, you’ve got like young people who are sort of figuring out how to be young and how to be in love. And then, I dunno, there’s something about this with these two experienced
Erika Rolfsrud
more Mature and
Shannon Clair
The way the prose works,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
maturing just like a totally
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
Different play from him.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
And I think if you look, even if you look at that trajectory through like two gentlemen of Verona, Romeo and Juliet, right? There’s also this, you know, this this theme repeatedly in comedies and romances where like men have to kind of let go of their friendship with a man and reach across to a woman. And so he is still kind of playing around with that idea. But yeah, I think we get a sense that Benedict and Beatrice have been around the block. They know a little bit more
Erika Rolfsrud
Well established bachelor’s.
Juls Hoover
I know you have old.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. There you go.
Juls Hoover
I got this really weird idea that maybe Alby took from Beatrice and Benedict with Martha and George and who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf. And maybe that’s Benedict down the road.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
They’re alcoholics.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
it’s fascinating because to me it strikes me also as what strikes the court in my heart is the loneliness that, that that’s covered with all the humor. And you can see everybody wanting them to finally just get a room. You know, it’s just, it’s that thing you, you see all the time with friends. I mean, it’s just, it, it either happens or it doesn’t. And, and I think that’s sort of the aspect that also plucks at the heartstrings and the unfortunateness of you as you work on this role. It’s that feeling of like, if hero hadn’t been, you know, slandered and the wedding had gone through, what would that scene have been between Beatrice and Benedict?
Would it have happened? What, you know, it’s, it’s, it’d be an interesting thing ’cause the gulling still happened, but you know, what did they walk into that chapel?
What were their expectations? And I think, I think that’s what I really play up directing it is like the, the wedding at the beginning. Everybody’s, you know, I’m so excited. The expectations and then Beatrice and Benedict, oh my God, oh my God. And then it all comes crashing down.
Juls Hoover
Can I say one more just I think what you said about what soldiers do when they’re not at war, that’s strikes me because that is part, a big part of this play. It is Beatrice and Benedict, but it’s also this war going on and in the version with Danielle Brooks at I think the Davenport Theater in New York. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s the BLM movement that starts afterwards. Like they have the end of the play and then you hear like this BLM movement and the riots break out.
Erika Rolfsrud
Wow. Yeah. I didn’t, I didn’t get to see that, but I’m sure
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
online. What
Juls Hoover
I said. Spoiler alert. But
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
is, it’s rules. But it is like this active war may be going on around them. And then this is just a period of time, a much ado about nothing time where soldiers are not fighting and they’re lovers or they’re parters or they’re drinkers or their eaters.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Celebrating, recovering, all that kind of stuff.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Do we
Shannon Clair
know if there was a particular occasion that this play was written for?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I wanna say no offhand, but I could, I’ll Look up
Erika Rolfsrud
an occasion. Like, like it celebrating a jubilee or something. It wasn’t a jubilee.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I don’t think so. But I can look
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
I think, yeah,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Some, occasionally there’ll be like a Yeah. Some event that inspired it.
Erika Rolfsrud
Interesting. Alright, let’s jump to the church. Shannon, you get to be Beatrice.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
You’re the funniest scene of them all.
Erika Rolfsrud
Indeed. Indeed. Well, you know what? That’s the other thing you, you, you have to play with. When you rehearse this, they aren’t suddenly different people.
Shannon Clair
Do we wanna do any of the party with the prince and the Proposal?
Erika Rolfsrud
No, I’d love to, but I think
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
time, because, you know, when we do finally get to read all these things, we’ll want a chance to maybe adjust and then read them again. So I think, I know that was a tough one to pick between, but all right, let’s, let’s give them Ben and B Lady. Beatrice, have you wept all this while,
Juls Hoover
Oh wait,
Shannon Clair
Finding the page in this version,
Erika Rolfsrud
Everybody there.
Shannon Clair
It’s a long, it’s a long scrolling journey.
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
Not sure.
Shannon Clair
I think there’s a way to view this by act and scene and I should have figured that out more. There’s,
Erika Rolfsrud
did you guys, so you guys downloaded it because I’ve got, there is a little window up here where you can jump
Shannon Clair
At that.
Juls Hoover
Is it Act two? Scene two?
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s Act five.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
no, 4, 4 1, 1. Yeah.
Juls Hoover
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
It’s 4 1 2 line 2 55 and Arden. But I can find it In
Erika Rolfsrud
and in folder online. It’s 2 69.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. Yeah. Oh 2 61.
Erika Rolfsrud
Not in the book, the online version.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
No, not in the book here. It’s on page 1 41 in the book.
Shannon Clair
Yeah. There we go. After the Friar’s very long, not line, but here you guys, here’s what we’re gonna do.
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s like playing the, like, almost like the Prince and Romeo agility. It comes
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
in Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
As a monologue or, or the friar himself who gets to do that monologue where he basically tells you what y’all just saw.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Don’t get me started on Friars. You, we don’t have talk for that
Erika Rolfsrud
Touched. Okay, so does everybody have it?
Juls Hoover
Shannon Clair
Yes. Okay.
Erika Rolfsrud
He hit it.
Juls Hoover
Lady Beatrice, have you weft all this while,
Shannon Clair
Yay. And I will weep a while longer.
Juls Hoover
I will not desire that.
Shannon Clair
You have no reason I do it freely.
Juls Hoover
Surely. I do believe you have fair
Erika Rolfsrud
credit. Let’s Not, let’s look at that line real quick. You have no reason I do it freely. I mean, the general wash can be, you know, I’m doing this of my own. You have no reason. Is it you have no reason to be upset yourself? Or do you have no reason as in the mind? What exactly does you have no reason?
Shannon Clair
That’s a good question. I feel like there is a, a sense of,
like, you, you almost, you, you could play it as like, you, you, you, you don’t have no ability. You have no logic to talk me out of it. I’m doing it whether you want it or not. Like there’s no reasoning me out of this.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah, yeah.
So yes.
Juls Hoover
You Have no reason. Oh, that’s lovely, Shannon. It’s nice. Yeah,
Erika Rolfsrud
I do it freely. Okay. Sorry. Let’s go ahead and start from the top, since we’re only four lines down.
Juls Hoover
Lady Beatrice, have you wet all this while
Shannon Clair
Yay. And I will weep a while longer.
Juls Hoover
I will not desire that.
Shannon Clair
You have no reason I do it freely.
Juls Hoover
Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged.
Shannon Clair
Ah, how might, how much might the man deserve of me that would right her?
Juls Hoover
Is there any way to show such friendship A
Shannon Clair
very, even, even way, but no such friend.
Juls Hoover
May a man do it.
Shannon Clair
It is a man’s office but not yours.
Juls Hoover
I do love nothing in the world, so well as you, it’s not that strange,
Shannon Clair
as strange as the thing I know, not it were as possible for me to say I love nothing so well as you, but believe me, not. And yet I lie, not I confess nothing nor I deny nothing. I’m sorry for my cousin.
Erika Rolfsrud
Okay. Hold on. I mean, right here. You, you, they are not different people because it gets sad.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
the language play is,
Shannon Clair
It’s still going on.
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s still who they are. And it is rereading this too. I’m like, at what point in all of this does Beatrice de decide or know that the only way to avenge this is that Claudia Claudio needs to be killed?
Shannon Clair
I feel like it’s, it’s pretty early, at least in that he needs to be challenged to a jewel. I mean, that’s
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
what, that
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s an active choice when we get to kill Claudio for her to just come out of her mouth.
But it’s, it’s interesting.
So a very even way, but no such friends. So she’s, she’s working at it what she wants, but she knows it’s gotta be a man. It’s gotta be something all along those lines and the rules and all this kind of crap. She can’t just go knock on his door and, you know, so there’s something going on in her brain as she’s also processing him this terrible sadness.
You know? And I’m sure it’s like the first time she’s seen Leonardo behave that way. There’s, you know, just a lot going on.
And I
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Feel like the, the gender is a helpful step. Two things, right? The gen may a man do it, it’s a man’s office. She knows that
Juls Hoover
it’s gonna
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
require a man to avenge her cousin. But also her response is unreasonable. It’s out of like, murdering him or shaming here. I was not really appropriate response either. So I feel, you know, and I feel so, I don’t know Right. As you, as actors, as you’re figuring out how she gets from point A to point B, I think that’s an interesting idea. Yeah.
Shannon Clair
Well, because I think there is a big, that the, the way it comes out and killed Claudio is Yeah. Is so from the gut and the whole, I would eat his heart in the marketplace. Right. But I think here there’s very much a sense of like, this isn’t a time where when someone shames your family, you go and you challenge them. Right. But it has to be a man who does it. And Leah NATO’s not gonna do it. He’s just shown that he’s a wus.
Erika Rolfsrud
He’s just,
Shannon Clair
and she
Erika Rolfsrud
has daughter By
Shannon Clair
belief. Like Beatrice has no man sworn to her. So there is no man for her to say, go avenge my family, which would
Erika Rolfsrud
be Well, And I, I
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
I also love the idea that she would do it herself.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
Loud. Yeah. Let’s, let’s keep reading. Oh, I, I do love nothing in the world so well as you, it’s not that I just love how that just comes outta nowhere. And I mean, not nowhere, I mean, we know they live, but right now she’s been crying and it just sort of comes out of him, you know, it’s like, I love you. You know, like,
Shannon Clair
but I, I think it also is it, it it is tied to the sense of like, it’s a man’s office. Yes. But I have no one to ask because no one is sworn to
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
love me.
Erika Rolfsrud
Right. Don’t, Don’t get Too far.
Shannon Clair
I love you.
Juls Hoover
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
Don’t get too far ahead because we’re, we’re, we’re, I know I just heard it myself that we’re all jumping for let’s, let’s pass through the love and then down to the challenge because that could also be the click thing in her head.
My God, he does love me. He could be the guy to do it or not thinking on the line, what is the thing that is processing and just coming out. So, and I, I love her equivocating about, I was gonna say it, but you know, I, you know, maybe, but don’t you know, so sorry about my belting.
Shannon Clair
Well, and The, I I’m always intrigued by this as strange as the thing I know not
Erika Rolfsrud
Yes. What is he’s not that, Which
Shannon Clair
I feel like on one reading is as strange as hearing that rumor that you loved me, which is something that I, I don’t know. I don’t know that thing.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
That’s great.
Shannon Clair
Right? So now you’ve declared it and it’s as weird now as it was when I heard it. That thing, I don’t know. Right,
Erika Rolfsrud
right. As strange as the thing I know, not, it could also be, but
Shannon Clair
It could also be
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
I, I know I have, I have not acknowledged, which is my
Erika Rolfsrud
family. Right. I, I’m not sure. I have not declared it out loud. So she’s, you know, continues if it with it, if it were possible for, for me to say I loved nothing so well as you, but you know, believe me or not, and yet, I, I confess nothing nor I deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin.
It, it’s God, I understand her discomfort.
Juls Hoover
I really
Erika Rolfsrud
do. I, and I’m, I’m gonna admit it too. So being single so long, but I was always a late bloomer in dating and that kind of a thing. I knew I liked a guy.
If on that first date where we were gonna kiss the first time, my teeth, my jaw would chatter to, because the, the adrenaline would start.
It looked like I was like really cold.
Shannon Clair
He’d go back to his friends. Her teeth were chattering. I don’t know if that was a good sign. It wasn’t
Erika Rolfsrud
the whole day, Shannon. It was,
Shannon Clair
it was
Erika Rolfsrud
right at the end. But it is, I feel Beatrice so much of like, I know I can say I feel I can’t, I haven’t said it yet. And I don’t know if I say it, you could hurt me again.
So I deny I am sorry for my cousin. Let’s get back to the pain. You know, it’s like,
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
This is not the time. That’s my excuse. So take it from, I am sorry for my cousin.
Shannon Clair
I am sorry for my cousin
Juls Hoover
By my sword, Beatrice. Thou lust me.
Shannon Clair
Do not swear and eat it. I
Juls Hoover
will swear by it that you love me and I will make him eat it. That says, I love you, not,
Shannon Clair
Will you not
Juls Hoover
eat your
Shannon Clair
word? Not will you not eat your word
Juls Hoover
With no sauce That can be devised to it. I protest. I love thee.
Shannon Clair
Why? Then God forgive me.
Juls Hoover
What offense? Sweet Beatrice, You
Shannon Clair
have stayed me in a happy hour. I was about to protest. I loved you
Juls Hoover
And do it with all th heart.
Shannon Clair
I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.
Juls Hoover
Come bid me, do anything for thee.
Shannon Clair
Kill Claudio.
Juls Hoover
Not for the wide world.
Shannon Clair
You kill me to deny it. Farewell.
Erika Rolfsrud
Okay. This sucks. I just love how, I mean it really as an audience member, just pull, just like you’ve watching this upsetting thing and then, oh my God, the two people you want to come together is now the time to talk about this. This is uncomfortable and funny and all this
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
of stuff. You know? Oh my God, this is great. Kill him.
You know, it’s, and the fact that his first word is ha
Juls Hoover
Yeah. Yeah. Like
Erika Rolfsrud
first thing to come out, he
Shannon Clair
Has no actual word. That’s
Erika Rolfsrud
the first response.
Shannon Clair
He’s like, oh, Okay.
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s like a punch in the gut, in a, you know, are you, are you joking now? Are you doing,
Juls Hoover
Doing things?
Erika Rolfsrud
And it’s two words kill Claudio. And that just resonates.
And it could be something with Benedict of like, aha.
Looking at her and like, no, for the wide world, I I’m not gonna do that. Don’t be, be silly. You know, kind of.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
also love,
Shannon Clair
I there’s something about the, the, the messiness of this
Juls Hoover
Shannon Clair
That I’m like, she’s kind of not on her game at the moment.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
At all. Because when she’s, when she comes back with the do not swear and eat it right, she’s responding to by my sword, which is like, I’m gonna swear Beatrice thou loves me. He is in some ways setting himself up to say, I’m swearing that you love me. And she’s taking it as you’re swearing that you love. You know what I mean? She’s responding as if he said, by my sword, Beatrice, I love you.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Yeah. That’s the first time I’ve ever thought about it can also be a, I’m gonna deny it again. Do not swear and eat it. You just said that I love you. You, you can’t swear on that. ’cause you don’t know. I mean, there’s always the color wash of that possibility. I mean it’s like, and I’ve said this before, but one of my old teachers, Richard Easton, used to say, when you rehearse, try everything because the color of that choice will always be there regardless of whether you end up doing that choice. Hmm.
So there’s another dimension to it.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
this scene goes by fast in the buildup. Clip, clip, clip, clip.
You saved me in a happy hour. That’s the tricky one. You saved me in a happy hour.
Careful what you scan or how you say it, call me. But love say to me in Aer, I was about to protest that I loved you and do it with all thy heart. I love you so much. My heart that none is left to protest. I just love that I promised myself I’ve ever got married. I’d somehow stick that in the ceremony.
Forbid me do anything for the,
Shannon Clair
Are there any interesting notes on Happy Hour?
Erika Rolfsrud
Happy hour?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I Haven’t found any. I mean, lucky Moment is literally out translated. Right. Happy is usually fortunate. Lucky stayed, kept me, stopped me here. Right. You stopped me somewhere. Good, happy, lucky, fortunate. Which is,
Erika Rolfsrud
oh, sorry. Keep going, Kat.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
No, I do have, I don’t, I haven’t thought about pronouns, but maybe this isn’t isn’t the quite time for it or No,
Erika Rolfsrud
Go ahead.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
So, you know, you is actually formal and V and Vow is informal and their their tend, they they are, there’s a lot of Ewing in this play.
Her sonnet, when she says, what fires in my eyes, and she’s talking about Benedict. She uses the and vow, she uses the familiar, I think it’s interesting in this scene that he’s using the familiar and she’s not, just to put that out there
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Takes more for her to admit it. Which to me also plays into the, the evidence that he did something to hurt her.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. I Wonder
Erika Rolfsrud
in their initial relationship, I, ’cause it’s a, in a way it’s a bigger risk for her because, you know, once been twice, no, that’s not the right appropriate thing, but burned stove, whatever,
not a writer. And
but still the, the humor there, you have stayed me in a happy hour.
We, is it the moment of her, I think I took that line for granted when I played her both times. That happy because he’s pronounced his love. I’m getting there. Or is it her being ironic? Is she being, you know, trying to be funny, having a happy time? You know, we’re here in the mess of the remains of a church and we’re doing this
Shannon Clair
right. And this was on the top of my mind. I was about to start talking about love with you. That was totally what I was getting to. Right.
Erika Rolfsrud
That’s right. But
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Do we, I mean, I sort of feel like I, I mean, I partly, I, I wonder if it’s you, like, you stayed me in a happy hour because I was about to protest. I loved you, but you had to say it first.
I wonder about that reading. Right? Yeah. Like, oh, I’m so glad you said it first, even though we’re saying that. Right.
Erika Rolfsrud
You made me happy. Yeah,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
I also wonder how open hour is as, as a timeframe.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
Because yes, this hour at the wedding is terrible. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
if, if it has a little bit more of an open sense of like, I heard that news and this moment in my life, I was gonna get around to telling you, or more open to telling you or revisiting these feelings. And I was
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
Thinking about broaching this subject again.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. I would always took hour to be like within, like, if the wedding started to it, you know, it, if you were to think of the time, well two o’clock, two to three is a good happy hour. You’ve stayed me in this happy time.
I, I I don’t know. It’s, it’s again, play with everything. Even if people are like rolling in their graves about, you know, for breaking rules or whatever, and it’s like, no,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
No. I, new rules of time in
Juls Hoover
Shakespeare, I,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
they’re really flexible. He’s so flexible of time.
Erika Rolfsrud
Oh my God. Yeah.
Juls Hoover
If there is a moment, like Erica, you were saying if what would’ve happened if this thing didn’t happen with Hero and Claudio, if this was in fact the moment that Beatrice was going to confess for love to Benedict, and then all of this stuff went down and it was going to be a happy hour for her.
On the other hand of all that, I mean like is the, the interpretation of our loose and it could just mean moment. And in this split moment, you have just told me you love me and you have stayed me in this happy moment.
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
I was about to protest. I love you. And, and just let it be even more confusing and let it all just, I want to do this. I wanna fall in this moment with you. But like, I have some stuff going on.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
got some something to do. Yeah. It makes me think also of, and I think this is why I always sort of kind of struggled with the scene with the girls in the crying, the stuffy doughs kind of thing.
That’s the morning of the wedding. Right?
So you have to ask yourself why is she crying?
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
And it, what was her intent coming into the wedding with regards to Benedict? I mean, really what is the crying about?
Yeah. It’s not necessarily joyful crying. I mean, ’cause it’s a sustained cry. It’s one thing if you’re, you know, you’re so happy and can’t I just,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
we know She’s
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
At The top. Have you wept all this while?
Erika Rolfsrud
No. No.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Oh, this part?
Erika Rolfsrud
No, no. I was, I was referring to the scene where Margaret sort of
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
her to task.
Shannon Clair
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
She’s definitely crying here. I, I’m, yeah. I don’t, I feel like in the early
Erika Rolfsrud
That morning I have a
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Cold. But you read that as crying. I
Erika Rolfsrud
read that as she’s been up all night crying.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Got It. Yeah,
Erika Rolfsrud
Because I, I don’t under, I don’t know why she would have a cold for one scene in the morning.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
It’s Such a weird, so we can make a maiden stuff joke or whatever. Like, there’s a sexual joke, but
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Yeah. I
Shannon Clair
mean, I think that you can also feel pretty under the weather if you’ve just been up all Night too.
Erika Rolfsrud
That’s true. Yeah. No, but there it is to build, you know, back to the whole rehearsing and playing. Yeah.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. Beautiful.
Erika Rolfsrud
The, I think that’s a scene that doesn’t get a lot of attention because it is about the women.
It is Margaret stepping in her stead to do
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
You know, to take her to task. And she’s not willing to play. She doesn’t wanna play.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
So, to me that also is an under another indicator that she’s in a weird mood about all this. Yeah.
So, and I guess we’d have to go back and look at the timeline was the Gulling scene the day before
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Plays A little
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
in This. I
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
mean, we never, again, we don’t, so few plays we can actually chart out in winter time, Romeo and Juliet, winter Tale Tempest. Right. I think that’s it.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Hamlet Is,
Juls Hoover
that’s so, that’s so lovely for her to carry that all the way through though. You are right. You’re absolutely right. And then to carry it into this scene, because of the history that you’ve mentioned and the choice that we talked about in episode one. Does, does she who broke up with whom, and you know, how has that affected them? You know, how has that affected her?
And if she does find out that he loves her, does she wanna get back together with him? Does she love him? I mean, like, that would keep me up.
I mean, is that,
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
go through that pain again?
Erika Rolfsrud
How, how much of what just happened? Also as Claudio declaring and everybody believes it and hero shame, right? Is that also like for her, like, oh my God, this is why I don’t date. You know, that, that sort of thing is, is I, I don’t know. It’s, it’s so funny because to me it’s like, like when my flood gates are open, even if I’ve managed to clean off and do great, and I’m fine, if something triggers it, the flood gates could come back again.
And, you know, when they turn into rage, tears, if they ever do I, you know, but let’s keep going forward so we can get into this, this point. This is the other danger of, of the idea of crying. The other danger is, if I’ve spoken to this before, the, the most moving way to really hit an audience is to fight the tears.
So it, it’s like my, I had a teacher who once said, she says, what’s more interesting watching a, an open pot of water boil, or if you put the lid on top and you watch the lid kind of dance, trying to stay on top of the, the boiling water. It’s far more interesting to watch with lid.
And we don’t like to cry. Human beings don’t like to cry. How many times, or at least it was American human beings, do you watch an interview and if somebody breaks how they apologize.
Juls Hoover
Especially women.
Erika Rolfsrud
Especially women. Yeah. Yeah.
Shannon Clair
Well, I I, I kind of actually love her response at the top of this scene when he is like, have you wept all this while? And, and it’s that thing of like, yes and nothing. You’re gonna say, I’m shutting you down immediately. Yeah. I’m gonna keep doing it, you know?
Erika Rolfsrud
Well, and and if we start the scene Yeah. With sort of the awkward moment of them being there. And that’s his opener.
Have you been crying the whole time? You know, Like,
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
she could be like, yeah, and I’m gonna keep crying. Were you not here? You know, it’s like we could start this scene on, on any level or tone. Wait.
Shannon Clair
Well, And, and also in the top, I feel like you get to decide because she says, I was about to protest. I love you.
Is that at the top of the scene when she says, ah, how much might the man deserve of me? Who would write her?
Juls Hoover
is it gonna
Shannon Clair
be you?
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
is she, is she ready? Is she about to put that challenge out there and go? No, it’s probably a bad idea. It’s probably a very even way. But you know, it’s not you. Yeah. It’s a man’s job. But,
Erika Rolfsrud
’cause I
Shannon Clair
I can’t
Erika Rolfsrud
ask. In the end, she’s the one who kind of resists it a little bit more than he does. And then they present the letters and there is no refuting the letters. That’s evidence for everybody.
So, I mean, which makes sense. She’s the one who was wounded.
So, all right, let’s, let’s pick this up and keep going.
Shannon Clair
Yeah. Okay.
Erika Rolfsrud
BBB, B. But by my swords Beatrice, thou love us. Me.
Juls Hoover
Shannon Clair
we’re going back. Cool.
Erika Rolfsrud
Which is yeah. 2 88. 88.
Juls Hoover
Okay. By my sword, Beatrice, thou love us. Me
Shannon Clair
Do not swear and eat it.
Juls Hoover
I will swear by it that you love me and I will make him eat it. That says, I love you, not you.
Shannon Clair
Will you not eat your word
Juls Hoover
With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest. I love thee.
Shannon Clair
Why even God forgive me.
Juls Hoover
What offense? Sweet Beatrice,
Shannon Clair
You have stayed me in a happy hour. I was about to protest. I loved you
Juls Hoover
And do it with all thy heart.
Shannon Clair
I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.
Juls Hoover
Come bid me. Do anything for thee,
Shannon Clair
Kill Claudio.
Juls Hoover
Not for the wide world.
Shannon Clair
You kill me to deny it. Farewell
Juls Hoover
Terry. Sweet Beatrice.
Shannon Clair
I am gone though I am here. There is no love in you. Nay, I pray you let me go,
Juls Hoover
Shannon Clair
In faith, I will go.
Juls Hoover
We’ll be friends first.
Shannon Clair
You dzer. Be friends with me than fight with my enemy
Juls Hoover
is Claudio thine enemy.
Shannon Clair
Is he not approved In the height of villain that have slandered, scorned, dishonored My kins woman. Oh, that I were a man. What, what? Bear her in a hand until they come to take hands. And then with public accusation, uncovered, slander, unmitigated ranker. Oh God, that I were a man. I would eat his heart in the marketplace.
Juls Hoover
Your Me, Beatrice.
Shannon Clair
Talk with a man out at a window, a proper
Juls Hoover
say. But Beatrice
Shannon Clair
sweet Hero, she is wronged. She is slandered. She’s undo thes and counties. A princely testimony, a goodly count count affect a sweet gallant. Surely, oh, that I were a man for his sake, or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake. But manhood is melted into es valor, into compliment. And men are only turned into tongue and trim ones too. He is now as valiant as Hercules. That only tells a lie and swears it. I cannot be a man with wishing therefore, I will die. A woman with grieving
Juls Hoover
Terry, good Beatrice by this hand. I love thee.
Shannon Clair
Use it for my love some other way than swearing by it.
Juls Hoover
Thank you. In your soul. The count Claudio hath wrong. Tero.
Shannon Clair
Yay. As sure as I have a thought or a soul
Juls Hoover
Enough, I am engaged.
I will challenge him.
I will kiss your hand. And so I leave you by this hand. Claudio shall render me a dear account as you hear of me. So think of me, go comfort your cousin.
I must say she is dead. And so farewell.
Erika Rolfsrud
I also love the For Benedict, if we were working with the Benedict, there’s part of me that’s like, no, no, I should have grown up Benedict the difficulty when he just brings it down and says, do you know this?
And then he makes that. I mean, to me, this is almost a bigger de declaration of love.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
I will do this for you. I will kill one of my best buddies for you.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
die Your Word in
Shannon Clair
the attempt
Erika Rolfsrud
or die in the attempt. I will put my life on the line. Yeah,
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. I mean,
Shannon Clair
I definitely think there’s something in that line of his, as you hear of me. So think of me as in like, you may hear the results of this jewel, and I might not be around.
Erika Rolfsrud
Wish me luck.
I I also love that there’s no big kiss. And in the scene I, you know Right. Sustain that tan trick. Anyway, so Terry, sweet Beatrice, I am gone though. Why I’m here. There is no loving you, nay, I pray you let me go.
That could either be that he’s, you know, touched her, but I don’t think so. I think it’s him blocking the way.
Beatrice in faith, that will go and his whole stab at, we’ll be friends first. You can just hear the breaks.
Come friends, you know, and, and then it’s, it’s Justing is Claudio. Th an enemy.
And as I was rereading this, the, the slip is to list it off in a way that’s like, I got his, here are the receipts and that
Shannon Clair
all of these are like the coming to her, like all the ideas,
Erika Rolfsrud
right? It’s on the line. And for her it builds of a like, hang on. So this is what I witnessed. So he stood here and then he did that. Oh my god. And he said that. And he said, and then now this is the result of what whole? And let that get her going. So there’s also a difference in, she’s not just, you know, screaming at him.
And Yeah. Got, so let’s look at his, he not approved the height of villain. That’s half slandered scorned de. So my kins woman, oh, that I wear a man. And here’s my feeling about o’s.
To me it’s a marker of a sound in that, you know, it could be an oh that I wear a man or a, you know, oh, that, play around with that, if we were in the verse, there is a way to do it, to keep the meter going, but to me it’s such an opportunity to have an exclamation, however it comes out.
And the idea, I I, this is kind of a tricky thing that also I think we jump to.
I’ve already, my brain has already gone to a place of, see, if I were a man, I could do it myself. It’s that idea of what is the more active thing. Like, you know, oh, if I were a man, you know that it’s a, not to give line ratings, but that’s my director limit.
That it it to play with it in every way instead of it all just being, even though that is valid and that is the engine that’s building, you know, because we build to eating his heart in the marketplace, you know?
Oh, what bear her in hand. Do they take hands? And then public accusation uncovered, slander, unmitigated ranker, and play with the idea of like, that, that, oh God is like, holy cats. That did just happen. And oh my God, that’s one way to play to work. Or it could be an under Oh, yeah. Because she’s, she’s swearing an oath oath in a church too. Yeah.
That I were a man. I would eat his heart in a marketplace. Is there any play on eat with this other than the literal image of her reaching into his heart and taking a bite, or, I Don’t think
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
so. Yeah. I mean, I think it’s,
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
it. And I think that, you know, again, we’re in both, like, we see this impulse again where she’s pushing away from empty words right. Into action. So you, you’re just gonna tell me you easier be friends with me than fight my enemy. You can tell me I’m your friend, but unless you fight my enemy, you’re not. Or, and the idea that men’s words can do so much damage, I think that idea of public is huge. Right. Public accusation, because it, it, it would ruin her. I mean, the whole, the whole thing with the prior right, is you’ll either reinstate a reputation or she can become a nun.
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
So she’ll either be marriageable
Erika Rolfsrud
as A guy
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
said, You know, it’s,
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
So I think the, you know, again, that idea that, and then it really, with the, all the really sarcastic things she says afterwards, right. That they’re, they’re playacting some misguided notion of male honor. Yeah. But
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
a woman who pays for it. Right. But yeah, I think it’s, I mean, I think she literally means I would, again, eat as hard, I would do this thing in this public place to,
Juls Hoover
And, And also the marriage marketplace too. I feel like this is,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Juls Hoover
This whole play has been building up to this for Beatrice, the relationship with Benedict and then her cousin and her, you know, saying, you know, if a man had a beer, you know, I am not for him. And this whole thing has been building up to this moment, and this kind of idea may be that we are, we are only for marriage has like, maybe delivered her to this moment of I am going to eat a heart of a man in a marketplace where women are only seen as prop to be sold off to men to, or like business transactions kind of thing. So I, I, I think the
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
way, like we’re More, yeah. And I think the way we’re, you know, we get more, perhaps more indignant and more fired up when we see the injustice done to somebody else. Right. Hero who’s done nothing wrong, who’s, you know, completely behaves appropriately and does everything she’s told and is all excited. Everybody’s excited about this marriage, and then this thing happens.
Shannon Clair
Yeah. It’s like, if you’re gonna choose anyone, how could you even believe this of this Person? Better
Erika Rolfsrud
indignation. Well, and they also, the idea of Edith’s heart in the marketplace starts with the list of he waits until the day of the wedding hand in the church. You wanna do this publicly?
You want public marketplace, me having a meal on your heart, you know, it’s also that sort of idea of, And,
Shannon Clair
and you work up from like the, the, the public accusation, how terrible that is with this slander To the, the unmitigated ranker like that. He just, the, The anger on his part towards her through this process. I mean, if you’re gonna slander someone, you don’t, you don’t need to attack her the way you did. You know,
Erika Rolfsrud
Why didn’t he go right to her that night
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
So bad.
Erika Rolfsrud
So knock on her door, go after the guy instead. No, no, no, no. We’ll have our vengeance and revenge and with, and does it in front of, I would assume the townspeople are probably all there too. You know, this is everybody.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
And repeat repeatedly calls her a slut, basically. Like all those words are just, it is just,
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s terrible what he does. I mean, yeah. Okay. So, and I I love this. I would direct it so that Benedict is just trying to get an a word in there and, and Beatrice just keeps plowing.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. You
Erika Rolfsrud
know, I would eat his heart in the marketplace, maybe a beat there, and it gets quicker and quicker for her. So definitely with, she has slandered, she is undone princes and counties that, that she’s not even, oh, like listening to him.
She’s, you know, princes and counties.
But I also love the idea of playing around with somebody once a director in a, I had a, one was doing a one woman show, and one of the best things he ever taught me to do, he said, I want you to cast the play.
I said, what? And he said, every person you talk about are quote
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
in the
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Cast the play. And guess what, if they don’t work, fire them and find another actor. And so I I was incredibly specific. There were like 20 different characters in it. So like, talk with a man out of a window could be that dark humor plays like Whohoo, talk to man, you know, you could mocking play around with mocking Claudia. Oh no. You know, it just a proper saying. They have a very sweet heroes. She’s wrong. She’s slandered. She’s undone princess. And
Shannon Clair
What is that? Do you have a take on what a proper saying is? Is she, is she referencing the fact that that is a proper way to say, there might have been something more going on at that window that they wanted to say, like,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
The Arden has it as a likely story, which is how I hear it.
Shannon Clair
Okay. Right.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
that’s how it
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
is like Oh, oh, sure.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Proper. Yeah.
Shannon Clair
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
that, right. Like that’s likely Sure. Talking with me outside a window, right. That
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Great.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Claudia, I know we’re not doing Benedict, but I also love it that he’s, he ends with a formal pronoun, right? Like, he’s sort of gotten a tone shift and it feels like this is something serious. I sort of like that at the end. But
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah, Just
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
to throw that in for fun. I Like that.
Erika Rolfsrud
No, I think you’re right. I think you’re right. The Prince
Shannon Clair
and Count Is a different compact than he was expecting.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Princes and count. So princes and counts
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
really Different. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
And then she starts playing princely testimony. Goodly count, goodly count, count Calm.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
She’s going for is ti their titles too? Like these are men of rank and status. Is this honorable, this nasty thing that they’ve done, you know, that she’s
Shannon Clair
Oh, yeah.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Abused their positions. Right? Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
I mean, what an insult. It’s sort of why, yeah. Some people choose not to call somebody, but as president being former, you know, it’s like, nope, you don’t get that title in my universe. You know? And e even more so here, the status. She’s making fun of their status.
Cal compact, A
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
gallant surely o that I were Is there anything in Sweet Gallant beyond her making a pun off of Cal Confect?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. Just they’re, they don’t have anything substantial about them, or he doesn’t have anything substantial. Right. They’re like, no woman made out of sugar.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Little bit of water
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
And they melt.
Erika Rolfsrud
And then
Shannon Clair
of course you open it up into manhood in general, which
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
You can, you can include Benedict more or less in this sense of like, okay, manhood is melted and when we get to the only tells a lie and swears it.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Shannon Clair
It, it could be ca Claudio and the Prince tell lie and swear it. Or you tell a lie, you say, bid me do anything.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Yeah. All men, right? All men do this.
Erika Rolfsrud
So, okay, let’s make sure we so, or that I had a friend would be a man for my sake, boom, write to him, you know, you’re, you would be my guy. But manhood is melted into zis valor and a compliment. And men are only turned into tongue and trim ones too. Fancy tongues.
That’s about it with their substance talking. And I, this, I always loved this one. He is now he gets all this shit because, you know, ’cause he tells a lie and everybody says, oh, it must be true.
Right. You know, he is now as valiant only tells alliance where I cannot be a man with wishing therefore I will die a woman with grieving.
I, I also picture the idea of like, she spends herself out. Like these, these monologues are so emotionally that she’s literally has to sit down because what do you do?
I, what can I do now? I don’t, I was gonna say another political thing and I should Terry Good Beatrice by this hand, I love thee.
Use it for my love sum other way than swearing by it. So straightforward.
Thank you. And your soul that count Claudio path, wronged hero. The count Claudio, not Claudio. The Count Claudio wrong hero, which is what you were referring to too,
Juls Hoover
From finding her. That’s really interesting.
Erika Rolfsrud
What finding
Juls Hoover
her that he is, it is Count Claudio. And you know what you’re asking of me almost. So like,
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
Gonna do this thing. It’s Count Claudio.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. This charge that, that we’re about to read into the record. Yeah.
Yeah, sure. As I have a thought or a soul enough I am engaged will challenge him. And also very formal. I will kiss your hand. And so I leave you and buy this hand. Claudia also render me a dear account as you hear of me. So think of me go comfort your cousin. I must say she is dead. And so far, well, I also love that in that I’m in on this.
I must say she’s dead.
So God just love the play.
So where are we with the time?
Shannon Clair
I, I also, I remember interesting doing it because we get the Terry Good Beach by the sand. I love the, so the implication being she’s, she’s again going to leave. She’s like, okay, I said my piece, I’m gonna go, I’m a woman, so I’m grieving Goodbye.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. I’m just, I’m gonna grab my tissues and go back to my room, you know, crack open that tequila bottle I have in, you know,
Juls Hoover
It’s an interesting character shift for Benedict too. Just Yeah. For a second. Because now he like, I wanna show you how seriously I’m taking this. This is how much I love you. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
is all formal now. And it’s
Erika Rolfsrud
Because we talk about him as a clown. I think if I, if if I spoke to the actor playing Benedict, I, I really wanna sort of talk about what is his status in the war as a soldier. Is he good soldier? Is he just good company? Is he a, you know what I mean? This is, I mean, we know that this is a big deal because he is gonna go challenge his friend.
But is this something he’s had to do before? Is this, it doesn’t strike me as he is the kind of guy who would take things like, he, he’d talk everybody down from, from the, the shelf. Don’t be weird, you know.
But yeah, I mean, we have to remember, in fact, this would be a great moment at the end that he is in fact a soldier that if he suddenly was in, you know, his full proper posture and, you know, sorted by his side or whatever, you know?
All right. Let’s go back to the beginning now that it’s, we’re all like into the last end of the play, but let’s start acting. Shall we do some more acting?
We’re gonna go to the beginning. When I pray you with senior Manto return from the No.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
you Haven’t gotten to do this one, Jules at the top with the messenger? I
Juls Hoover
don’t think so. Have. Okay.
Erika Rolfsrud
You, you, Beatrice. Okay. The rest of us. So Shannon, you’d be the messenger since there’s more play and I’ll just slip in a Leonardo and a hero every once in a while. Unless you wanna act Kat.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Oh no, I have way too much respect for actors to try to act. So that’s
Erika Rolfsrud
very nice. No,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I like,
Erika Rolfsrud
I just
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
like being the, the nerdy sometimes helpful person.
Erika Rolfsrud
I love, I love your geekiness, your Shakespeare geeky, dim.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Well, love ’em. Love these characters. I
Shannon Clair
do, I do miss visiting the final scene though, where they’re reading, where they’re, they’ve got their Benedicts writings
Erika Rolfsrud
versus See, now You knew my problem as director. Which freaking scene do I pick?
That’s, that’s, ah, we should just have a reading of much adu. Okay.
Shannon Clair
Do it.
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
No, the, it it’s like picking like the candy, just
so yeah. This is the part of being a director. I’m learning. I don’t like, okay.
All right.
Le Yeah, let’s give it a clock. So I’m gonna give you Leonardo’s line as a, as a cue,
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
And she’s stepping forward. So I want you to just be, but you know, high.
So let’s, let’s try this. So a kind overflow of kindness. There are no faces truer than those that are so washed. How much better is it to weep at joy than to weep at weeping?
Juls Hoover
I pray you. Is senior Monto returned from the wars again or No?
Shannon Clair
I know none of that name lady. There was none such in the army of any sort.
Erika Rolfsrud
What is he that you ask for? Niece? My cousin means Senior Benedict of Padua.
Shannon Clair
Oh, he’s returned and as pleasant as ever he was,
Juls Hoover
He set up his bills here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight. And my uncle’s fool reading the challenge subscribed for Cupid and challenged him at the bird bolt. I pray you how many half he killed and eaten in these wars, but how many half he killed for indeed. I promised I promised to eat all of his killing.
Erika Rolfsrud
Faith niece, you tax senior Benedict too much. But he’ll be meet with you. I doubt it not
Shannon Clair
He has done good service lady in these wars.
Juls Hoover
You have musty vi and he has hope to eat it. He is a very valiant trencherman. He has an excellent stomach
Shannon Clair
And a good soldier too. Layton,
Erika Rolfsrud
I wanna, I wanna stop at this one too. Gr I mean, great job.
So here we also get into the eating. I mean, yeah, lots of eating.
Be a little more like pumped and on it and ready to go, Beatrice. Just ’cause you are Woo, are you primed? Okay.
Maybe you’re a little nervous too. So it’s all
Need to return as pleasant ever. You set bills here in any challenge, he would fly and my uncle’s fool reading the challenge described for Cupid and challenged him at the, let’s fra let’s refresh ourselves on what that means. The first line of that paragraph, he set up his bills here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight. And my uncle’s fool reading the challenge subscribed for Cupid and challenged him at the bird bolt.
So remembering what we were talking about before that he set up his bills here in Messina. So we talked about him posting his, you know, I’m the guy and challenged Cupid at this fight. Like, go ahead, try and make me fall in love.
And my uncle’s fool reading the challenge subscribed for Cupid. So I can’t remember whose uncle’s fool did we decide what
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
uncle’s say again?
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I mean it’s Either literally like the, you know, the, the gesture of the house or the entertainer of the house. But we talked about how some people read it as potentially Beatrice referring to herself as her uncle’s fool. Right,
Erika Rolfsrud
Right, right, right, right. Okay.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
So fight on the cupid side, right. And then
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
verbal. So either that’s all they of or Yeah. Okay.
Erika Rolfsrud
Gotta be her. Yeah. So my uncle’s fool reading the challenge, subscribe for Cupid and challenged him at the bird bolt.
So keep that in mind a little bit more closer tools when you’re doing it, like, I mean, we’re not dark yet,
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
do you know it’s, it’s like, it’s like that thing that you just can’t help yourself but say, you know.
Yeah. So let’s, let’s take it from you jumping in.
So I’ll just give you, how much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping? Okay, ready?
Juls Hoover
Sorry. Back To
Erika Rolfsrud
where we started. Got it. Scene. Okay. How much better is it to weep at weep at joy than to joy at weeping?
Juls Hoover
I pray you a senior Tonto returned from the wars or no,
Shannon Clair
I know none of that name lady. There was none such as yaari of any sort. What
Erika Rolfsrud
is he? You ask for niece. My cousin means senior Benedict of Padua.
Shannon Clair
Oh, he is returned and as pleasant as ever he was,
Juls Hoover
He set up his build here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight. And my uncle’s fool rating the challenge, subscribe for Cupid and challenged him at the bird bolt.
I pray you. How many have he killed and eaten in these wars? But, but how many have he killed for indeed, I promise to eat all of his killing.
Erika Rolfsrud
Faith niece, you tax senior Benedict too much,
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
he’ll be meet with you. I doubt it not he
Shannon Clair
Hath done good service lady in these wars.
Juls Hoover
You had musty vi and he had hope to eat it. He is a very valiant trencherman. He has an excellent stomach
Shannon Clair
And a good soldier too lady.
Juls Hoover
And a good soldier too lady. But what is he A to a lord?
Shannon Clair
A lord to a lord. A man to a man stuffed with all honorable.
Erika Rolfsrud
I’m gonna back you up. You have done good service lady in these wars. Now the with the and a good soldier to lady and then you really gotta hit it with and a good soldier to a lady.
Juls Hoover
Oh, to a lady.
Erika Rolfsrud
That’s what She’s, she’s spinning off. Yeah. So he had done good service lady in these wars.
Shannon Clair
He has done good service lady in these wars.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
had musty
Juls Hoover
had Musty. You had musty. And he had hoped to eat it. He’s a very valiant trencherman. He has an excellent stomach
Shannon Clair
And a good soldier too lady.
Juls Hoover
And a good soldier to a lady. But what is he? To a lord,
Shannon Clair
A lord to a lord, a man to a man stuffed with all honorable virtues.
Juls Hoover
It is so indeed he is no less than a stuffed man. But for the stuffing, well we are all mortal.
Erika Rolfsrud
You must not sir mistake my niece. There is a kind of Mary war betwixt senior Benedict and her, they never meet, but there’s a skirmish of wit between them.
Juls Hoover
LLAs, he gets nothing by that. And our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off. And now is the whole man governed with one. So that if he have a, have wit enough to keep himself warm, warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse. For it is all the wealth that he ha left to be known as known a reasonable creature who’s his companion. Now he had every month a new sworn brother.
Erika Rolfsrud
Okay, Let’s stop, let, let’s stop. Because that’s a tough one. It’s a very alas, he gets nothing by that in our last conflict.
Long sentence. Yes. And she is priming that thing. So it’s less about like, I’m gonna take a deep breath.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
And With that kind of thing, instead it is again like that pulling the period towards you. She’s having fun. And so she’s driving that kid, that kid that messenger couldn’t get a word in edgewise if you wanted to.
So she, she’s, I won’t say showing off, she’s just doing what she does really, really well. Yeah. So,
and also since, since Leonardo’s, like they go at each other, da da da da da da da da. It’s, you know, don’t worry about it guy.
You know,
Juls Hoover
there Was an interesting thing that happened. I don’t know if it was just me, but like there was a kind of an annoyance that I had towards Leonardo at that point, or was like, oh yeah, this is just what they do. I’m like, no, we were, we had a thing, we actually, there was history there. No, I’m, this is justified. Okay, but you’re gonna great.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah, yeah.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
I’m gonna do like giving a really good dump on Benedict. Yeah.
Juls Hoover
You know,
Erika Rolfsrud
it’s like, it’s, that’s her skillset and in a way it’s really hitting me that she is the fool.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Leonard’s court. Yeah. ’cause she gets away with some shit.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
I mean stepping up and just interrupting after the messenger does this and she’s like, excuse me, excuse me. Just wondering, you know, that kind of playfulness and of course Leonardo being a little bit clueless, like what’s going on? And hero being dad, it’s, it’s just Benedict again. Ah, you know, so let’s,
well we are all mortal. Yeah, let’s play that. So it is so indeed he is no less than a stuffed man. But for the stuffing, well we are all mortal. And then Leonardo does that thing that funny people find annoying is he sort of undercuts the laugh.
Juls Hoover
Exactly. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
And then yes, use that irritation to get, get him back and use it to drive through that, that next speech. Yeah. Okay. So take it from it is so indeed he is no less than a
Juls Hoover
It is so, it is so indeed he is no less than a stuffed man for but for the he is no less than. Yeah,
Erika Rolfsrud
take your time.
Juls Hoover
It is so indeed he is no less than a stuffed man. But for the stuffing, well we are all mortal.
Erika Rolfsrud
You must not serve mistake. My niece, there’s a kind of Mary war between Sinor Benedict and her. They never meet, but there’s a skirmish of wit between them.
Juls Hoover
A last he gets nothing by that. And our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off. And now is the whole man governed with one. So that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse. For it is all the wealth that he had left to be known. A reasonable creature, his companion. Now he had every month a new sworn brother.
Shannon Clair
It’s possible,
Juls Hoover
very easily possible he wears his faith. But as the fashion of his hat, it is, it ever changes with the next block.
Shannon Clair
I see lady, the gentleman is not in your books.
Juls Hoover
No. And he were, I would burn my study. But I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no young squire now that will make a voyage with him to the devil.
Shannon Clair
He is most in the company of the Wright Noble Claudio
Juls Hoover
Lord. He will hang upon him like a disease. He is sooner caught than the pestilence. And the taker runs presently mad God help the noble Claudio. If he have caught the Benedict, it will cost him a thousand pound air. He be cured.
Shannon Clair
I will hold friends with you lady
Juls Hoover
Do good friend.
Erika Rolfsrud
You will never run Mad niece.
Juls Hoover
Nope. Not till a hot January
Shannon Clair
On Pedro’s approached.
Erika Rolfsrud
Nice. Nice. Let’s immediately go back to the top of the scene and take that energy that you found Jules, and let’s load it at the top. See what happens.
Ba really nice work.
So I’ll give you Leonardo’s.
How much better is it ready?
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
How much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping?
Juls Hoover
I pray you. Is senior Tonto returned from the wars or no?
Shannon Clair
I know none of that name lady. There was none such in the army of any sort.
Erika Rolfsrud
What is he that you ask for? Niece? My cousin means senior Benedict of Padua.
Shannon Clair
Oh, he is returned and as pleasant as ever he was,
Juls Hoover
He set up his bills here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight. And my uncle’s fool reading the challenge, subscribe for Cupid and challenged him at the bird bolts. I pray you.
How many had he killed and eaten in these wars? But how many had he killed for indeed, I promised you eat all of his killing
Erika Rolfsrud
Faith niece, you text senior Benedict too much, but he’ll be meet with you. I doubt it not
Shannon Clair
He has done good service lady in these wars.
Juls Hoover
You had must be ual and he has hope to eat it. He is a very valiant trencherman. He has an excellent stomach
Shannon Clair
And a good soul.
Erika Rolfsrud
Nope. Oh
Juls Hoover
please. And a good soldier to a lady. But what is he? To a lord.
Shannon Clair
A Lord to a lord. A man to a man stuffed with all honorable virtues.
Juls Hoover
It is so indeed he is no less than a stuffed man. But for the stuffing, well we are all mortal.
Erika Rolfsrud
You must not serve. Mistake. My niece, there is a kind of Mary war between senior Benedict and her. They never meet, but there’s a skirmish of wit between them.
Juls Hoover
Aah. He gets nothing by that. In our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off. And now he is the whole man. But man governed with one Start.
Erika Rolfsrud
Juls Hoover
that Again. So that if he have, huh?
Erika Rolfsrud
Start That, start that speech again. Go ahead.
Juls Hoover
Alas. He gets nothing by that. And our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off. And now is the whole man’s governed with one. So that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse. For it is all the wealth that he have left to be known a reasonable creature who is his companion. Now he has the every month a new sworn brother.
Shannon Clair
It’s possible.
Juls Hoover
Very easily possible he wears his faith. But as the fashion of his hat, it ever changes with the next block.
Shannon Clair
I see Lady, the gentleman is not in your books.
Juls Hoover
No. And he were, I would burn my study, but I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no young squire now that will make a voyage with him to the devil.
Shannon Clair
He is most in the company of the Wright Noble Claudio
Juls Hoover
Lord. He will hang upon him like a disease. He is sooner caught than the pestilence. And the taker runs presently mad God help the noble Claudio. If he have caught the Benedict, it will cost him a thousand pound air. He be cured.
Shannon Clair
I will Hold friends with you lady
Juls Hoover
Do good friend.
Erika Rolfsrud
He will never run Mad niece.
Juls Hoover
Nope, not dual hot January
Shannon Clair
And Pedro’s approached.
Erika Rolfsrud
So just, just a couple of things and I, it’s I lift companion instead of now A little bit more. Who is this companion lift?
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s the first time you’re bringing up
Juls Hoover
Yeah. Who is
Erika Rolfsrud
he brought into the, the posse and lifting the two of you know, and a good soldier to a and a good soldier too. Lady.
And a good soldier to a lady. I mean, it’s almost, it’s almost, you know, Marx brothers, you know what I Yes. A
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
soldier to a lady, you know? Yeah. And I mean, it’s so easy for her and it goes older du lady, but what is he to a lord? You know? It’s, it’s the, her quickness is just so fantastic and then she moves it along. I just finished this one now. Tell me about this guy that, that it’s the, you know, the following through with the, I hate to say lift the end of the line, but it is just a soft sort of Yeah. Knowing how to create a continuance with your, your melody and the energy pulling that period to the conclusion of this, the end, you know? Yeah.
Let’s go further into a little bit, few outline later. I wonder that you would still be talking senior Benedict Shannon,
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
you I ask A question about that last bit before I move
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Erika Rolfsrud
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
I just have A question. ’cause I think it’s sort of interesting to me. We know Claudia’s been in town before and I think it’s interesting the messenger says he’s in the company of the Wright Noble, Claudio and then Beatrice, you know, seems to be like, oh, he’s totally the guy, right? Like I could see it and, and expresses some sympathy of course because it’s really at Benedict’s expense, right? God help the noble Claudio. But part of me wonders is she just echoing the messenger? Noble Claudio No noble Claudio. Or does she actually think he is noble? Like does she kind of like this guy?
I, you know, I think that’s, I’d be curious as the actor, right? Hmm. See Ben Beatrice is just bouncing it back. Or does she actually think Claudio’s a pretty good guy? I
Shannon Clair
mean, I do, I did enjoy the choice in Brando’s one where it’s clear that Hiro already kind of has eyes for Claudio. ’cause he’s been to the town before. Yeah. And he talks about having seen her then, but with the eyes of a soldier. So they’re not meeting for the first time at the top of this play. But he’s looking now for a wife in a way that he was not before. And so there, what I enjoy about this opening in that film is like, already Beatrice is kind of like, oh, your Claudio’s coming back. Ooh. Oh man,
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s, yeah, it’s, it, I mean, you know how things change. You, you know, he’s probably back and he is a little more mature. We find out later, maybe not so mature, not experienced.
And she is probably blossomed a bit since the last time he saw her as well. Maybe she’s looking a little more womanly in his eyes and you know, so yes.
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
Here’s what That means for Beatrice, right? Like what does that mean for Pure if she’s, maybe she really, she’s excited about this marriage and she liked that guy and Right. Doesn’t that or, or you know, again, maybe it’s just
Erika Rolfsrud
feasible to
Cathleen Sheehan (she)
slate, but
Erika Rolfsrud
Oh good, he’s coming. Woo. But it also is can be, can play with the warning of it. Like, let’s not have Benedict influence Claudio poor little puppy.
So let’s do the wee bit of Benedict and Beatrice at the end of this.
And you become Benedict
Shannon Clair
If senior Leonardo be your father.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yes. Are you there Jules?
Juls Hoover
Yes. Okay.
Shannon Clair
If senior Leonardo be her father, she would not have his head on her shoulders for Mond Sina as like him as she is.
Juls Hoover
wonder that you will still be talking Senior Benedict. Nobody marks you.
Shannon Clair
What my dear lady disdain Are you yet living?
Juls Hoover
Is it possible disdain should die while she had such meat food defeated as senior Benedict courtesy itself must convert to disdain. If you come in her presence
Shannon Clair
Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of all ladies only you accepted. And I would, I could find it in my heart that I had not a hard heart for truly I love none
Juls Hoover
A dear happiness to a woman. They would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I think God and my cold blood, I am of your humor for that. I’d rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a men’s where he loves me
Shannon Clair
God. Pure lady still in that mind. So some gentlemen or others shall escape a predestinate scratched face
Juls Hoover
Scratching could not make it worse. And towards such a face as yours were.
Shannon Clair
You are a rare parrot teacher. A
Juls Hoover
bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.
Shannon Clair
I would my horse at the speed of your tongue. And so good a continuer Keep your way. God’s name. I have done
Juls Hoover
You always end with a jade’s trick. I know you are old.
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s interesting in this exchange that it, it strikes me when she says, or when he says,
I love this whole Well we’re, yeah. You know, I’m with you on that one. I’m, I am. I thank God in my cold blood, I’m of your humor for that. I’d rather hear my dog barker to crow. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But his line about, ’cause that comes after, but at is certain I am loved of all ladies. Only you accepted that the, you know, she’s, that she, he’s he’s mentioning the, the thing he’s referring to the thing fucker. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s an interesting moment that he, how Beatrice would hear that, you know, except for you. Of course you, we know you, you know, and I would, I could find in my heart that I had not a hard harbor. Truly, I love none. It’s another one of those things. See, when you’re harboring a, a crush on somebody and, and I don’t know what’s worse to find out that they’re with someone else or if they’re just done.
I had a crush on somebody who was just done because he’d been hurt by his ex-wife so badly. And he’s like, Nope, not gonna do it. I’m like, so, so there is sort of, and you kind of see it in David Tenet and
I can’t think of Renee and Catherine
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Thank you. You kind of see it where they sort of like, yeah, hey, and even clink things. It would be fun to play around with that. I, I’m not sure what I think about that choice, but like, does it water down the Yeah. Now how are you? You’re good. Yeah, that’s great.
You know the idea, but it’s still, we’re being playful at this point until it’s like, oh no different than the last time. You know, like, now to give Shannon a chance, let’s go to the dance. Let’s go to two, one top of that Nancy time, top of the act for you.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. And then Jules, you can be Leonardo.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
I’ll pick up hero and an Antonio,
Juls Hoover
Not count John here at supper,
Erika Rolfsrud
I saw him not
Shannon Clair
Hardly that Unin looks never can see him. But I am heartburn an hour after
Erika Rolfsrud
He is Of a very melancholy disposition.
Shannon Clair
He were an excellent man that were made just in the midway between him and Benedict. The one is two, like an image and says nothing. And the other two, like my lady’s eldest son, evermore tattling,
Juls Hoover
Then half senior Benedict’s tongue and count John’s mouth and half count John’s melancholy in senior Benedict’s face With
Shannon Clair
a good leg and a good foot uncle and money enough in his purse. Such a man would win any woman in the world if he could get her goodwill.
Juls Hoover
By my truth niece, thou will never get be a husband if thou be so shrewd of D tongue
Erika Rolfsrud
In face. She’s too cursed.
Shannon Clair
Too cursed is more than cursed. I shall lessen. God’s ending that way for he said God sends a cursed cow, short horns, but a cow too cursed. He sends none.
Juls Hoover
So by being too cursed, God will send you no horns.
Shannon Clair
Just if he send me no husband for the which blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and evening. Lord, I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face. I had rather lie in the woolen.
Juls Hoover
may light on a husband that ha no beard. What
Shannon Clair
should I do with him? Dress him in my apparel and make him my waiting. Gentle woman.
He that has a beard is more than a youth. And he that has no beard is less than a man. And he that is more than a youth is not for me. And he that is less than a man. I am not for him. Therefore, I will even take six between earnest to bear herd and leave his apes into hell.
Juls Hoover
Well then go you into hell
Shannon Clair
no. Well
Juls Hoover
Shannon Clair
No. But to the gate. And there will the devil meet me like an old cockled with horns on his head and say, get you to heaven, Beatrice get you to heaven. Here’s no place for you maids.
So deliver I up my apes and away to St. Peter for the heavens. He shows me where the bachelors sit and there live. We as Mary as the day is long.
Erika Rolfsrud
Well niece, I trust you’ll be ruled by your father.
Shannon Clair
Yes, faith, it is my niece’s duty to make curtsy and say, father, as it please you. But yet for all that cousin, let him be a handsome fellow or else make another curtsy and say, father, as it please me.
Juls Hoover
Well niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband.
Shannon Clair
Not till God make men of some other metal than Earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be over mastered with a piece of valiant dust to make an account of her life to a claw of wayward moral?
No Uncle I, none Adam’s sons are my brethren. And truly I hold it a sin to match in my kindred
Erika Rolfsrud
Daughter. Remember what I told you? If the prince do solicit you in that kind, you know your answer.
Shannon Clair
The fault will be in the music cousin. If you be not wooed in good time, if the prince be too important, tell him there is a measure in everything. And so dance out the answer for hear me. Hero, wooing, wedding and repenting is a scotch jig, a measure and a synco paste. The first suit is hot and hasty like a scotch jig. And full is fantastical. The wedding mannerly modest as a measure full of state and ancient tree. And then comes repentance. And with his bad legs falls into the syncope faster and faster until he sinks into his grave.
Juls Hoover
Cousin, you apprehend passingly.
Shannon Clair
Have a good eye. Uncle. I can see a church by daylight.
Juls Hoover
The revelers are entering, brother make good room.
Erika Rolfsrud
Oh great, great work
So I noticed, so it’ll be rhythm like with Beatrice, there’s like blah, blah, blah. Where is the one that I was?
Yeah. Okay, first this point. So when Leonardo’s brother says in faith, she’s too cursed there, there’s a very important thing to lift what she’s about to take out, she’s cut co copy, cup paste. It’s like, oh, I’m gonna take that to serve it up in order to then go on her diatribe, I shall lessen God sending that way. So two cursed is more than cursed. So God sending a shirt cursed course. How? And also having fun with the sounds. The cook, cook, cook, cook. I mean, okay, well what should I do with him?
So you may light on a husband that half no beard, here’s the just easy way she cuts through it. What should I do with him? Husband’s, my which, which gives her an idea.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
You know, if he is, if he doesn’t have bair, he’s more than that. And she then surmises and does these little thought journeys. So there’s, there’s, there’s moments like with her, she’s just, she can rip off a, you know, just a real quick bandaid and then then say, oh, well that’s an interesting idea. And then has the whole pulling the period towards her kind of thing, you know? So that is something that I would rec because you and I both, you know, played the role before and you more recently to, to play with a couple of new rhythms just to break it up as a challenge for yourself too.
Shannon Clair
Yeah. Well it’s fun already, because, you know, they cut a bunch of this stuff In the, so
Erika Rolfsrud
Oh my god. Yeah.
Shannon Clair
Some of the, Some of the ones that I get it, I’m like, they cut some of the stuff where you’re like, huh, the bird bolt thing gone. You know?
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
I just, no, no, I do
Shannon Clair
like, I really have to work hard to get you to follow what I am saying here.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Sometimes Richard Easton would say to us, look, you, you know what it means. But sometimes it’s impossible to convey that meaning by finding different ways to stress it. So just say the line. Yeah.
And keep going.
And I’m like, I’ll do that too. When he said with a British accent,
Juls Hoover
so say everything with a British accent,
Erika Rolfsrud
he has no, he had a British accent. I remember he did this little finger thing. He said, he said that to me when we were doing the bourgeois jean, and I was going to play the lacky number two, because you shall play my number second lucky.
I was like, fine, I’m tired.
So let’s, let’s try this again with the idea of, of that wh where when she finds something that she’s gonna, oh wait, I got something here.
The difference between that and a quick, you know,
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
That one’s easy for me.
Shannon Clair
Wait, come back or like elaborate on this.
Erika Rolfsrud
Right? I’m at the net p paint paint, you know? Yeah. So let’s try this again with Leonardo and do yourself a favor and cast. You don’t have to tell us, but you know, think of who your count John or your Yeah.
This sour. And I just love that she, she comes up with, she gotta bring Benedict up. Of course, you know, it’d be halfway between him, him, You know, oh,
Shannon Clair
instantaneously. First other man I can think of,
Erika Rolfsrud
Right? So I mean, whether she’s aware of him bringing him up again or not. That’s something also to play with. Like, I know you guys have heard me say this before. I mean obvious choice Benedict or, or she just moves through it and you guys can deal with it what you want. You know, lots of things to play with. Okay, so let’s start this again. Here we go.
Was not, oh wait, no, you’re doing Leonardo. Sorry Jules.
Juls Hoover
It’s Okay. Does not count John here at supper.
Erika Rolfsrud
I saw him. Not
Shannon Clair
Hartley. That gentleman looks, I never can see him, but I am heartburn an hour after.
Erika Rolfsrud
He is of a very melancholy disposition.
Shannon Clair
He were an excellent man that were made just in the midway between him and Benedict. The one is too like an image and says nothing. And the other is too, like my lady’s eldest son, evermore tattling,
Juls Hoover
Then half senior Benedict’s tongue in count John’s mouth and half count John’s melancholy in senior Benedict’s face
Shannon Clair
With a good leg and a good foot uncle and money enough in his purse. Such a man would win any woman in the world if he could get her goodwill.
Juls Hoover
By my truth niece, thou will never get the a husband if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue
Erika Rolfsrud
In faith. She’s too cursed.
Shannon Clair
Too cursed is more than cursed. I shall lessen God. Sending that way for it is said. God sends a cursed cow, short horns, but to a cow too cursed. He sends none.
Juls Hoover
So by being too cursed, God will send you no horns.
Shannon Clair
Just if he send me no husband for the which blessing I am at him on my knees every morning and evening.
Lord, I could not endure a husband.
Erika Rolfsrud
Stop You right now. Yeah. Real quick.
Shannon Clair
’cause this could be my prayer also. Lord, I could not endure a I
Erika Rolfsrud
think it absolutely is. I think God gets her and she’s got a great symbiotic relationship. He knows, but the, the playfulness. So when we get Leonardo, so we’ll start with in face. She’s too cursed. So you’re playing with this and curse can, can, can, he sends none and Leano decides he wants to play.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Okay. So two cursed gotta send you horns and then the, the acknowledgement of like, okay, all right, just now, let me work this thought. Okay?
Shannon Clair
Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Erika Rolfsrud
So back to by my trust niece. Thou will never get the, a husband
Juls Hoover
By my truth niece, thou will never get the a husband if thou be so shrewd of, if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue
Erika Rolfsrud
Faith, she’s too cursed.
Shannon Clair
Too cursed is more than cursed. I shall lessen God. Sending that way for is said God sends a cursed cow, short horns, but to a cow too cursed. He sends none.
Juls Hoover
So, but being too cursed, God will send you no horns.
Shannon Clair
Just if he send me no husband for the which blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and evening. Lord, I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face. I had rather lie in the woman,
Juls Hoover
You may light on a husband than half no beard.
Shannon Clair
What should I do with him? Dress him in my apparel and make him my waiting. Gentle woman.
He that has no beard is less than a man.
Erika Rolfsrud
So, so Leonardo giver, you may light on a husband that have no beard again, I think,
Shannon Clair
oh, He that has a beard is more than a youth is
Erika Rolfsrud
Person. Yeah. But, but the, what should I do with them? Dress ’em as that’s, that’s another one. These are easy, like Yeah, yeah. Come on.
Alright, Let’s talk about beards.
Those kind of shifts with her rhythm. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like Some
Shannon Clair
I’m think thought beards.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. This Just, okay. Alright. We’ll riff on that one, uncle. Okay. So Leonardo, you may light on a husband that had no beard.
Juls Hoover
You may light on a husband that had no beard.
Shannon Clair
Well, Should I do with him? Dress him in my apparel and making my waiting. Gentle woman, he that had a beard is more than a youth. And he that has no beard is less than a man. And he that is more than a youth is not for me. And he that is less than a man.
I am not for him.
Therefore, I will even take six fence in earnest of the bear herd and lead his apes into hell.
Juls Hoover
Well then go you into hell.
Shannon Clair
No. But to the gate. And there will the devil meet me like an old cockle with horns on his head and say, getchu to heaven, Beatrice get you to heaven. Here’s no place for you maids. So deliver. I have my apes and away to St. Peter for the heavens. He shows me where the bachelors sit and there live. We as Mary as the days long
Erika Rolfsrud
well Niece, I trust you will be ruled by your father.
Shannon Clair
Yes. Faith, it is my niece’s duty to make curtsy and say, father, as it please you. But yet for all that cousin, let him be a handsome fellow or else make another curtsy and say, father, as it please me.
Erika Rolfsrud
Hang on, hang on. Okay. Yes. Yes.
I layer in some landing of like telling her some truths.
Shannon Clair
Mm. You know
Erika Rolfsrud
what I mean? Like, all right, because now Uncle Antonio’s getting all serious again, listen to me
Shannon Clair
and have a
Erika Rolfsrud
You’re not into
Shannon Clair
the prince.
Erika Rolfsrud
That’s right. Speak up. You don’t wanna say so. And then, you know, and, and again it could be fun to father as it please you father as it please me using her voice or whatever kind of thing to keep it light.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
So, all right. I will give you, well niece I trust you’ll be ruled by your father. ’cause who knows, maybe hero’s starting to look a little nervous. I don’t know.
Shannon Clair
I mean, if she does like Claudio, then
Erika Rolfsrud
the proposal
Shannon Clair
from the prince is not ideal. No,
Erika Rolfsrud
but still nerve wracking. Yeah. Because especially if she actually likes Claudia.
Shannon Clair
Right. And she’s supposed to say yes to the prince.
Erika Rolfsrud
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Not what I wanted, but okay. Okay.
All right. So, well niece, I trust you will be ruled by your father.
Shannon Clair
Yes. Faith, it is my cousin’s duty to make curtsy and say Father, as it please you.
But yet for all that cousin, let him be a handsome fellow or else make another curtsy and say
Juls Hoover
Well, knees,
Erika Rolfsrud
I’m gonna show that one more time. You, you froze up a little bit. Sorry.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
just play that spree speech straight.
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
Don’t milk it. Don’t, not that you were milking it, you know what I mean? Just play it straight, you know, and then really, you know, just lay into her like the kind of thing. Okay. So well niece, I trust you will be ruled by your father.
Shannon Clair
Yes. Faith, it is my niece’s duty to take Curtsy and say Father, as it please you. But yet for all that cousin, let him be a handsome fellow or else make another curtsy and say Father, as it please me.
Juls Hoover
Well niece, I hope you will be fitted with a husband one day, or I hope I just said whatever I wanted to. Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband
Shannon Clair
Not to God. Make men of some other medal than Earth. We did not grieve a woman to be over mastered with a piece of valiant dust to make an account of her life to a claw of wayward moral. No uncle I’ll none.
Adam’s sons are my brethren. And truly I hold it a sin to match in my kindred
Juls Hoover
Daughter. Remember when I told you if the prince do solicit you in that kind, you know your answer.
Shannon Clair
The fault will be in the music cousin. If you be not wooed in good time, if the prince be too important, tell him there is measure in everything. And so dance out the answer for hear me. Hero, wooing, wedding and repenting is as a scotch jig, a measure and a synco paste. The first suit is hot and hasty like a scotch jig. And full is fantastical The wedding mannerly modest as a measure full of state and ancient tree. And then comes repentance with his bad legs falls into the sink of pace faster and faster till he sink into his grave.
Juls Hoover
Cousin, you apprehend passing shrewdly.
Shannon Clair
I have a good eye uncle. I can see a church by daylight.
Juls Hoover
The revelers are entering. Brother make good room.
Erika Rolfsrud
Excellent. That last speech. Oh, and then, you know, you can still bring in the color back in with Yes. Faith. It is my cousin’s doi to make her and it’s cousin’s. Judy keep saying niece
Shannon Clair
cousin I’s a niece. Well, okay, now I’m your auntie. I don’t know what happened to our weird family.
Juls Hoover
Same. It’s fine.
Erika Rolfsrud
So weird. So Weird. It is my cousin’s v So
Shannon Clair
Just a rare parent teacher. That’s what I am. I heard niece, so I said niche.
Erika Rolfsrud
it’s, it’s, you know, it’s also, I think it’s just sort of playing up. No, no, no. Uncle Antonio. Yeah, you’re right. You know, it’s, it’s her duty to, you know, say that, Hey kid also you have this choice.
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
Kind of play with it. Can
Juls Hoover
I say There’s a little bit of seven ages of man in this? All the world’s a stage.
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
The, the three stages of Yeah. Woo. Wed and die or repent and die. Yeah.
Erika Rolfsrud
And a little bit, but it would try playing with like, when she has a question, be it rhetorical, but actually really asking it, you know, like, not till God make men of some other metal than Earth. And maybe Leonard is going and make your case. I mean, come on. What woman would wanna be married to mud? You know, it’s like, I I love wayward moral. It’s such a good, right?
Juls Hoover
Yeah. Adam
Erika Rolfsrud
Shannon Clair
my wayward Wayward clay. That clay that’s so wayward,
Erika Rolfsrud
Wayward clay. Yeah. The fault will be in the music cousin if you be not wooed in good times. So if the prince is too important, tell ’em There is measure and everything.
And so we’ve, we’ve, we’ve gotta keep up the whole just a little ting to we’re back in probably being up when good time. So assume that can you know your answer? So that’s sort of the thesis, the beginning of this.
Aha, the fault will be in the music. Music.
Good time.
So we’re gonna talk about the different measures and the different beats and rhythms. So here we, so she’s setting up a poit for herself. This is what I think she also has fun with. Okay, so hero, okay, let’s do three things having to do with this topic. Wooing wedding and a repenting, or no, where am I? Anyway, the third, God damnit can’t find it, but then she expounds on them, which is great. But what’s great for the audience and clarity is if you have set it up like that, ring on the merry-go-round. So every time you come around you ting it.
So you know, for for hear me hero wooing. So remember, and she’ll say the first suit, so the wooing part. So it, and we don’t consciously know this is happening and this is how we’re understanding it, but it’s also an yet another way to break up her rhythms
Shannon Clair
Erika Rolfsrud
she has such long speeches. And it also looking forward to her partial sonnet.
It would be interesting to play, and I’m just thinking of this and it would be a subtle thing, but when she has her, she’s going with her prose and she’s got these ideas and things like that. But when it suddenly is like a verse hearing herself maybe going into that, that more of a structure that the sound coming out of Beatrice is completely different.
Well, not completely. She’s still Beatrice, but you know what I’m saying.
So it looks like it’s, that’s Q Nathan.
Nathan Agin
Great. Wonderful, wonderful session. I I, I, I love just the, the specificity you guys were really diving into in a lot of the sections. And, and, and I really enjoyed the conversation earlier about just the context of, you know, why might this play have been written and what were the source material, potential source material? And where would the story, where did the story go from here? I, I think that’s really fascinating and, and actually made me think of a podcast.
Many of you guys may have listened to it, but I think it’s called Lend Me Your Ears or Lend Me Your Ears, something like that. Slate put it out. And they did a series on a number of different Shakespeare plays about what, what may have been the inspiration for some of the plays given the political climate or other things, cultural touchstones that were going on at the time. So something to check out if you like, diving into why might Shakespeare have written about this play at this time? What might else he have been talking about? So
Erika Rolfsrud
Nathan Agin
McBeth and the
Erika Rolfsrud
gun powder plays. Yeah, yeah,
Nathan Agin
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, there, yeah, there was, and, and Right, like, just what’s gonna happen when Elizabeth dies? Like what, you know, there’s just all this, you know, uncertainty and, and, and all these different things. And, and there’s a number of different plays that it talks about. So maybe of interest to people. So yeah, no, this was, this was wonderful. A great, great session and excited for you guys to come back for the final week. You’ll have Anu, ANU. So she keeps telling us. And I, and I, and I remember, I even think of like fun Nu ’cause she says, unlike fun, so fun, new, fun new Anu we’ll be here again next week and we’ll finish it up and go from there. So yeah, hope you guys all had a great time tonight.
Erika Rolfsrud
Awesome. We did. And I know I, I gave you notes as if you actually are playing those scenes. Like, just email me if you have a preference to one scene you wanna do. It may not go your way. It all depends. ’cause if everybody says the wedding scene, then we’re screwed.
So just let me know your thoughts.
Really great work, ladies. Really, really great work. Thank you.
Juls Hoover
Fun. Thank you.
Erika Rolfsrud
Of course. Now I wanna do it. Now I wanna,
Nathan Agin
Juls Hoover
think Also the benefit of all this is being able to put, read the other characters. Like just, that was, that was really kind of cool too, Getting
Erika Rolfsrud
there. Yeah, yeah, it really does. Yeah. And, and Antonio is quite a contrast to Leonardo
Juls Hoover
Erika Rolfsrud
It’s, that’s fun too. But anyway, so
Nathan Agin
Well, All right, we’ll see you back here next week. For those watching, subscribe, Patreon, check us out, stay involved. Let us know what you think, comments below, all that good stuff. And we’ll, we’ll see you back here for the final week. So that’s it. Have a great night everybody.
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